Chapter 210 Ming Xiu the plank road, dark crossing Chencang



Thanos’ incomparably huge battleship covered half of the sky.

Countless blue cannons poured down from the sky.

“My God! What is that!”

“There’s artillery firing at us!”

“Run! Run!

“Mordo magician, what’s going on, how could someone attack us! 9


Guests from other places shouted in panic.

All who come here are superpowers.

Even a power user is powerless in the face of this artillery fire.

This is no artillery on Earth.

This is a plasma negative pressure bomb that can completely raze the surface to the ground.

How powerful is the Scarlet Witch.

The existence that can tear apart the tyrant.


Faced with such a weapon, he was still helpless and almost killed.

All the Avengers were almost fooled by this powerful explosion.

Only a pervert like Captain Marvel can resist such an attack.

If those shells smashed down.

I’m afraid no one will survive except the magician of Kamar-Taj.

Lin Yu shook his head, a flash of 03 body.

Hook now in the sky.

“I am Kamar-Taj’s eldest disciple, Lin Yu.

“You don’t need to panic, it’s just to welcome everyone and provide some fireworks.93

“Now please enjoy it.

Lin Yu smiled lightly.

Together with the spiritual power, a comforting mental wave was passed on and cut.

The panicked guests all calmed down.


Lin Yu snapped his fingers.

– This kind of fluctuation is directly transmitted to the drying hook.


in the sky,

Those plasma negative pressure bombs that have not been used yet explode directly in the sky.


Dazzling sparks appeared in the sky.

Really like a blossoming Firework explosion, it looks very beautiful.

Lin Yu also special police to make these explosions appear more brilliant and more beautiful.

“Okay, thank you for being surprised.”

“Everyone can play Kamar-Taj under the leadership of Mordo.”


Lin Yu waved his hand.

Everything in the sky just disappeared.

The sky was blue again.

Only he was facing the huge amounts of battleship in the sky that covered the sun.


There was no nervous look on Lin Yu’s face.

” Thanos, who gave you the courage to come to Earth?”

“Since you’re here, let’s stay.

Lin Yu said something.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, an incomparably huge giant hook was now hanging in the sky.

This radiant big hand has a file size of tens of thousands of meters.

It is much larger than the battleships of several kilometers.

This big hand directly fucked the battleship.

If this big hand is caught, I am afraid that the huge amounts of the battleship will explode directly.

in the spaceship.

Ebony Maw among the battleships.

He looked at the beast in horror.

His heart was full of fear.

“Really powerful”

“It is unimaginable that there is such a powerful life form on the earth. 99

Thanos’ very magnetic voice sounded in the bridge of the spaceship.

“Fortunately, I also have enough strength.

“In this world, it’s not just you who have this kind of power, magician Lin Yu.


Thanos raised his hand.

A cube appeared in his hand.

This is a very transparent cube that exudes powerful energy.

Thanos just stretched out his hand.

The powerful force spreads out.

This power competes with the giant hand composed of huge amounts of light.

a time.

Lin Yu didn’t even destroy the battleship directly.


“The world of Marvel is really amazing. There is such a treasure, which can let you exert the power of hooking.”

” Thanos, is this what you are trying to provoke me with?”

Lin Yu’s faint voice sounded directly in the sky.

“Do not.”

“You misunderstood Lin Yu magician, I’m not provocative.

“I’m just here to make a move Roar. 99

“I admire you so much.

“Your name, preached throughout the multi-universe. 99

Thanos’ voice is also transmitted directly to the spaceship.

Sounds in the surrounding space.

A lot of energy trembled directly.


Under the addition of the Heart of the Universe, the power of Thanos is also very powerful!

“Make a move Roar?

“In this universe, I’m afraid there is no reason to use battleships to attack Roar.

“I see that you have a plan.

“Like, Infinity Stones, right?”

Lin Yu’s faint voice rang out.

Just as Thanos was about to speak again, Lin Yu’s voice rang out again.

“Not only that, you’ve moved your wrist, haven’t you?”

“Are you waiting now, with a few of your subordinates, put the Infinity Stones in your hands, and you can start your self-fulfilling plan?”

Lin Yu’s voice was sarcastic.

Thanos really sank.

But he still spoke.

“What if you found out. 99

“They have succeeded, and I will get the Infinity Stones even if you can’t stop my plan. 22

“You don’t understand how powerful the stone is.”

Thanos’ hoarse voice sounded.

“It’s pathetic.”

“You don’t understand at all that the power of the Infinity Stones is nothing in front of the real powerhouse. 97

Lin Yu sighed.

Infinity Gems.

It is a treasure in the eyes of the Father.

The single universe has been able to dismiss it with disdain.

Even if all gems ask for power, they can’t kill a powerhouse in a single universe.


If in the multi-universe, all the Infinity Stones are re-condensed, and the Nemesis reappears, it is possible.


This is impossible.

By the Infinity Stones in a single universe.

Power is ultimately limited.

867 is not.

How can such a treasure not be used?

A power gem is thrown on a planet that no one cares about.

That is, Thanos, will continue to treat this thing as a treasure.

He has real power in his hands, but he doesn’t know how to cherish it.

How sad.

” Thanos, your wishful thinking is really good. 53

“Mingxiu’s plank road crosses Chencang secretly.”

“Unfortunately, you underestimate the true power.

“This is something you can’t compare to you, I am the incarnation of the almighty.

Lin Yu said something.


He snapped his fingers directly.

In front of him, fluctuations flashed.

Three figures appeared in front of him.

These are the three subordinates of Thanos.

Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf.

“I want to get the Infinity Stones.

“It’s not easy, is it?

Having said that, Lin Yu stretched out his hand.

These three figures exploded directly, and even the most basic particles disappeared.


Lin Yu made a surprised sound.

“It turned out to be a product, a clone, I said how dare you hook the earth.

“Looks like you’ve got something extraordinary, Thanos.

“I look forward to playing against you.

Lin Yu smiled.

Fingertips flashed gold.


in the sky.

It was so huge that it exploded directly.

In the universe, once again restore peace,

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