Chapter 166 Headed to Mephisto!

Mephitos is a very powerful hell lord.

In the entire hell, although he is not the only one, he is indeed the strongest.


He is not good at fighting, but prefers to engage in intrigues.

But that doesn’t mean he’s not strong.

As early as when he was lying in hell, he was already the strength of the Level God Father.

Now, billions of years have passed, and no one knows how powerful he is.

It is conceivable how powerful the magic tool Mephitos made with three rough souls.


Under the urging of Mephitos.

The entire Van Gonzalo turned black.

Countless black rays of light circulated in it, and there were very harsh screams.

Slightly weaker, I am afraid that just hearing this voice will directly dissipate the soul and die.

Those souls who were swallowed in the Van Gonzalian contract have already been hooked.

Start constantly attacking them at Mordo.

If not for Kaecilius’ golden light spell.

They are afraid that they will be directly penetrated to death by countless unjust souls.

Mephitos is impressively centered on the contract of Van Gonzalo.

Directly connected to hell, a large number of grievances escaped the hook and attacked them.

“How is it now, despair?”

“Smell the breath of despair, how delicious that is.

Mephitos said loudly.

Although he said so.

However, the few magicians who were raised did not mean the slightest despair at all.

“It’s really troublesome, there is still some space means.

We “seem to be blocked, I’ll see if I can break it. 9)

Mo Du took a look at the surrounding environment and said.


A pale green light flickered on him.


But nothing happened.

Mephitos laughed directly when he saw this.

“Are you scared crazy, expending your strength, doing this kind of meaningless thing.

“Kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe I can let you die.”

Mephitos looked at Mordo, his eyes full of cunning light.

Of course he wouldn’t let these magicians go.

The souls of these people are good materials.


As a devil, it is normal not to talk about credibility.

He likes to see the pleasure of destroying people’s hopes.

Total despair is not so wonderful.

He looks forward to watching these magicians, hoping that these magicians can develop according to his script.

Even the qualifications of the dark space lord have begun to be forgotten.

On the contrary, the Mordus who were shrouded in the Van Gonzal contract were not in a hurry at all.

Mordo looked at Mephitos, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Don’t worry, let the bullet fly for a while~”.

“Hahaha, in a hurry, no.

“It’s you who should be worried, your power is being consumed all the time.

“If you don’t delay for a while, more souls will come from hell.”

“You will feel real despair.”

Mephitos said.

Although hell is not like the legendary resting place of the soul.

But there are also countless unjust souls in hell for various reasons.

The number of these ghosts is enough to engulf these magicians.

He was looking forward to that scene.

While thinking about it, Mephitos is still using words to be careful of these people, hoping to stir up their emotions.

As long as the mood changes.

Naturally lose your mind.

“You Kamar-Taj autistic guardians of justice, but what district police do you mortals have?”

“Before my great power, you were nothing at all.

Mephitos said loudly.


“Why didn’t you say that when Sorcerer Supreme was here.”

“Why, as soon as Sorcerer Supreme is gone, you jump hook, you won’t be afraid of Sorcerer Supreme, right? 99

Kaecilius retorted decisively.

Mephitos jumped in anger when he heard this.

Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One, is indeed a very annoying guy.

In the dark age, he could get tens of thousands of souls a year.

But since the Ancient One ended the Dark Ages.

He can only play wild food every year, which is far from his previous life.

if we assume.

The person Mephitos hated the most, the Ancient One definitely tops the list.

“Hmph, I’ll be scared”

“You should continue to be afraid and right.

“Seeing that you are so leisurely, I decided to add some materials to you.”

Mephitos said something harshly.

A jet of black energy was sprayed directly onto the Vanganza Contract.

The ghosts inside seemed to be crazy, charging at the golden light of Kaecilius at a speed dozens of times before.


Tony Stark looked very nervous.

But seeing the shocked expressions of Mordo and the others, Tony Star also became quiet.

Just at this time.

He heard a sound.

It sounded like something was breaking.

“Strange, did someone send a fighter jet?

Tony Star opened the mouth and saw that a red meteorite fell directly in the sky.

Tony Staat paled in shock.

He had also seen Mordo summon the power of meteorites before.

But looking at it is one thing, being targeted is another.

“Modu magician, calm down! Calm down! Don’t take me with you if you commit suicide.

Tony Star said loudly.

Mo Du glanced at him and said calmly.

“Don’t be nervous, we are not in the real space at the moment.

“Mephitos used the Van Gonzalian contract to directly open up a space between reality and purgatory.”

“We are beyond the reach of this meteorite.

“I just want to open a crack.

as expected.

Falling with Mordo’s voice.

Meteorites in the sky fell from the sky with huge amounts of tail flames.

Tony Star watched helplessly as the meteorite passed through his body.

But it didn’t hurt him at all.

Shockwaves, huge amounts of flames.

Tony Star just watched all this happen in front of his eyes.

at the center of the explosion.

It was the first time he had seen such a real scene, like a fantasy.

The power of these magicians (money Zhao) is simply too incredible.

The power of such a meteorite is comparable to that of a small nuclear bomb.

Mephitos is also really powerful.

Such a powerful attack.

It turned out that the space here was only slightly rippling.

However, Mo Du didn’t have any nervousness, instead a rhyme smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Very good, found. 11

“Is the real world just a projection? It is indeed a space lord. 99

Mordo was amazed.

Mephitos, how sad.

Talk again now.

There was a green glow from his body again.

Go straight ahead.

The powerful Psychokinesis makes the space a little twisted.

On the edge of the Gonzalo, a large number of black cracks are hooked.

“Mephitos, don’t say we bully you too much. 99

“I’ll do it with you by myself!”

Saying that, Mordo directly forcibly tore this unstable space with Psychokinesis,

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