Chapter 202 The Dream Demon Falls! Someone Else?

one strike!

Just one hit.

The dream demon sacrificed the twisted things of the single Level Universe policeman he summoned, and all of them were smashed.

From the most fundamental, the most original place to smash.

Every tiniest particle in their body was crushed into powder by that powerful force.

The law breaks and the world collapses.

The shaky dream dimension has become even more lifeless.

This time, I am afraid that the dimension that has been dreaming for tens of thousands of years will gradually return to normal.

Even if Lin Yu stopped.

That powerful force is still spreading and wandering towards the outside world.

The expression on the dream demon’s face was shocked, with a little fear.


Still a little desperate.

“Do not!!”

“How is this possible, how can you suddenly burst out with such a powerful force.”

The dream demon’s desperate voice sounded from the dimension of dreams.

He couldn’t imagine it at all.

to this extent.

When they reached this level of strength, Lin Yu still had the means to explode such strength.

For people like them.

This is very rare.

Some of the powers that improve their strength are completely unusable for them to this extent.

It is very normal for a strength like Captain America to increase the strength several times by some means.

But to the monolithic universe.

Every time the strength improves, that is the alarm.

to this extent.

It’s incredible that Lin Yu has been able to improve so much at such a level!

The expression on the dream demon’s face was a little unwilling.

“Why aren’t you dead yet!”

“Why do you have so much power. 99

Dream Demon said.

“Maybe it’s because my luck is better, anyway, you shouldn’t understand this matter in your life.

“Okay, let’s not talk about these things, I will send you on your way.”

Lin Yu said something.

He clenched his fist directly and hit the front.

Ordinary power can’t really hit the soul.


When the power reaches a certain level, there will be no power in this world that can resist such a powerful power.

So is the soul.

Lin Yu punched him, and the law was broken.

If this punch hits, the dream demon’s soul that has become very fragile, I am afraid it will dissolve directly after a few seconds.


None of this happened at all.

The power of Lin Yu’s punch (adef) went out, directly passing through the soul of the dream demon.

“Hahaha, even so, you can’t kill me.

“I have already sacrificed my soul and handed it over to the endless king of darkness.”

“You can’t do anything to my soul. 9)

Wait until “in billions of years, my soul will come back again and finish what I haven’t done.”

The expression on the dream demon’s face was very ferocious.

It was as if a sharp nail had pierced directly into the finger.

This hideous expression makes people feel a chill in their hearts at a glance.

Lin Yu knows.

He couldn’t let this guy go.

Cut the weeds!

“Sacrifice yourself, protect yourself with the law, and you want to escape.

“Have you asked my opinion?

Lin Yu said coldly.

“your opinion?”

“What can you do?” With your current strength, it is impossible to break the law of the king of eternal darkness.

“His power is incomparably powerful, and even the five gods cannot destroy his power.

“He is the dark side of the great being of Eternity.

“I can definitely come back.

The dream demon said with a very ferocious expression.

“Come on, you really think too much.

“The power of the King of Darkness is not impossible to destroy!

Lin Yu said something.

“Eight-door Dunjia!

“The sixth gate!”

“Open! 99

Huge amounts of flames erupted on Lin Yu again.

This green flame shot up directly into the sky, as if to destroy the entire world.

Law seems to be the fuel for his burning.

Just seeing his incomparably powerful body, the magicians next to him felt very breathless.

It was as if he had been strangled by the throat.

Mordo couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

“Is this the Eight Gates Dunjia?”

“Why is it different from what you use?”

He looked at Hamill with shock and confusion on his face.

In fact.

Bamen Dunjia is not difficult to learn.

Captain America will, Hamill will, even if they want to learn, they can learn.


Obviously it is the same method, but the power of the hook is completely different.

Compared with Lin Yu, Captain America and Hamill used the rhyme to rhyme the eight-door dungeon, which is completely different, and it doesn’t even look like a method at all.

Modu was a little confused.

Is it.

Is the gap between them and the big brother so big?

“You don’t have to think about it, how can we compare with the big brother?

“How powerful is his power, how can we be comparable?”

Hamill opened his mouth with a sigh.

The way they chat.

Lin Yu is ready to gather strength and diligence.

The Dream Demon was restricted by that powerful law, as if it were a living target.

If it weren’t for the very special dimension of dreams, he might have been taken away by that terrifying existence now.

Lin Yu punched forward.

The scene of the collapse of the world emerged.

The whole world seems to be collapsing.

If Lin Yu hadn’t directly fixed the void, I’m afraid the entire dream dimension would have been shattered by his powerful attack.

Even in the real universe.

This powerful force may easily destroy several galaxies.

The aftermath left behind will not disappear for tens of thousands of years.

In the face of this terrifying force, even the law released by the unknown existence could not be resisted.



There was a cracking sound.

That powerful law was finally overwhelmed.

It was directly broken by the tyrannical force of Lin Yu.

The dream demon was incomparably frightened, the boss staring wide.


He didn’t even have time to say a few words.

It was directly melted by that incomparably tyrannical power.

The body, the soul, is directly erased.

At the legal level, he was directly eliminated.

At this moment in this world, the Dream Demon has not left a trace.

Even the most basic mental particles were not left behind, and everything disappeared.

Even this scenario has happened more than once.

Modu these magicians are still very shocked.

Looking at Lin Yu’s eyes, he was also full of admiration.

They looked at each other.

The emotions in my heart are the same.

Big Brother.

It’s so powerful!

His power, I am afraid no one in this world can match.


Lin Yu’s face was very flat, as if he had done something trivial.


Just at this time.

The sky exploded.

They looked up.

A huge amount of cracks appeared in the sky of the dream dimension.

This crack is so huge that it spans half the world.

Just when everyone wondered what happened.

A colossal thing hooked behind the crack.


It is a scarlet eye!

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