Chapter 226 Big Brother, it’s too awesome


The golden light collided with the pitch-black shield.

It was as if frost and fire collided.

Two completely incompatible forces, mixed with terrifying laws, collided.

The powerful fluctuations added even more snow to the already broken universe.

in the sky.

There was even the cry of the universe.

“Hahaha, do you know why in this world, you hypocrites are always at a disadvantage?

“Because you always have to keep that damn look.

“This is your universe, and it will be destroyed soon.”

“Even if I fail, the world will not survive through the pavilion again, so who is the failure?”

Sithone laughed wildly, triumphantly.

Lin Yu did make him feel a little stressed.


He needs to do something else.

for example.

Shake this guy’s mind.

“After our battle, the power of my black magic will take root in this world”

“This universe will become the sacrifice of my power, and it will no longer be uncomfortable for you ordinary people to survive.

“So, you are nothing but a hypocrite.”

Sithone’s rampant File size.

Constantly pouring the power of his powerful black magic into the very small shield in front of him.

to their level.

Attacks are no longer out of their reach.

under the guidance of spiritual will.

These attacks can even directly hit targets a few stars away.

Not to mention, this goal is in front of him.

Naturally, Sishorn could only defend, using that small shield to block all attacks.

Lin Yu heard what he said.

The expression on his face did not change, it was still the same expression.

“I destroyed the universe I live in, are you really sure?

“As the god of black magic, you don’t seem smart.

“Don’t you realize that this is not the original universe at all?

Lin Yu said calmly.

He stretched out his hand.

The surrounding universe folded to dry.

Like Sorcerer Supreme folds those buildings on Earth with ease.

He just wiped it.

Those wounds that remained in this universe for eternity were actually smoothed out by him.


Visible surprise appeared on Sishorn’s face.

“This, is this space magic?”


Sishorn was a little surprised.

“Definitely the beginning.

“Do you really think that I will let a god like you, in my universe, do whatever you want?”

“Are you serious?

Lin Yu looked at the god in surprise.

This guy.

Wouldn’t it be so naive?

How could he allow such a powerful god to do something in the universe?

At the peak of the multi-universe, it could easily destroy the world.

How could he have made his own universe so miserable?


At the beginning.

when time stands still.

He directly used the mirror space to wrap everything around him.

Just started time.

Even Sithone was imprisoned for a moment.

Naturally he can do it.

It may not be easy to pull Sithone into mirror space.

But he wanted to go out.

Then ask Lin Yu if he agrees or not.

“Boy, you can. 9)

Sithone looked gloomy.

did not expect.

His dignified god of the underworld, Sishorn, was actually overcast by such a little guy.

But who could have thought.

Do they have Infinity Stones?

The Infinity Stone may be considered a treasure in the universe, but in the eyes of the real powerhouse, it is nothing at all.

If it is really precious.

How could these powerhouses allow such treasures to fall into the universe?


For the strong, this is a poison.

Powerful poison.

To use the power of this thing, except to make the Nemesis stronger, nothing can be gained.

Relying on foreign objects, you can’t become a strong person at all.

He didn’t expect that this group of magicians would use the infinite gems like this.

So it hit a trick.

“Hmph, what if you plotted that I succeeded?”

“My strength is still unrivaled, watch me cut through your fragile fortress.

Sithone sneered.

One hand provides powerful energy.

-Do hand knife shape with one hand, straight ahead of everything.

That space was directly torn apart.

They saw the outside environment, and the three of them, like fools, watched outside.


Sishorn was startled again.

The black power in his hand activates.

The black light shot out directly, smashing the three figures of Mordo directly.

The silhouettes of the three of them dissipated directly like a bubble.

Sithone’s face turned gloomy.

“Good trick.”

“I didn’t even realize they were fake.

“I admit, I underestimated you a bit.

Sishorn said with a cold face.

He was indeed a little shocked, not knowing what tactics the guy was using.

Even the soul breath is exactly the same phantom.

He had never seen such a realistic illusion in his life.

This was beyond his comprehension.

“You are not underestimating me.”

“You’re just too arrogant. 93

“This world doesn’t look like it was billions of years ago, and the world has changed.

Lin Yu said lightly.

“Ah, the world has changed.

“I think you are the guy who should go see that world.”

Sishorn said coldly.

Sishorn was a little shattered.

What’s up with this guy.

Doesn’t he know that people in other worlds are not like this?

in an endless multi-universe.

Sishorn also saw such a pervert.

As soon as he entered the multi-universe-level police, he was able to deal with a strong man like him.

There are so many ways.

Is this an ordinary strong man, should he have the strength?

This kid is completely unreasonable.

Even said he was behind.

He was half way behind.

He searched all over the multi-universe, and there was no such pervert (of money).

He is divine.

Always keep the world strong.

He is the source of black magic.

Also an intermediary for black magic.

All black magicians will have contact with him.

Therefore, he will use all the black magic in this world, whether it is the past, the present, or the future.

He will do the black magic created by other black magicians.

Is he out of date?

This is a joke!

He is the most powerful black magician in the entire multi-universe.

The reason why he was smothered.

It was because he didn’t expect that Lin Yu had so many other means.

Sithone’s face was full of depression.

Naturally, this was also seen by the Mordos outside.

“Eldest brother is too perverted. 97

“Look at poor Sithone, beaten like this.

“It’s really tragic.

The three of Mordo looked at each other softly.

decided at the same time.

In this life, no one will provoke Senior Brother again,

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