Chapter 158 Thanos plot! Mephisto Kai ship dark space!

The dark universe has no masters.

There’s a full-scale confusion throughout the multi-universe.

A large number of powerhouses fought to win the place of a dark space lord.

This kind of event ripples through the entire ~multi-universe.

As long as they are strong, they cannot be ignorant.

Thanos is also a strong man.

Not to mention the guy who secretly wants to destroy half of life in the entire universe.

His intelligence network is spread throughout the universe.

Even on an unrelated planet like Earth, he has a large number of intelligence personnel.

Naturally, he is very clear about this kind of thing that affects the whole universe.


Thanos is not in a good mood.

The double long sword in his hand slashed directly, and the bridge in front of him was directly slashed open.

Ebony Maw knelt on the ground in fright.

“Relieve your anger, Lord Thanos.”

“Quiet your anger?”

“My anger will set the whole universe on fire.

“The lords of the dark space have been beheaded, how do we get the Infinity Stones? 22

“There are four gems on earth!

The tyrant said fiercely.

Although as he vigorously developed his armament, his strength was steadily increasing.

But compared with these earthlings.

The speed of their strength growth is too slow.

Not seen for a few days.

They were even able to kill the lord of the dark space.

With this kind of strength, he can naturally kill him.

So, how can he achieve his goal?

For Thanos, this is totally unacceptable.

“Lord Thanos, I think this might also be an opportunity.

“Now, there are many strong people who want to obtain the status of the lord of the dark space.

“Let’s spread the rumour that the Dark Space Lord’s place has been taken by the magicians of Kamar-Taj.”

“In this way, we can divert misfortunes to the east and devour them.

Ebony Maw said.

To know.

The dark space lord is not so easy to be.

You have obtained a place, and it will take a long time to blend in, and then you can become a lord.

within this time.

Everyone can get this seat.

As long as the rumor of Yun Yun is spread, there will always be people who are not afraid of death.

When Thanos heard this idea, his eyes lit up.

“very good.

“Let’s just say it was the space lord that the legendary Sorcerer Supreme solved, and then went to the multi-universe Maxthon.”

“It’s better to do fishing evidence to convince them of that.


“Without the backer of Sorcerer Supreme, there will be many people on the planet.

Thanos said.

“Also, even if they don’t make a big noise, they will cause trouble for them.”

Ebony Maw said.

“Very good, Ebony Maw.

“I will remember your credit.”

Thanos said loudly.

“Yes, Lord Thanos.

Ebony Maw said excitedly.

Under the plans of Ebony Maw.

Rumors circulated throughout the multi-universe.

Rumor has it.

The seat of the Dark Space Lord has been stolen by the magician of Earth Kamar-Taj.

And their biggest patron, Sorcerer Supreme, left Earth.


Gu – really left.

All things are done by Lin Yu alone.


Lin Yu sounded very low-key.

The multi-universe didn’t even know Lin Yu’s name.

Thought it was the Ancient One who killed Dormammu and left this seat to his apprentice.


Many strong people in the multi-universe are just around the corner.

SWAT is the closest guy to Earth.

around the earth.

There is a space that is very closely connected to the earth.

This is hell.

over the years.

Hell has always been led by Mephitos, Lord of Hell.

Although hell has more than just him as a king.

But this guy is definitely the most cunning and vicious one.

Conspiracy and intrigue are like food and water to him.

They often rely on various conspiracies to deceive the souls of human beings.

He is synonymous with the devil.

as a greedy devil.

Mephitos naturally also lost the dark space of the master of the Kai ship.

Hear the rumors spreading in the universe.

Mephitos was very excited.

He also investigated through his own subordinates.

“Sorcerer Supreme actually left Earth.

“Ancient One, you really don’t take me seriously.


Mephitos smirked.

Since Ancient One is not on Earth, then everything is naturally without taboos.

On earth, no one is his opponent!

If it is the usual Mephitos.

You must be able to detect the conspiracy contained in it.


There is an old saying that goes well.

Li Lingzhi faints!

A ton of gold is in front of you, even if you know there is a problem, how many people can curb their greed?

SWAT is.

The value of the dark space is not comparable to gold.

0… ask for flowers·

This represents immortality and the opportunity to become a strong man.


Mephitos can become the lord of the dark space, and can even feed him back.

Let him better grasp the mastery of hell.

It is not impossible to even merge the two spaces into a peerless powerhouse.

“I didn’t expect me, Mephitos, to have such a good opportunity this time. 33

“I must not miss this opportunity.

Mephitos thought to himself.

“However, you still have to be careful.

“Weaken the magicians like Kamar-Taj first.

“Just through the soul, I can also protect my power.”

Mephitos’s eyes rolled around, constantly conspiracy ringing in his mind.

A lot of information about the earth was running in his mind, and finally formed a big net.


“Kamar-Taj has been in close contact with the outside world recently. 9

“It’s an opportunity and a danger.

“As long as someone asks for help, they will naturally come out.”

“Then, let’s figure it out from their friends. 99

“Phil Coulson, it’s up to you.

Mephitos licked his lips.

as far as he knows.

Kamar-Taj has a strong relationship with the Avengers.

If he can rise up the Avengers, Kamar-Taj will not sit idly by.

They will definitely be lining up the main force to come to the rescue.

At that time, he can start to wipe out the main force of Kamar-Taj, and finally calmly plan the dark space.

Phil Coulson, is a very important node.

in the movie.

Phil Coulson was killed by Loki with the scepter.

this time.

Because of the butterfly effect caused by Lin Yu, he was indeed not killed by Loki.

But still has not escaped his original fate.

When Galactus arrives, Silver Shadow appears, and Phil Coulson is sent out to investigate Silver Shadow.

affected by the fighting.

Just a pebble that killed Phil Coulson.

Humans are so fragile.

Nick Fury couldn’t accept the death of his best men.

So he took it upon himself to have surgery on Phil Coulson.

Using serum extracted from Liren’s corpses.

They succeeded in resurrecting Phil Coulson.


Resurrection is not that simple.

This just resurrected Phil Coulson’s body, and the soul was forcibly swallowed in his body.

Mephitos, just use a little trick.

You can easily take away billions of weak souls,

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