Chapter 121 Four Chiyang Formation Sealing Silver Shadow


Wang was beaten away by Yinying again.

It left a deep mark directly on the ground.

After just a moment’s pause, Wang rushed up again.

The domineering in his hand shone with light.


Yin Ying even waved his fist, and with one fist, Kaecilius was knocked out.

The skateboard under my feet suddenly became as thin as a cicada’s wings.

Turned around in a circle.

Hamill’s shadow duplication, which is the same as the main body, was actually half dead.

A large number of shadow duplications were directly smashed by a powerful force and became a large number of scattered Chara.


“This guy is so fierce.

Hamill couldn’t help shouting loudly.

Hamill, the old magician, has no intention of being highly respected at all, and he has nothing to hide.


The magicians at the moment have no time to pay attention to this.

Yin Ying’s power is too strong.

When a few of them say it out, they are definitely strong.

– Breaking through the Heavenly Father will have the strength of a master among the Heavenly Fathers.

Even if Hela is resurrected.

They are also confident in a touch.

But now.

Four hits one, and even was beaten by someone. 03

This guy is too perverted!

Several magicians have a common thought.

They didn’t know that, if their thoughts were known, they would definitely want to kill them.

How big is the gap between Level God Father and a single universe?

That is simply the gap between the sun and the earth.

The Level God Father policeman is already considered a strong man in the universe.

The powerhouse of the single Level Universe police.

That is domination!

One hand might be able to crush the guy of the Level God Father police officer.

The entire universe, countless holy spirits, can reach the level of a single-level universe.

I don’t know how many epochs since the opening of the universe, and the number is only a few hundred people.

Most of them are innate.

It can be seen how powerful the single Level Universe powerhouse is.

Modu them, the strength of the four Level God Father police officers can suppress Yin Ying to this point.

Simply sensational!!

Shocking though.

But Modu and the others did fall behind.

Yin Ying kicked Wang and the others away with three fists and two feet.

With a flash of silver light on his hands, he directly grabbed the Psychokinesis chain controlled by Mordo.


A cracking sound rang out.

This invisible substance, the unreachable Psychokinesis, was torn to shreds!

“Woolen cloth.

Moro groaned directly, feeling the pain in his head.

It felt like someone was constantly stirring a red-hot iron rod in his mind.

Extraordinarily painful.

Mo Du’s face immediately turned pale.


“The police fight, prepare the formation, you must use that! 3

“This guy is not something we can deal with.

“Seal him and wait for the big brother to take action.

Mordo shouted loudly.

He dragged his heavy body to the other corner.

“Damn, what a hassle.”

“I’ll guide you, just show your strength! 11

Hamill said aloud.

next moment.

With a flick of his body, he was hooked in another place.

Wang and Kaecilius also had a tacit understanding.

The body also flashed and scattered directly.

They stand on four sides.

It actually surrounded Yinying directly in the center.

Hamill took a deep breath, the incomparably powerful Chara in the body ran wildly.

The hands began to dance frantically and began to seal.

To know.

Before, even if he was a sky star, he didn’t have such a complicated seal!

Hamill recited words in his mouth, and sweat kept falling from his head, showing that he was under great pressure.

Mo Du and the King of Hell have been using strength to suppress Yin Ying.

for a while.

Yin Ying couldn’t move.

Yin Ying is indeed a powerhouse in the single universe, but the means are too few.

Attacks can only rely on fists and pure energy.

For a while, he couldn’t get rid of the control of these two people and couldn’t move.


Modu and Wang were also sweating on their foreheads, which showed that they were under a lot of pressure.

“Hamil, hurry up.

We’re “almost unstoppable”

Mordo said loudly.

“No hurries?”

“I’m already the fastest! 33

Hamill cursed.

After scolding, he waved his hands into afterimages, which looked very complicated.


Hamill roared.

A white gas was directly exuded by him.


Hamill’s face was hideous, and there was a burst of smoke on his head.

next moment.

A crimson beam of light shot straight into the sky.

over there.

Mordo and the king, as well as Kaecilius also looked serious, and at the same time urged a powerful force.

Under Hamill’s lead.

Their hands also began to wave rapidly.


“Four Scarlet Sun Formation!

The four said in unison.

The three of them also had three red beams of light rising into the sky.

A red light curtain spreads between the four beams of light.


A square red cage is formed!

A mighty flame burns on the square red cage.

Yin Ying was swallowed in this red cage all of a sudden.

Seeing it was stolen all of a sudden.

A powerful force erupted directly on the Silver Shadow Skateboard.

He rushed over there.


A red ripple appeared.

Silver Shadow touches like that.

There were no ripples on the formation, and it was as stable as a mountain.

at this time.

Hamill and the others, Jigan sat down and gasped.

However, they did not dare to stop delivering energy.

“This guy is really perverted.

“The four of us actually used the Four Scarlet Sun Formation.

“Thanks to Lin Yu, the big magician has foresight.”

Hamill couldn’t help but said loudly.

“It is true”

“We practiced the Four Red 710 Yang Formation and it really came in handy. 3

Mordo opened his mouth.

These four red sun arrays are the inheritance obtained by Hamill.

Later, after Ancient One, the most powerful magician of Kamar-Taj, was able to release them together.

Now it seems.

Sure enough, the power is unusual, and the silver shadow can’t break through!

Big Brother is really unpredictable!

But on the other side.

Tony Star looked at this, also stunned.

What the hell is this?

Looking at the red light curtain that was dozens of meters, Tony Stark’s eyes were straight.

Just the temperature of the flame above, reached the high temperature of the trilemma!

Enough to melt any metal on earth!

Many people may have no concept of the triad.

You know, the temperature of the surface of the sun is only five degrees Celsius!

This light curtain can actually reach the third difficulty, which is too terrifying!

There is also the energy from the hook above.

This monster, Yinying, can’t break the defense at all.

This is too scary.

This gang of magicians is really one card after another!

It seems that in the future, I will have a good relationship with Lin Yu.

Tony Starley thought for a while, and flew over with Banner.

“Mordo magician, don’t know what we can do?”

“Are we successful?”

“No, far from it”

Moro’s face was very solemn.

Looking up at the sky,

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