Chapter 195 Dream Demon was beaten silly, deep fear!

The dimension of dreams.

Several magicians looked at Lin Yu and whispered behind their backs.

“Master is angry. 1

“This time, this Mephista really provokes the big brother, and the end must be miserable.

that side.

Lin Yu went straight up.

In front of him, there are countless monsters, exuding a very powerful aura.

“Dream, dare to provoke us Kamar-Taj, don’t you dare to lie down?

“Then I can only invite you now;”

Lin Yu sneered.

The blue magic circle appeared from the top of his head and spread to the brown rice in an instant.

“Sacrifice of Darkness and Peace.”

A huge amount of dark ball hook appeared, with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters, and it exuded a strong breath of death.

Compared with the magic used by Strange, the magic used by Lin Yu is much more powerful and terrifying.

The huge amounts of black balls exude an extremely powerful aura of death.

Just a glance, as if feeling death.

next moment.

The huge black sphere in the sky, which was tens of thousands of meters in diameter and covered half of the sky, exploded directly.

The black oil-like force of death poured down from the sky.

The ground was directly swallowed by this powerful force of death.

Those monsters derived from the dream magic law are only in contact with those forces of death.

He immediately lost his breath and disappeared into this space.

The power of this death is so great.

This space seems to have become a field of death.

Those summoned monsters, the monsters that once overwhelmed Kaecilius and the others.

In front of Lin Yu, there is no resistance to Ability.

With just one move, these derived monsters will all die.

“Why, Dream Demon, aren’t you here yet?”

“These low-level derivatives of dream law have no effect on me. 99

“If you don’t come enough, I will directly shatter your dream dimension.

Lin Yu snorted coldly.

An astonishing light of lightning reappeared in his hand.

“Thunder Dragon! 5

Blue lightning flew away.

Dazzling thunder and lightning began to rage in this space.

No matter what it is, it is directly vaporized when it comes into contact with powerful lightning.

Even the law of the latitude of dreams has a somewhat altered dimension.

The dream demon was hiding in the dark, shocked.

Where did this perversion come from?

What a powerful force!

He even directly used his own power to change the law of the dimension of Xiaomeng.

This is something only the top powerhouse can do!

The incomparably powerful lightning force directly shattered the law of the dream dimension, forming a thunder field.

This guy is too perverted!

If he doesn’t do it now, I’m afraid it will become very troublesome.

The dream demon stretched his hand, and the dream directly became a reality.

The power of the entire dream dimension began to flash.

The Thunder Dragon summoned by Lin Yu.

Like a picture erased by an eraser.

It suddenly disappeared directly from the air, as if it had never appeared in this space.

Only those looming black space cracks and cracks can prove the existence of this trick.


“Mortals, dare to be vicious in the dimension of my dreams!”

“Magician, let me tell you, you can’t be too arrogant.”

Dream Demon said.


“If this is not the dimension of dreams, how can you do this?

“But with the help of the law of this dimension, let’s go. 9

Lin Yu said with a smile.

“Although you are not a space lord, you can also use the power of the dream dimension.

“I am afraid that in the multi-universe, everyone’s dreams can become your power.

“It’s not your own strength, and I don’t know why you are so proud.

Lin Yu said with some disdain.

The dream demon was furious.

This guy.

Specifically speaking about what he doesn’t want to hear.

In front of the real powerhouses, those who rely on other powers are always despised.

Dream Demon just wanted to refute.

Lin Yu spoke again.

“Not to mention that you were just a servant before.

“In front of the beholder, you were very servile.”

“I really want to ask you, being a dog is the feeling of being a god. I really can’t experience this feeling in my life, so I can’t help it. 99

Lin Yu spread his hands, and the expression on his face looked very helpless.


The dream demon pointed at Lin Yu with an angry expression on his face.

The days when he was a slave to the beholder was the last day he wanted to hear about it.

But this guy.

Come up and talk about this.

Just looking for death!

“Magician, fine, you managed to piss me off.

“You don’t even know what real terror is.”

“This is the world of nightmares!”

The dream demon said angrily.

The world around them has changed.

The sky became dark, and a blood-red moon appeared in the dry sky.

There was a lot of purple-black gas around it, as if to attract Zeng Enchanted.

“I’ll show you the real fear…”

The dream demon roared.

“Fear your head!”

Lin Yu’s voice suddenly lay behind Dream Demon.

One punch hit the front.


His fist hit the air.

A white gas beam of light appeared directly in front of his fist.


The Dream Demon was hit directly by the fist and couldn’t move at all.

Tombstone Tombstone!

A few seconds of effort.

Lin Yu directly punched tens of thousands of punches.

In the air, all are the marks of the fist in the shape of air.

This fist hit the body of the dream demon, and the body of the dream demon directly underwent shapeshifting.

A fist-shaped mark appeared directly on the body of the 850 Dream Demon.

The dream demon’s body became twisted up.

The law was broken open by this powerful force and became a piece of debris.

The dream demon was hit directly to the ground.

The ground of the dream dimension shattered directly.

A pothole of unknown depth appeared on the ground.

“I haven’t used the physical power gap for a long time, and the power is a bit out of control. 33

“I’m so sorry.”

Lin Yu’s faint voice sounded from the sky.

The dream demon didn’t answer.

He was immediately stunned.

What the hell is this?

Forget about magic, why is the flesh able to exert such perverted power?

He is the master of dream law!

In this space, he is virtual.

No physical force could touch him at all.


He was hit with a solid fist.

Even more perverted.

The dream law was directly shattered by this tyrannical force.

The face of law all over the world was directly smashed by the tyrannical and perverted power.

This shocked the dream demon at the same time.

I felt a little fear in my heart.

This kind of power is really terrifying.

He had never seen such power.

The power of the dream dimension emerges.

Dream Demon once again hooked into the air out of thin air.

Looking at Lin Yu, the expression on the dream demon’s face became very solemn.

This guy.

not simple,

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