Chapter 235 This shot seems to have hit something

With Kamar-Taj strong.

The earth has become more and more calm.

It turned out that in the earth, there are still some monsters that occasionally rhyme.

But since Kamar-Taj Khaki’s contribution point system, monsters on earth, it’s really not enough.

Even a poor soul.

Now as long as the magician of Kamar-Taj gets the news, he can impulsively act as a monster for you.


The earth suddenly became a forbidden place for all kinds of monsters.

Even the super-ability crimes on earth have suddenly decreased a lot.

After a few people in the Avengers got Ability, it really became more and more perverted.

Those government officials who were able to ban the Avengers, that was very informative.

For fear of being killed.

after all.

Not to mention the police, even Captain America is now able to dismantle Gundam with bare hands.


Because of the existence of the Avengers, the environment on Earth has also become an abnormal bottleneck.

Dr. Banner recently teamed up with Tony Stark to develop a more powerful shapeshifting King Kong.

The potential for shapeshifting the world of King Kong is very powerful.

after all.

Among them, there are extremely perverted robots like the 03 Emperor of the Universe and Yuanshi Tianzun.

Their strength is enough to destroy the universe, and the strength of these two has initially entered the threshold of the multi-universe level.

Even in the original universe.

Not to mention, after the traditional strengthening, their technology has been greatly developed.

If the two most powerful robots are created, the strength is probably not as simple as it used to be.

Recently, Tony Starr has been working on those top technologies.

Thanks to these technologies.

Recently, the market value of Star Industries has risen nearly tenfold, and it has become a behemoth.

To know.

After the original Star Industries was shut down the arms department, the business suffered heavy losses and the stock fell like a dive.

Tony Star wanted to rely on the Ark reactor to carry out new energy reforms, but unfortunately, he was attacked by traditional energy giants.

ultimately failed to develop.

It can be said.

Star Industries has encountered a lot of difficulties before, and it is completely supported by technology.


Lin Yu’s technology not only gave Xiao Tony Star a strong fighting power, but also greatly enhanced his technology.

Star Industry has also become more powerful, it can be said that it is rich enough to rival the country.

Tony Star got richer.

Even, within a month, dozens of satellites were launched.

He is even ready to start outer space exploration and then start other planetary mining projects.

“Dr. Banner, now I have some problems,

“I need to upgrade my shapeshifters again, upgrade their weapons.

“And I’m in space, building a new orbital defense weapon.

“I hope yours can give me some advice.

Tony Star said.

Tony Star type is not a noble person, a lot of technology, he shares with Dr. Banner.

The current Dr. Banner is not the same Dr.

After all, this is a great man in science who can be hung on the wall while he is alive.

Silly girl in tech, better than Tony Star

Not to mention, he now has a stronger body and a more flexible brain.

But now that the Avengers are more powerful, Dr. Banner doesn’t want to shoot.

Almost began to switch careers as a technician gap.

Dr. Banner takes the information from Tony Stark.

At a glance, he was immediately stunned.

“Tony, you actually built ten railguns in the outer space trickery?”

“You know how powerful this thing is, right?

Banner stared at Tony Stare in astonishment.

this kid.

Directly above the low-Earth orbit, a laser weapon that can easily vaporize a mountain is arranged.

Compared to the completely useless rods of God in the movie, this thing is much scarier.

Even in smoggy weather, with high-power laser weapons, it can be political and legal a mountain.

In space, without any refracting medium, the power is even more terrifying.

It is easy to evaporate small planets with a diameter of several kilometers.

This kind of thing, Tony Star is so silently arranged in low earth orbit?

“Banner, you must know that the threat we face is no longer a threat on Earth.”

“It’s more from space.

“I hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D’s classified archives, and there are more than us in the universe. 99

“The strength of those civilizations is beyond our expectations.”

“We have to have the ability to protect ourselves.”

Tony Starley said very seriously.

“Well, what’s the problem you can’t solve right now?

Banner sighed and said.

“It’s definitely a heat dissipation issue.”

“The problem now is that these things can only fire one shot, and they will overheat. 99

“This issue is very troublesome.

Tony Star had a very headache.

On Earth, such a problem is not a problem at all.

Laser weapons on military warships dissipate heat directly through seawater.

Even on land, there are plenty of ways to dissipate heat.

But not in space.

In space, without fast air, there is no exchange medium.

It can only dissipate heat by thermal radiation.

Why do satellites have several things like huge wings?

One is to provide solar energy, and the other is to dissipate heat by increasing the area.


That’s very slow.

Satellites can, because satellites work with little heat.

Laser rail guns can explode billions of degrees of high temperature in an instant, and heat dissipation is a big problem.

883 “It turns out that we can use heat to integrate complex systems and convert them into energy twice.

Dr. Banner wrote numerous equations on the computer.

Tony Star, looked shocked.

“What a great idea.

“It can not only solve the problem of heat dissipation, but also provide secondary energy supply.

“Let me do the math and refit immediately. 11

Tony Star and the doctor who handled the case got busy.

The two people finally figured out the data and what they needed after doing complicated calculations.

Tony Stark immediately started construction on the industrial shapeshifting King Kong in space.

A few days of effort.

The railgun was directly modified.

“Okay, now is the time to verify whether these things work.

“Let’s take a shot.

Tony Star said eagerly.

“Yes, lasers are completely invisible in the universe anyway, and no one can find us.

Dr. Banner said

In fact.

In the universe, laser weapons are not as conspicuous as in the movies.

This is more like an invisible weapon, with no traces at all.

Dr. Banner wasn’t finished yet.

Tony Starr’s side opened fire.

Let it dry for a while.

The expression on Tony Star’s face became odd.

“Doctor, we seem to have hit something.

Tony Star, looking at the computer, said,

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