Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 489 The C Brigade Dominated by the Sixth (Please order, please support)

The commander's decision stunned the rest of the director department.

All eyes were on the commander.

"Chief, there are too many uncontrollable factors, and we may not have enough mediators at the moment!" The chief of staff hesitated for a moment, but still expressed his concerns.

In fact, everyone doesn’t know that exercises without scripts can more intuitively reflect the combat effectiveness of a unit?

it's out of the question.

Everyone is well aware of the benefits of direct confrontation without setting up a script.

In fact, although our army has always used scripts for large exercises.

However, there have been unscripted exercises for internal confrontation at the army level, division level, and even the regiment level.

It's just that it's hard to control the exercise, and it's not surprising that there are even actual casualties.

In peaceful times, even if the exercise itself stipulates a certain casualty indicator, if there are "deaths", it is definitely a major event, and leaders at all levels will definitely be in trouble.

Therefore, the highly controllable exercise program of script interpretation has been used all the time.

But today, it is actually different.

The army commander looked at the chief of staff: "Brigade C, the whole brigade has made great strides in informatization. Although it is still impossible to achieve informatization to every soldier, at least the chief and deputy squad leaders of each squad have cameras."

Speaking of this, he pointed to the nearly two hundred computer seats in the director's department behind him.

"The on-site guidance and the monitoring here are enough to control the situation on the spot."

After a pause, the army commander looked at the communication screen again and said, "And I don't think this exercise should turn into a large-scale hand-to-hand combat!"

"Report, definitely not!"

This voice came from the commander of Brigade C who hadn't hung up the communication yet.

Although the army commander didn't mention names, he knew very well that this was asking him.

The C brigade's equipment has been fully upgraded, and the performance and firepower configuration and matching of various equipment are much stronger than that of the A division.

With so much good equipment and good weapons, if they still engage in large-scale hand-to-hand combat with people, it can only prove that the commander of their C brigade is not good enough to use the weapons and equipment to their full potential.

On the communication screen, Master Li didn't say anything.

The same is true for Chief of Staff Wei.

They just don't want to fight any scripted battles.

When the rules and regulations are too restrictive, there is basically very little room for people to play, and it is completely a combination of equipment.

And part of the subordinate companies of Division A still have Type 59 tanks.

In this case, what to fight with their newly upgraded C brigade.

Therefore, the current style of play without a script is what they want.

Soon, in the director's department, the communications between Division A and Brigade C were suspended.

On Division A's side, the division commander cheered up in the chariot, and ordered to the side: "Notify the whole division, one hour to prepare.

An hour later, our drill confrontation with Brigade C officially began.

This time, there is no script, and we have to show me the spirit of our A division. "


On the side, the person instructed by the teacher quickly carried out the order.

"My fellow, let it be. Let it be~"

"Fellow townspeople, we have a mission coming, please leave here as soon as possible!"

In front of the three of Wang Ye, some soldiers came running, including a captain, who pulled his face, but held back his temper and tried to persuade him.

en Wang Ye and the others were very obedient, they got on the motorcycle, and the three of them got into the car together.

The operation is over, and for the time being, the three of them don't know what to do next.

No way, the three of them didn't bring any communication equipment, and couldn't receive the communication from the division headquarters.

It's impossible to go up and ask the people in the C brigade what's going on now, right?

"Go, drive faster!"

Sitting on the motorcycle, the battalion commander urged in a low voice.

"Yes!" The correspondent responded, and then turned the accelerator hard.

On the unhardened road in the mountains, the motorcycle was running fast.

In twenty minutes, the three arrived in a small town.

Quickly found an Internet cafe.

As usual, the correspondent waited in the car, and Wang Ye and the battalion commander walked in.

"Hehe, I knew it would be foolish!"

When he saw the information in the QQ group chat, Wang Ye couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The battalion commander also laughed.

Not angry.

Because it is obvious that the C brigade will be resurrected.

It is impossible for the higher-ups to let them go to the sidelines and sit on the bench without seeing a little performance by the C brigade.

"Thirty-four minutes have passed, and there are still twenty-six minutes!"

At this time, Wang Ye looked at the computer screen and quickly said a message from the original headquarters.

The battalion commander nodded: "Well, time is running out!"

The battalion commander was talking, and now he was typing quickly to communicate with the division staff in the group.

Division A, now all the scouts have given up all kinds of long-distance communication radio equipment, and only keep everyone's headset-style individual communicator.

And this thing is only for short-distance communication, and it is still in a silent state.

Internet cafes have now become the main means of communication for the scouts of Division A.

As for the division headquarters, the headquarters even hired a small Internet cafe in the next small town.

So now the battalion commander can communicate with the headquarters in real time.

Wang Ye was also watching.

At the headquarters, there are no good decisive tactics at present.

The main reason is that Division A lacks long-range strike means.

Division A is just a mechanized infantry division.

It's not a synthetic division. Although Division A has an artillery regiment, the most powerful thing in the artillery regiment is a few 155mm self-propelled howitzers.

That thing is the furthest the whole division can shoot, with a range of thirty kilometers.

When mechanized infantry divisions are actually fighting, they are applied to battle-level warfare. It is definitely not a division that is dispatched alone and fights according to the current tactics that have not been reformed.

Once a war starts, Division A is a ground-propelling force. If you want firepower, you need artillery divisions under the group army, or even the Second Artillery Corps. They have all kinds of long-range fire and even tactical missiles.

Of course, the synthetic brigade doesn't have tactical missiles.

But they have rocket launchers, and the firepower of the fireworks module can reach as far as 40 kilometers.

This is another gap between Division A and the Synthetic Brigade.

Don't underestimate the ten kilometers, the main people also have various reconnaissance equipment and even drones.

Division A wanted to rely on scouts to locate people, and then dragged the artillery over to beat them, which was basically useless.

Now the C brigade has also reacted. When the helicopter is off, the drone will definitely move. With their scouts and the like, if you want to rely on artillery to sneak and attack, it is basically impossible to make a sneak attack.

"This confrontation still depends on us? Is there any good way to engage them?"

Suddenly, the battalion commander turned his head and looked over.

Wang Ye said with a smile: "Yeah! Now the scouts of our entire division are close to them, and they are concentrated here. The sap skills that we raised pigs in exchange for this year can't be used now?"

"Haha!" The battalion commander couldn't help laughing.

Looking at Wang Ye: "Indeed, there is no other good way!"

While speaking, he turned around and went to type.

Now the chief of staff is not online, but the staff of the headquarters is online, so they can't make any decisions, even if they have thought about this kind of play, they dare not give orders.

But after a while, when the chief of staff came, this style of play was immediately affirmed.

Afterwards, scouts from divisional reconnaissance battalions and other regiments, who stayed in Internet cafes in various places and received the news, quickly got off the plane to inform their own troops.

At this time, Wang Ye also left on his motorcycle.

The battalion commander has to stay in the Internet cafe to direct the whole battalion to fight, and can no longer run around.

In about half an hour, Wang Ye arrived in a small town next door.

The previously requisitioned Wuling Shenche is in this small town.

Wang Ye wants to come here to get his own equipment.

He's going to join the fight.

As an old sixth patriarch, how can I watch other people perform.

"Brigade C is also crazy now. Their entire brigade is dispersing. At the same time, they are still relentlessly arresting and investigating. Some of our brothers have already been arrested!"

After meeting with the brother guarding the car here, the brother immediately informed Wang Ye of the current situation.

An hour has passed.

The confrontation between Brigade C and Division A officially started.

Needless to say, Division A, the large force is now moving towards Brigade C according to the tactics formulated by the division headquarters.

Taking advantage of the scouts holding them back, they came to seize their forward positions, and then relied on tactics to prepare for the C brigade.

The C Brigade, on the other hand, split up and marched at the first time, and began to arrest people at the same time.

They also knew very well that since this place was overshadowed by Division A scouts, there must be more than this wave nearby.

Just like when you find a cockroach in your home, there is definitely more than one real situation.

What's more, the scouts who attacked them just now have all resurrected and run away.

They certainly won't really run back directly.

This is what they have to clean up now.

Otherwise, if his whereabouts are all seen by others, how can he fight?

But what makes them desperate now is that they want to use the newly upgraded equipment to capture the communication signal and locate it with radar. Even after they monitored the communication of Division A, they didn't try to grab the authority to alarm Division A.

Just looking forward to hearing about the scout operation order or something.

But not at all.

Division A's current radio and network communications are extremely rare, and every communication is the kind of communication without specific useful information, and even mixed with code words.

For example, the headquarters of Division A communicated with a certain regiment under it, asking if they had lunch at noon today.

The other party said that the lunch was good today, with fish and shrimp.

This is the listening that makes them vomit blood.

This kind of code words, they still have to guess what they mean. The key point is that they don't want to hear it now.

What they wanted to hear was their communications with the Scouts and follow them up, but there was none.

The scouts of Division A were like kites with broken strings, completely out of control.

The headquarters of Division A did not give them any orders.

Moreover, they are suffering more than this now.

Not only can Brigade C not be able to find the scouts from Division A, but now that they are splitting up and wanting to move, even bigger troubles are coming.


When they split up and moved forward, they found that many anti-tank mines were buried on the road.

And, the most disgusting thing doesn't stop there.

The scouts of Division A are better at hiding than one another.

Sometimes they have clearly sent people to search, but when the convoy comes over, important vehicles will smoke again.

It was hit by a rocket launcher.

"Son of a bitch!"

The brigade commander of C brigade, sitting in the car at this time, clenched his fists and cursed these three words with a livid face.

At this time, he has completely lost the good mood he had when he set off.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that his blood pressure is soaring now.

Angry enough to choke, but also disgusting enough to choke.

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