Chapter 115 Battle! Level God Father Silver Shadow?!

The place where Tony Star intercepted Silver Shadow is still in America.

This is a central mountain range.

Next to it is a mountain peak, which is full of various vegetation.

It looks very dangerous.

Yin Ying’s power exploded.

Tony Star’s whole body was ejected.

The whole person is directly embedded in the mountain peak.

When Banner saw this, he was immediately anxious.

He still has a very good relationship with Tony Star.

How could he endure seeing Tony like this?

Banner just stomped on the ground.

There was a huge hole in the ground.

I am afraid that there are several meters of File size.

Dr. Banner flew away like a sharp arrow from the string.

It was a punch to the silver shadow floating in the air.

In the air, there was a sound explosion.

It can be seen that the speed of Banner’s At the moment’s fist has reached a terrifying “703” level.

Silver Shadow rushed over to see Banner.

Extend a hand.

Without further ado, he directly clenched Banner’s fist.


He underestimated Banner’s tyrannical power at the moment.

The whole person with the skateboard was directly knocked out.


Silver Shadow was directly smashed into the mountain by Banner.

The entire mountain seemed to tremble.

Countless stones and soil fell from the sky.

Silver Shadow was directly smashed into the mountain by Banner.

It’s not over yet.

Banner’s fists are like two huge amounts of inverted hammers.

He kept hitting the silver shadow.

Silver Shadow’s body, like a mercury cast, was beginning to shapeshift a bit.

However, Yinying still looked at Banner.

After half a day, continued to speak.

“Mortal, have you had enough?

Yin Ying’s voice did not fluctuate, as if there was no emotion.

Dr. Banner was a little embarrassed for a while.

Yin Ying glanced at Na.

The skateboard underfoot flickered.

A huge amount of energy exploded directly into the hook.

Dr. Banner suddenly flew out like a shooting star.

hit the opposite mountain.


The sound of huge amounts of collapse rang out.

Dr. Banner, the whole person is embedded in the mountain peak.


Tony Starley startled Roar loudly.

“I’m fine.

Dr. Banner’s voice rang out.

Even so, Tony Star’s expression changed drastically.

The silver shadow actually knocked the banner with super defense and cut it off with one blow!

What a terrible power is this?

If Gang Ji hadn’t been wearing a battle armor, he might have become a puddle of meat.

“Autobots, strike!”

Tony Star said loudly.

Behind him, dozens of Autobots attacked.

Modu and their cultivation can improve their strength.

Tony Star can naturally improve his strength through research.

The more knowledge you master, the stronger Tony Stark becomes.

It has been a long time since the last battle.

Tony Starley’s strength has also increased.

The Autobot behind him has become even more powerful.

Their bodies are rapidly shapeshifting.

A variety of powerful weapons emerge to hook.


There was a sound of huge amounts of in the air.

Colorful lights lit up.

Countless laser weapons shot at Yin Yin.

The power of this weapon is very powerful.

The air was ionized because of this powerful weapon, producing an unpleasant smell.

The powerful force made Tony Star tremble.

He didn’t expect these Autobots’ weapons to become so powerful.

“Now, this guy should be killed.”

Tony Star thought to himself.

But it didn’t take long for him to be happy.

Tony Star found a surprising scene.

The sliding switch under Yinying’s feet lit up.

A transparent wave began to spread from the top of the slide to the top.

The invisible energy began to scan the past layer by layer.

On the silver body of the silver shadow, there is a lot of energy.

A shield appeared in front of him.

Colorful energy shot towards the silver shadow.

Silver Shadow is just a shock of energy.

Those colorful lights seemed to be slapped by a ping-pong racket.

bounced back directly.

A dozen or so mighty shapeshifting King Kong, directly knocked into the air by their weapons.

That powerful force directly shattered their hard bodies.

More than a dozen powerful shapeshifting King Kong.

It is not the enemy of Yin Ying’s One Harmony.

Just one shot.

More than a dozen shapeshifting diamonds were directly destroyed.

Silver Shadow’s powerful counterattack is stronger than their artillery fire.

Their bodies shattered directly into several parts.

Tony Stapao’s complexion changed drastically…

He is well aware of the strength of shapeshifting diamonds.

That incomparably hard gold is the powerful gold he has recently researched, and it is indestructible.

But now.

was directly destroyed.

Tony Starbub looked ugly.

The body flew over there.

“Optimus Prime asked the body!”

The armor on Tony Star’s body was like melted butter, and he directly completed the interrogation with Optimus Prime.

“Vision, everything.

“This guy’s strength is not something our singles can fight against!

Tony Star said aloud.

Vision just nodded.


Tony Starley controlled his armor and rushed over.

Pull out a powerful long sword directly from behind.

He rushed towards the silver shadow.

The long sword in his hand suddenly spewed dazzling flames.

The speed of the long sword in Tony Starley’s hand suddenly increased by two notches.

As the saying goes, speed is power.

That extremely fast long sword.

The power can be imagined.

With one sword cut, it really cuts mountains and rocks.

There was no expression on Yin Ying’s face.

Just a push.

The skateboard under my feet took a barely strong force.

A ray of light shrouded Yin Ying’s hand.


A harsh sound rang out.

A wave of air spread out on both sides.

It seems to be a sharp blade, rushing towards the diffusion gap on both sides.


The surrounding peaks were directly broken in half.


5.5 The mountain fell down, and the section was as smooth as a mirror.

The fluctuations from the two people’s fights are so powerful.

What a terrifying strength.


Tony Starley’s heart sank.

He had already used all his strength, but Yin Ying was unscathed.

But Tony Stark didn’t give up either.

The long sword in his hand attacked again, and Vision over there also launched an attack.

The golden soul gem on the top of the head directly hooked a powerful beam.

After being refracted in the air for a long time, it shot directly on Yin Ying’s body.

The two attacked in an instant.


The power of Yinying is very powerful.

The skateboard underfoot is just a blast of energy.

An energy shield appeared in front of Yinying.

The attack of the two people was helpless!

Tony Star is a little desperate,

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