Chapter 170 Human magician? Is this too fierce?

Lucifer is very proud.

As the former King of Angels.

He wasn’t even convinced by God originally.

As for humans.

He couldn’t care less.

In his eyes, human beings are just low-level creatures.

He didn’t think so.

This human being was able to smash his attack.


“I rarely see a human as interesting as you.

“You have successfully piqued my interest, let me see how far you can go.

Lucifer said very plainly.

As if all this in front of him, in his eyes, there is no interest at all.

Lucifer stretched out a hand and raised it straight forward.

Holy Light” Verdict.

In an instant, the light shines brightly.

in the sky.

A huge array of light with a square meter area in front of it appeared out of thin air.

Complex runes, brilliant holy light.

Light up the whole hell, the whole world is full of brilliant colors.

at the core of the light array.

A sword sword appeared.

Just with the tip of the sword, there are dozens of meters in file size, and the long sword with a length of hundreds of meters slowly falls from the sky.

Just rhymed.

An astonishing pressure emerges.

Modu them, as if they were pressed down by a big mountain.

Tony Star was tense, unable to move at all.

Holy Light Judgment!

– a fundamental attack on the law.

Hit people directly on the opposite side and make a ruling.

Ordinary people like Tony Star are powerless in the face of this powerful mental oppression.

Mordu and the others are slightly better, at least they can resist.

“Lucifer is indeed the king of fallen Angels.

Casilla sighed.

next moment.

Straight up against the sky.

There was a dazzling golden light on his body.

The focus of the whole world was condensed on Kaecilius.

There is no intention of evading.

Facing the huge long sword composed of holy light, Kaecilius charged directly.

The rippling golden light reappeared in his hand, and he punched the incomparably huge holy light long sword, and it went big.


There was a sound of glass shattering.

Where the fist meets the tip of the sword.

A crack began to emerge, and more dazzling light emerged from the crack.

It seems that there is more power in it.

The dazzling golden light and the holy light were deadlocked for a moment.


Huge amounts of explosions were created.

The holy light long sword exploded directly.

The halo formed by a holy light spread out towards both sides.


The dark aura disappeared immediately, and the ghosts wandering on the ground did not respond, and were directly evaporated by this holy light.

Holy Light Judgment exploded.

It exploded with the power of a nuclear weapon.

The range of a city is affected.

The ground was directly pressed down by that powerful pressure by one meter.

Kaecilius was completely embedded in the ground.


Even so, the golden light still exists on his body, and he has no injuries at all.

Lucifer was a little surprised.

what is this?

It’s enough to confront the Holy Light’s ruling head-on.

But he didn’t even have any injuries on his body, which is too outrageous, right?

This is high-level magic from heaven.

in the age of mythology.

He used the magic of rhyme to directly destroy a human city.

The entire city was left uninhabited, and all living things were wiped out.

But now.

Just one person!

Hardly resisted this powerful attack and was unscathed.

What is that golden light?

What kind of power is this?

Lucifer was a little shocked and a little confused.

He has been in this world for so many years, but he has never seen such magical power.

Just a nameless person.

He can’t accept it!

This is not those great magicians who are famous in human history, how could he have such perverted power?

“Mortal, you succeeded in provoking me.

“How dare you resist?”

Lucifer said angrily.

So proud of him.

He attacked twice, but was blocked by everyone without any injuries?

This made Lucifer feel very shameless.

If the lords of hell knew about this, they might laugh at him.

How can this be tolerated?

Lucifer was very angry, and his tone was naturally more domineering.

Kaecilius is also not used to this guy at all.

“Aah, dare not resist? Who do you think you are?”

“A traitor who can’t survive in heaven, how dare you be so arrogant? Who gave you the courage? 19

“Back then, like a defeated dog, you were thrown out of heaven by God, how can you be so arrogant now?

Kaecilius didn’t say a word, and sneered directly.

Lucifer’s face turned red all of a sudden.

Being chased from heaven is the greatest shame in Lucifer’s life.

Although it is said that he is fighting against God, a very powerful God.

However, to lose is to lose.

Lucifer is too proud, he doesn’t allow himself to make excuses for himself.

So Lucifer always regarded this as his greatest shame.

This guy, Kaecilius, beats people in the face and swears at them.

Lucifer broke the defense.

“Mortal, you must bear my wrath!”

“Your soul will mourn in purgatory for ten thousand years.

Lucifer said angrily.

“Why do these guys seem to be living in the last century?”

“Even the lines are exactly the same? Are he and the old Mephitos twin brothers?”

Tony Star couldn’t help but complain.

“That’s what these guys are like, they have a long lifespan and they have some problems with their brains.

Hamill 830 pointed to his head and said.

“I see.

Tony Star and Captain America both nodded.

How keen is Lucifer’s senses?

Naturally, the conversation between the two men was heard.

Everyone trembled with anger.

Lucifer’s pride comes from his bones.

Because of his arrogance, he even nearly died several times.

But he still hasn’t changed.

Because he is Lucifer, King of Angels!

“Witness my anger!”

Lucifer shouted angrily.

The power in him suddenly exploded.

Two gorgeous wings stretched out directly from Lucifer’s back.

The gorgeous wings with a wingspan of two meters, each feather exudes the ultimate holy light.


From light to dark.

Two wings, one black and one white, the natural incomparable fusion of the two powers.

Fallen Angel.

Take the light, embrace the darkness.

Lucifer wiped his hand, and a long sword hook with flames was now in his hand.

“I pronounce judgment, you are all evil! 11

Lucifer’s long sword pointed forward.

A powerful pressure hook is now on Mordo them.

Kaecilius felt acutely.

It was as if he was being targeted by the whole world.

The energy next to them began to be unable to be absorbed by them.


targeted by this world.


King of Angels.

there is something,

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