Chapter 184 Lord Destroyer, Dream Demon!


Lin Yu returned to Kamar-Taj with a full harvest of his own.


Everything he did affects the whole world.

The police saw that Mephitos seemed to be very weak.

But his reputation is very famous throughout the multi-universe.

This is the most cunning and treacherous devil among the multi-universe, the lord of hell.


It even survived in the hands of Galactus.

That was the mighty Galactus in its heyday, with incredible power.

The strength of Mephitos can be imagined.

But now.

Such a powerful hell lord died.

The vibrations caused throughout the multi-universe can be imagined.

Countless powerhouses all know that Kamar-Taj of Earth, in addition to Sorcerer Supreme, has another powerhouse again.

Its strength can even easily kill Mephitos, the lord of hell.

Everyone in “840” who was about to move because of the dark space calmed down because of Lin Yu’s news.

To know.

Lin Yu, this guy, has already killed two space lords.

And not outside.

It was in their original space that they killed these lords.

What an incredible thing this is!

To that end, these are the powerhouses in the multi-universe.

Even gave Lin Yu a title, Lord Destroyer.

He has also become a powerhouse comparable to the ancient-Sorcerer Supreme.


Thanos’ huge amounts of flagship.

The double-edged sword in Thanos slashed in front of him.

The powerful metal Jinmen asked, and was directly destroyed by him.

“Lord Destroyer, ah.

“Damn it, he can have such a name.

“But the great magician of Kamar-Taj, you have also exposed your presence.”

Thanos’ purple face was full of complicated expressions.

Originally thought, Mephitos shot, Kamar-Taj will definitely be destroyed.

But I didn’t expect that the waste of Mephitos was killed directly and became a stepping stone for others.

Damn it!

If Lin Yu hadn’t killed Mephitos, Thanos would have killed this idiot himself.

It’s really not enough to succeed, and more than enough to fail.

“Proxima Centauri, have you gained anything? 11

Thanos lowered his mind and opened the communicator in front of him.

Inside is a woman.

This is Proxima Centauri in the Black Order, and also his most loyal subordinate.

Even Ebony Maw and Corvus Glaive don’t get a newcomer for Thanos.

Proxima Centauri did it.

“Great Thanos, I already have clues, even if you don’t have the Infinity Stones, you can still be the strongest in this world.

“Only you can match a treasure like the Heart of the Universe.”

Proxima Centauri spoke with incomparable fanaticism on the other side.

“Very well, go and keep looking.

“I have to get hold of that treasure.”

Thanos said.

Since the discovery of changes on Earth.

Thanos has been preparing, wanting to gain more powerful strength.

He therefore hunted down his mother, the Eternals.

And slaughtered them, and from their hands, Thanos gained a clue to the Heart of the Universe.

The reason why Proxima Centauri has no rhyme is that it has been pursuing the heart of the universe.

The Heart of the Universe is the most powerful artifact in the Marvel world.

With it, you can become the most powerful existence in the Marvel world, even the five major declarations can only be lamented in front of powerful forces.

That’s an incomplete part of the great OAA.

It is the ultimate existence in this world.

With the heart of the universe, you can become full-time omnipotent.

Even the Infinity Stones have their power under the Heart of the Universe.

As long as you find the complete heart of the universe, or even the Infinity Stones, it doesn’t matter.


What he found was only part of the heart of the universe.


It is enough to have this power.

Enough for him to get the Infinity Stones from the earth and finally achieve his goal.

Destroys half of the creatures in the universe.

“Proxima Centauri, go, find the heart of the universe for me, and you will be rewarded with the greatest loyalty. 33

Thanos said.

“Yes, the great Thanos.”

“I will serve as your most loyal servant to the entire world.

Saying that the communication was hung up, Proxima Centauri’s holographic avatar disappeared in front of Thanos.

“Aah, Lord Destroyer Lin Yu.

“I remember you, I will come to Earth eventually, and let you experience the whole fear.

Thanos’ gloomy voice sounded above the bridge.


Thanos is completely hidden in the shadows.

Death of the Lord of Hell.

It’s not just that it affects Thanos.

The whole world.

are affected to 0..

Lin Yu’s name even spread to the entire multi-universe.

There are countless people, all sighing, all sighing, there is another strong man on the earth.

Many monsters who once plotted against the earth.

Hearing Lin Yu’s name, he turned around and left.

Except for some insane idiots, the entire earth was even suddenly empty.

Able to kill two hell lords.

Definitely the most powerful being in the entire universe.

a time.

The environment of the earth has become much cleaner, and even some evil gods dare not come to the earth to cause trouble.


Some people also noticed the earth.

For many powerful Mephistas, the more powerful the Earth, the more interesting it is.

In the deep dimension of the Marvel Universe.

There is such an area.

The world here is illusory, as if it were a dream.

Countless creatures are dreaming here.


This is not a sweet dream.

Many creatures, all in the dream state, become very miserable, and this cycle repeats, year after year.

deep in this area.

There is the most troublesome existence in the universe.

dream demon.

The Dream Demon is an old monster born at the same time as Mephitos.

in ancient times.

Dream Demon is not a strong man, he can only hide in the space, look at those powerful gods, and then linger.

But in this day and age.

With the changes of the universe and the increase of creatures, the power of dreams has also become incomparably powerful.

The power of the dream demon has also been strengthened.

He became the most powerful being in this universe.

Those who fall into his dreams, life and death are controlled by him, and can never escape.

And this moment.

This existence, who had been sleeping forever in a nightmare, woke up.

“It’s really interesting that Mephitos is actually dead.

“To die in the hands of a human being is a shame for us demons.

“But even if this guy dies, the position of the hell lord is mine.

“I will re-inform this hell, re-inform the earth, and pull the entire universe into the realm of dreams.”

The dream demon licked his lips.

Once the entire universe is dragged into the realm of dreams by him, he will definitely become the most powerful existence in this world.


This dream space in the deep dimension begins to spread to the surface,

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