Chapter 264 Where did the fierce people come from? The annihilation people are stupid

The gods have their own calculations.

Lin Yu has his own calculations.

Everyone has their own ideas.

It’s not enough, as long as this kind of thing is not told, no one will know.

For example, the conspiracy between Eternity and Galactus, no one knows at all.

No one knew about Lin Yu’s departure.


Some things are not secrets.

Such as the death of the rune.

This set off the vibration of the entire multi-universe, as long as you are strong, you can get the corresponding information.

However, some people feel it more strongly than the average person.


The annihilation of the main body in the endless void caused a breath of cold air.

Originally slept well at home, but suddenly it was as if someone had been hit with a stick on the head, and it seemed as if someone was stirring with a stick in the head.

The feeling of tearing the soul is unforgettable.

“The talisman “Nine Zero Zero” died unexpectedly, actually died!”

“Those damn bastards! They actually killed the rune!

“God rune this goddamn trash!

Annihilation is somewhat angry.

As his mood changed, the world around him seemed to be thundering.

As the world is furious, the world is roaring.

The fluctuations from the hook are simply terrifying!

It was as if the entire multi-universe was going to collapse under a single thought of his.


In the end, Annihilation still restrained his strength, and that face that did not look like a human could not see the depth of the horse at all.

In his hands, two huge universes were constantly spinning, like an old man’s exercise ball in the park.

“Strange! Before, these guys could only seal the magic rune.

“This time, how could they kill the magic rune?”

“It’s kind of weird.

Annihilation’s eyes lit up.

His hideous body seemed to be glowing, and everything in this world circulated in his mind and voice.

As if he was the beginning, he was the end, and he was everything.

Just saying the word hook has infinite power.

If they were here forever, they would definitely be taken aback.


Annihilation is the most powerful of them all.

Even now, no one knows how powerful Annihilation is.

Galactus claims to be able to annihilate five to five.

But the two of them have never really fought between life and death, and no one knows how strong they are.

but now.

The Ability of Words and Swordsmanship that annihilates performance hooks has completely surpassed the level of the five gods.

In a way, it has reached power beyond the multi-universe level.


This is the territory of annihilation, the land of endless destruction, and no one can know the information hidden in it.

The five gods are not surprised.


Annihilation is still contemplating.

The tyrannical force was agitated by his power, and the information of the multi-universe began to flow before his eyes.

this moment.

In front of him, time seemed to flow backwards like a painting and calligraphy, but it seemed that there was no such thing.

Ultimately, Annihilation is aimed directly at timing.

A draw from the torrent of time here.

A phantom of the divine rune was drawn out by him from the turbulent flow of time.

This is not an annihilation resurrection rune.

The price paid for resurrecting the multi-universe level cannot even be paid for annihilation.

This is just a projection, a projection of memory.

Annihilation brought back the memory of the rune from time.

This kind of powerful Ability is simply unheard of and unseen.

The multi-universe is closely connected and waiting for this universe? Every move can cause huge amounts of ripples in the multi-universe.

Acting on such a strong person will produce a very terrifying continuous drop.

Annihilation completely ignored the memory of the magic rune that could almost destroy the multi-universe.

“Let you bastard make your final contribution to me.

Annihilation gave an expressionless swipe.

The figure of the rune and the last breath dissipated, leaving only a trace of pure memory light.

Annihilation followed a beat.

He directly took this light net into his head, and quickly browsed the information contained in it.

“In the beginning, it was similar to what I expected, the rune simply escaped.

Annihilation nodded secretly.

The rune is one of his incarnations.

Even, there is a part of the origin of the soul.

He paid such a high price to create a completely independent individual, capable of carrying another path and concept.

In the end he succeeded.

The rune was created by him to hook, and soon possessed the power of the multi-universe level.

If his rune continues to become stronger, he will soon be able to reach his level.

By then 0…

Annihilation only needs to devour this guy, and his power may be able to go further.

It can be said that the rune disaster that swept through half of the multi-universe was the result of him behind the scenes.

Annihilation directed it all behind the scenes.

The reason why he did this was to find a way forward.


The resistance of other gods exceeded his expectations, and the rune was sealed.

Over the years, Annihilation has rescued him.

did not expect.

This time, it was more thorough, and the rune was directly twisted.

Billions of years of hard work are destroyed, how can Annihilation not be angry?

“I want to see who is behind the scenes, how could these rubbish kill the rune?”

“There must be an old guy hooking his hands behind his back. Let me see who it is! He dares to block my plan.”

Annihilation snorted coldly.

In the blink of an eye, countless messages flowed through his eyes.

Countless phantoms flowed past his face.


The scene of the rune fighting flashed in the eyes of annihilation.


“Isn’t it the rubbish who shot?”

A trace of shock flashed in the eyes of Shen Fu’s Gujing Wubo, and the two universes that he was playing with were directly shattered by his leaked breath.

Even the breath that has been manipulated has not been able to be controlled, which shows the shock level of Annihilation at this moment.

What an incredible scene he saw.

Kill God 4.5 characters.

It’s not a multi-universe coalition of no-name brands, but a human magician!

A human magician!

What an absurdity this is.

Among human beings, in addition to those mutants, there are still people who can reach this level.

Also killed the rune.

Does anyone else in this universe do this kind of thing?

Too abnormal, too unreasonable.

“This guy’s breath seems to be a little familiar, as if he has seen it from nowhere.

“How have I ever felt the breath of this little guy?

“There is also such power, which I have never seen before. 93

“This is the road out of this world!

Annihilation’s eyes lit up, and the rays of light went directly to the hook for several feet.

He had never found such power in this world.

This power is weird!

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