Chapter 179 Super Magic? Dark Sacrifice!

Marvel is a very technologically advanced world.

Top tech products, even the same as Infinity Gauntlet.

Destroying the multi-universe, restarting the timeline, is a no-brainer.

Hell is a magical plane though.

Not many are without technology.


They are not developing the technology of the earth.

It’s magic technology.

After asking about the magic in hell, they developed all kinds of powerful instruments.

Weapons such as hell cannons, soul bombs, etc. are all powerful.

Asgard also has powerful weapons.

Bifrost can easily destroy a planet.

Hellfire really can’t do that.


It is not difficult for a comprehensive bombardment to destroy some magical creatures.

Just a salvo of Hell’s artillery.

The mighty hell army “837” that Strange summoned with great difficulty actually dissipated like this.

than the artillery on Earth.

The power of hell artillery is even more powerful.

When the SWAT is facing magical creatures, the power of hell’s artillery has been improved.

Until one blow wiped out these dead armies.

On the far horizon, a mighty army slowly rhymes.

Countless little devils from hell, wronged souls, powerful corroded corpses, alchemy creations, and a large number of gargoyles flying in the sky.

as a hell lord.

Mephitos, this guy, is not so simple.

“Hahaha, I really can’t help you mortals on Earth. 3

“But if you dare to come to hell, you are simply courting death!

Mephitos looked at the two magicians and said triumphantly.

These things he prepared for a long time.

Battle on Ancient One.

The mighty Galactus descended to hell and nearly devoured the entire hell.

In order to resist, even if Mephitos used the power of the entire hell, his power was still greatly lost.

at this time.

The other hell lords were just about to move.

Hell is a cruel place with no credibility at all.

Even his two sons secretly began to plan to stab him.

Not to mention other lords.

All kinds of conspiracies and temptations began one after another.

In order to protect himself, Mephitos naturally needs to maintain a strong power.

Therefore, he captured a large number of magician souls to work for him and created his army.

It’s not very powerful, but it can come in handy sometimes.

See it now.

Strange’s magic was destroyed with just a very easy salvo.

“Lock the target, give me a salvo”

“Blast these magicians to pieces and let them know how good I am!”

Mephitoston felt a little proud.

With the support of these armies.

He was finally able to fight back. He was so frustrated that he wanted to let these Kamar-Taj magicians feel the feeling of his new love.

Mephitos looked at the red flashing in the sky, with a very excited expression on his face.

“Strange, stand back, this is not something you can deal with.

Lin Yu finally rhymed.

“It’s Big Brother.

Strange stepped back.

Lin Yu stepped forward.

“I didn’t expect that hell would have developed such an army. It’s incredible. 93

“Mephitos, you are quite far-sighted!

“However, this doesn’t make any sense. In the face of powerhouses like us, these weapons have lost their meaning.”

Lin said lightly.

What is the concept of a single universe?

The gods of the world, the limit of the universe.

He can now walk on the sun, and the planets are like marbles in his hands.

Unless technological weapons reach the top level, it is impossible for them to pose a threat to such weapons.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change, which doesn’t work for them.

“Less, blow up the air gap.

“Do you really have this ability? 99

“Do you really think I Mephitos is scared? 93


Mephitos said coldly.

He still doesn’t believe it, this guy can really be much stronger than these magicians?

He can’t believe it.

“Forget it, let you give up, you will be able to realize the seriousness of the matter, and it happens that I am tired of it. 29

Lin Yu said lightly.

If it wasn’t for training Strange, he would have killed this guy long ago.

“Strange, look it up, that’s how magic works.

Lin Yu flew forward and stretched out a hand.

“Super Magic!

“Sacrifice of Darkness and Peace! 99

A huge amount of energy radiated hooks from Lin Yu’s body.

The whole hell sky is lit up.

“This energy fluctuation,»

“It seems a bit powerful, this, this is the breath of darkness and death”

Mephitos was startled, and had an ominous premonition in his heart…

In fact, it seems a bit complicated!

“Give me a volley and kill these guys! 99

Mephitos was heartbroken.

In the sky, it became red again.

Countless infernal cannons fired, mixed with a large number of vicious bombs made of evil spirits.

it’s useless.”

“Appear, black goat.

Lin Yu said calmly.

The sky of the whole hell changed suddenly.

A huge magical array rhyme appeared in the sky.

Where the line of sight can see, there are complex magic patterns.

The power of blue illuminates the entire sky.

The artillery that fired hooks in the sky was annihilated by this rippling magic energy in just a split second.

in the sky.

A huge and incomparably black sphere fell directly from the sky.


The black ball fell directly into the army.

The breath of death began to spread from the ground.

Like black oil, the black liquid directly wrapped Mephitos’ army.

access to these things.

Whether it is an evil spirit, a ghoul, a gargoyle, or a corrosive giant, they all died in an instant.

as if.

The soul escapes.

Just a magic.

Mephitos’s army of hundreds of thousands turned into corpses all over the place.

Even the high-ranking hell demons can’t stop this magic.

4.5 Simultaneously.

In the sky, several huge monsters with black tentacles appeared.

This monster looks like a goat, with several huge amounts of heads and a big white mouth.

As soon as they appeared.

The black breath of death began to exude from these black goats.

The world suddenly fell silent.


Mephitos couldn’t help swallowing.


What kind of perversion is this!

This is the bottom of how many years he has accumulated.

Hundreds of thousands of prison troops!

There are also hundreds of high-ranking hell demons.

Even the lord of hell could not resist such a powerful army.

But now.

all right?

Mephitos collapsed a bit.

So many troops gone?

Mephitos looked at Lin Yu in front of him, a kind of fear suddenly appeared in his heart,

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