Chapter 204 Eternal Shock! Ancient One’s disciples are so powerful?!

The dimension of dreams.

This is a very special dimension.

There is no world at the most Elementary level, but in the deeper dimensions.

Ordinary people can’t even reach such a place.


It is also very hidden and obscure here.

Even if you want to measure it, it is very difficult.


What happens in the dimension of dreams, most people will definitely not know.

Only the most powerful beings, following can get some cobweb trails.

Eternity, such a person exists.

As the four abstract entities, eternity possesses unimaginable power.

His powerful strength can make the entire multi-universe tremble.

Even what happened in the dimension of dreams could not hide the mighty god of Eternity.

When Lin Yu beheaded the dream demon.

Eternity is monitoring the entire multi-universe.

As the guardian of the multi-universe order.

The eternal task is very heavy.

“Eight sixty” after all.

This is a very dangerous world, with countless dangerous characters, who can destroy the entire multi-universe at any time.

A being like Dormammu cannot be ranked in the eyes of eternity.


“How did the causal line of the dream dimension become so chaotic all of a sudden?

“what happened?”

Eternal feels something is wrong.

Just a thought.

The whole world appeared before him.

“It turned out that the dream demon was beheaded.”

“No wonder”

Eternal shook his head.

Dream Demon has been operating in the dream dimension for many years.

Although it is nothing in his eyes, Ke is definitely a powerhouse in a single universe.

did not expect.

actually died.

“However, the multi-universe seems to be a little uneasy recently.

“Dormammu is dead, Mephitos is dead, and now even eternity has fallen.

“What’s wrong with these villains recently? It’s really unfavorable for fleeting years.”

Eternal said with a sigh.

However, the slightly raised corners of his mouth showed his mood.

Come to think of it, seeing these guys, death, eternity is also very pleasant.

“The Ancient One has a really good eye.

“This kid is a restless guy.”

“If it goes on like this, I am afraid that all the villains around the earth will be killed by this kid. 99

“Fortunately, this has nothing to do with me, let the destruction of that dog be a headache.”

Eternal couldn’t help but want to snicker.

The world is fair.

Darkness and light coexist.

They are all part of the law that runs in this world.

Like an abstract entity, there is his eternal existence that detects the multi-universe order.

There is also Destruction, an existence designed to bring the entire multi-universe to the end.

if one day

Destruction just think.

The whole world will be destroyed by his powerful power, and only those who transcend the multi-universe will survive.

This is the greatest horror of the entire multi-universe.


These guys who want to do things all the time and destroy the world are all under the control of destruction.

This is also part of the law of this world.


Eternity also has its own thoughts and naturally has preferences.

He has a good relationship with Ancient One and is very optimistic about Ancient One.

She even roams the multi-universe with her soul.

For the successor of the Ancient One.

He is naturally very optimistic.

Innate kindness.

This guy is making trouble, and Eternal is just laughing it off.

“Well, let this kid toss.

“No matter what, it’s just a matter of the universe, and it’s harmless. 29

Eternal shook his head.

multi-universe, incomparably vast and endless.

In a huge amount of world, there are endless parallel universes.

Everyone can find a different self in other universes.

Only a small number of extremely strong people can break away from the shackles of countless parallel universes, gather all together, reach eternity, and ascend to the throne of God.

in the eyes of eternity.

All that Lin Yu did was just petty play.

Without multi-universe, everything is empty.

Instead of observing things in the dimension of dreams, Eternal began to deal with its own affairs, and the tyrannical force began to float in the whole world.


“This breath? What is this breath?”

“That guy took off his feet? It’s impossible!”

Eternal complexion replied, with a somewhat obscure expression.

How eternity exists.

One of the strongest in this world.

The old hang Wu, who has lived for an unknown number of epochs, does not have a long lifespan in some worlds.

What has he not seen?

But at this moment.

Eternal but suddenly discolored, the expression on his face looks very dignified.

“That’s right, it’s the god rune, how could this guy get off his feet?

“Isn’t he sealed?

Eternal’s expression changed.

How does the rune exist?

He is a self-conscious incarnation of destruction…

It is also the opposite of eternity.

His power is so powerful that he once wanted to destroy the entire multi-universe.


Several of their big bosses on the order side, asked the force to seal this guy up.

Theirs even had locks that were absolutely impossible to open.

They used the planet devourer in each parallel universe as a lock to seal the rune.

As long as the Planet Devourer doesn’t die, the rune will never come out.

Now, how could he feel the breath of the rune?


He must pay attention.

With the movement of eternal thoughts, a large amount of information is hooked.

After half a day.

Eternal Seam breathed a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, fortunately, it turned out to be a projection.”

“This guy hasn’t gotten out yet, scaring me to death.”

Eternal shook his head.

If the rune comes out, he will be the first to suffer.

It will definitely make him very miserable.

Eternity certainly can’t let this guy unhook from the seal.

Eternity has been decided.

After a while, I will directly reinforce this guy’s seal again.

shook his head.

Eternal continued to regain his composure.


“The disciple of Ancient One actually destroyed the projection of the divine rune?”

“This kid is so fierce?

Eternal is a little surprised.

How the rune exists.

Even a projection has unrivaled power.

Even if he has just entered the multi-universe, it is impossible to deal with the projection of the rune.

4.5 However.

The disciple of Ancient One.

Just kill this guy?

Did this kid take gunpowder?

so fierce,

Eternal was a little surprised and didn’t know what to say.

Ancient One’s ability is very good, and it is considered the top among mortals.

His apprentice is even fiercer.

This kind of power may have caught up with some gods.

“Ancient One, it really surprised me.

“It’s strange that a small earth can hook so many strong men.”

“Is there anything strange about the earth in this world? You must visit it when you have time.

“There must be a problem.

Eternal shook his head.


An unremarkable planet.

There are so many strong people.

It’s kind of weird.

The pervert of Lin Yu.

Being born in the holy land of the multi-universe is finally normal,

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