Chapter 224 God? It’s really shameless!

Unknown domain.

The expression on Mordo’s face was a little terrified.

Terrifying black magic, flying in the starry sky.

in the blink of an eye.

already in front of them.

They can feel it.

The black magic exudes an incomparably tyrannical power.

They can clearly feel that as long as this magic hits them, they will surely die.

I am afraid that even the soul cannot survive.

In the face of this powerful energy wave that can destroy both rule and space.

Even turning back time cannot bring them back to life.

The time here is polluted by a powerful dark force.

Unless this universe is restarted, otherwise.

They can’t be resurrected at all.

But the cost of restarting the universe is too great.

Moro fell directly into despair, it was really terrifying.

When true death comes.

Not many people can maintain a state of complete freedom from fear.

at this time.

The terrifying black magic was about to touch the ink bucket.

A pale green light appeared.

A huge array of incomparable formations appeared in this starry sky.


It stopped suddenly.

That powerful black magic that can tear people apart.

Suddenly stopped in the void.


It was as if a car suddenly stepped on the brakes, and the expressions on their faces froze directly on their faces.

This time, even the mighty Sithone was not excluded.

A golden light flashed.

A portal appeared.

Lin Yu fished directly into this void.

He said nothing.

Just wave your hand.

The golden power directly emerges.

Just in an instant, those powerful dark magic powers were all shattered.

They directly dissipate and become the most basic energy in this world.

“God of black magic, Sishorn?”

“How do you rhyme this universe now?

Lin Yu waved his hand, Mordo and the others regained their freedom.

At the same time, Sithone rang out, with a strange expression on his face.

“Why am I here?”

“Simply, it’s definitely because of you guys.

“You magicians who betrayed the gods.

Sishorn said very hard.

in the prison of time.

Sithone didn’t completely lose the Resistance Ability.

On his body, black power surged and began to fight against the power of time around him.

Sithone’s strength is evident.

Dormammu is vulnerable to the power of the Infinity Stones.

Even Strange, who has just learned magic, can use the time gem to kill Dormammu.

Sithone was fighting against this power at the moment.

His mighty power is surging in this universe.

It is clear.

In a single universe, a projection of the Infinity Stones cannot completely rise up a multi-universe-level police powerhouse.

Lin Yu knows this too.

He was just buying some time.

Lin Yu didn’t say anything after hearing this guy’s nonsense.

Just asked.

“Who told you this news, can you tell me?

“Ah, there’s nothing to hide.

“A guy named Thanos, although weak, but very smart”

Sishorn said disdainfully.

Lin Yu was taken aback.


Isn’t this the tyrant?

It turned out that this matter turned out to be the arm of Thanos.

No wonder Sishorn ran into this universe just like he was out of his mind, trying to kill them.

“I really did not expect that the legendary god of the underworld is extremely proud. 99

“It can even be manipulated by mortals.

Lin Yu said disdainfully.

“Magician, I’m not being manipulated by mortals.

Sishorn said angrily.

“Not being manipulated by mortals, why are you hooked here now?

“Still dealing with us magicians.

“God, it’s nothing more than that.”

Lin Yu said with great disdain.

“Magician, you are courting death.

“You have betrayed the gods, and sooner or later you will be punished by the gods.

“In this world, the way to not practice gods is only a dead end.

“And now, I am your curse.”

Sishorn said loudly.

Lin Yu glanced at the guy.

Wouldn’t Sithhorn still exist billions of years ago?

“God, if you are so stingy, then we don’t need to worship such a bunch of guys.”

“Not to mention, we Kamar-Taj, who believe in the great Vissandi, have nothing to do with you Sithone.

“Aren’t you a dog with a rat and a nosy?”

Lin Yu opened his mouth with disdain.

“Hehe, you magicians”

“Definitely blind.

“I’m just representing the magician, to punish you, and to collect your sinful souls by the way..”

Sishorn said.

“It turns out that it is for profit.

“The soul of the magicians, I don’t think you look very good, and I think it’s pretty good. 9

“God of the Underworld is nothing but a selfish person who runs for his own benefit, so he deserves to be called a god?”

Lin Yu was disdainful in his heart.

God has me, and if there is me, there will be selfishness.

If fairness cannot be maintained, what is the need for gods to exist?

“Magician, you still don’t understand.

“In this world, the power entanglement is the most important.”

“This world has always been a world of the weak. 93

“I can get your soul only because I am stronger than you, and I want to do it.

Sishorn said.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

There was a sound of glass breaking.

The light green, the power that emerges from the Time Gem has begun to become more and more fragile.

It shattered like glass.

The light green time law was shattered from the most fundamental place, and the power of the source began to slowly disappear.

“Now, are you ready to feel the power of darkness?”

The red training suit on Sishorn’s body seemed to burn, and it looked like blood flowing.

The red light in the eyes shot a few feet directly, looking like a monster.

The power of dark magic spreads unabashedly.

Really seems to be a powerful god.

“Looks like we’ll have to do one after all,

“It seems that in our Kamar-Taj history, 4.5 is going to be one more slaughter of the gods. 33

“very nice.

Lin Yu shook his neck to dry his neck and made a rattling sound.

Hand use.

A white-gold lightsaber appeared in Lin Yu’s hand, without any energy fluctuations, it looked extremely sharp.

It seems “, the magic of our Kamar-Taj is very powerful.

“And it has nothing to do with you.

Lin Yu said.

“Aah, the power of Weishandi, that hypocrite. 99

“It seems that you still regard him as your patron saint.

“But he didn’t see through his disgusting and hypocritical face.

Sishorn said coldly.

“You are a murderer, you do all kinds of evil, you torture people for fun, the god of black magic”

“Have you ever said that?”

“God, it’s really shameless.

Lin Yu said disdainfully,

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