Chapter 206 magician trial! Beyond the line of life and death can be harvested!

The power of time is infinite.

The Time Stone, which can even be recast by the Infinity Stone, has a very powerful power.

This is from the power of the great Nemesis.

The earth is under the control of this power, as if it were being created.

For ordinary people, life is still the same, and there were no district police before.


Everything was different for Kamar-Taj’s magician.

The experience in the dream dimension completely changed them.

In front of a strong man like Dream Demon.

They felt the powerlessness of the SWAT.

Not to mention protecting others, in front of such a strong person, they can’t even protect themselves.


Modu was overcome with pain and came up with a trial plan.

Naturally, Lin Yu would not stop this from happening.

He can protect the magicians from harm, but won’t stop them from becoming stronger.

In order to make the magicians work hard, he and his great magicians developed a system of contribution points.

If you want to become stronger, you can fight by yourself and get contributions through fighting.

If you don’t want to fight, you can do research, write your practice experience, and you can also make contributions.

For magicians, the library is not a free and open existence, but needs to contribute points.

The first three comprehension can be free, but later, if you want to comprehend again, you need to provide contribution points.

In general, Contribution Points can be exchanged for anything.

Even the magical weapons passed on by Kamar-Taj, will do.

To ensure fairness and justice.

Specifically, he asked Tony Stark to design an artificial intelligence for him, responsible for the magicians to contribute points

As long as there is a contribution, life can be very different.


Do not want to work hard and want to live as before, Lin Yu will not force it, Kamar-Taj will still send a monthly allowance, enough for them to live.


If you want something better, you have to work hard.

Lin Yu believes that this system can make the sky in the law circle, and quickly stand out and rhyme.

This has been proven long ago.

Eating a big pot of rice will only raise lazy people.

It’s human nature to like indolence and dislike labor. Who doesn’t like to eat, drink, and have fun?

Only the reward system of questioning can give full play to people’s subjective initiative.

Some people are unwilling to be ordinary, and the natural gap will come out.

Moreover, the existence of Lin Yu can ensure the fairness of this system and let it operate well, and Yuanyuan constantly helps him to cultivate non-vegetables.

Lin Yu thought of this, and the corners of his mouth were full of danger.

Looking at the various rules and regulations specified in the hand, there is nothing wrong.

Lin Yu is very satisfied.

Ordinary people are really not strong.

It is very good at formulating systems.

This system is very in line with his wishes.

As expected, it was Tony Star who made him work overtime for several days to get it.


very good.

“Okay, Mordo, since things have been decided, starting from every tomorrow, let’s start implementing them~”. 99

“We’ve been at ease for too long under the protection of the Sorcerer Supreme.

Lin Yu said lightly.


Most of the magicians under Sorcerer Supreme are not good at fighting.

Being trained to fight and actually being able to fight are two different things.

Even after very strict combat training, when the blood of the same kind is sprinkled on their faces, not many people can be indifferent.


The police saw that there were many Kamar-Taj magicians, and there were actually only a few of them.

in the movie.

Kaecilius took a few of his subordinates and directly chose the holy place, and all the magicians and magicians guarding the place were beheaded.

Even if Kaecilius had the power of Dormammu at that time, it was too exaggerated.

It can be seen that Kamar-Taj’s magician, the actual combat effectiveness is worrying.


Lin Yu needed their strength before, plus, he was strong and didn’t care about that.

Now that they are rhyming by themselves, Lin Yu naturally won’t let them change.

Looking at Mordo in front of him, Lin Yu felt a lot of emotion.

Modu, the stubborn old stubborn, has also changed.

“Eldest brother, I will arrange it tomorrow and let them start implementing. 39

“However, there is one more thing I want the permission of Senior Brother.”

Moro said with a solemn expression.

“Tell me, what’s the matter.

Lin Yu said lightly.

“Senior brother, please give the magicians some death quotas.

“Without the experience of life-and-death crisis, there will be no real powerhouse.

Mordo said.

Hearing this, Lin Yu frowned.

To be honest, he still felt a little distressed about the loss of these precious magicians.

These are his brothers and sisters, dear friends and relatives.


In order for them to become stronger, Lin Yu could only be relieved.


“However, let the magicians die in vain.”

Tell “Those hell lords, as long as the same rank hooks, no matter what means they use to kill our magician, I will not do it. 9

“Let them really experience it.

Lin Yu sighed and said.

“Thank you eldest brother, eldest brother, you are really far-sighted.”


Moro said very respectfully.

Mordo is not really worried,

Among the same rank, their Kamar-Taj magician should be the most powerful.

Top-level inheritance, powerful magic weapons, famous teachers, and a large number of brothers and sisters.

In this way, you can’t come out on top in the same session, even if you die.

“That’s it, you make arrangements first.

“Although that is said, the magicians can’t be hooked to death in vain. 19

“You guys, in addition to hooking into battles, you should also give the magicians some practical training. 9

“Our magician big money should also be handled.”

“When the time comes, make it a little grander, and invite more forces around.”

“Magicians from the outer dimensions, the big forces on earth who know our name, please come here.” “The rewards are also richer, this is all to improve cohesion. 99

“It must be taken seriously. 59

Lin Yu said.

To be honest.

Lin Yu feels that Kamar-Taj can maintain in the hands of Sorcerer Supreme for so many years, it can only be said that the Supreme (Qian Wang Hao) is magicalian.

No reward, no benefit, training every day, practicing extremely boring magic, and risking life to protect the world.


What spirit is this?

A police superhero, probably with love thunder.

But it is a miracle that a force can persist like this.

The prestige of Sorcerer Supreme is too high.


This too has reached its limit.

It is impossible to develop.

Even people have to stay within a certain size.

As time goes.

Such a family-style magician opportunity, has begun to ill ask if it’s too late for the card now.

Change is imperative.

He will also take advantage of this shareholder wind.

Hit the multi-universe level directly!

As long as the Kamar-Taj, can cut a few more Powerful Level God Father police.

Lin Yu felt that he was not far from the multi-universe police officer.

The rain that will surely come today,

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