Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 483 The sixth child is out of the cage (please order, please support)

Jiangnan was called to a meeting at this time, and Wang Ye couldn't help wondering if there was any emergency.

Could it be that something went wrong with Sanlian?

But this should be impossible.

The third company is also an elite reconnaissance company under the division.

Even if a fully staffed reconnaissance company encounters some criminals on the border, it is impossible to deal with it.

What's more, if there was an emergency, the battalion commander could not have called Jiangnan to a meeting just now, but would have directly ordered to come over to raise the alarm.

How could it be possible to go to a meeting first after so much effort.

Thinking about these messes, but in the end when Wang Ye returned to Class 1, washed up, lay down and turned off the lights, he didn't wait for any response.

Even Wang Ye didn't know if Jiang Nan had returned.

Nothing to say all night.

Until 5:30 in the morning, abruptly.


None of them are emergency muster posts.

The low and piercing siren sounded directly in the camp.

On the bed, Wang Ye's eyes widened almost instantly.

"Battle alert!"

"Ouch, what the hell!"

"Quick! Quick! Get up!"

In the originally quiet dormitory, the sleeping figures lying on the bed were awakened almost instantly.

This is directly under the reconnaissance company, and there is no one who stays in bed or cannot get up after hearing the alarm.

Everyone gets up quickly, gets dressed and packs their backpacks.

At this moment, Wang Ye's adrenaline was a little bit up.

Naturally, it wasn't just him.

While sleeping soundly, the battle alarm suddenly sounded, and everyone had nothing to think about but only one thought.

Fuck it, battle alert!


Of course, this idea is only now, when everyone packs their backpacks and goes out to get their guns.

In an instant, everyone relaxed, and some even began to curse in a low voice.

Because the door of the exercise equipment room opened.

Why open this door in real war?

Apparently the battle alert was because there were drills.

Soon, the whole company's outfit change was over.

Gather outside the dormitory building.

Form the team, report the number, and then Jiangnan ordered to get in the car directly.

Didn't say anything about the task, let alone where to go for the exercise.

Confused, Wang Ye boarded a troop carrier with a row of soldiers.

"Good guy, what a big movement.

Look, this should be our whole division moving, not just our battalion! "

At the rear of the car, there were scouts watching the vehicles that were also moving elsewhere making noises.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a comrade-in-arms complained to him: "Aren't you talking nonsense, the company commander didn't issue a mission, it must be a large-scale operation, but I don't know who to do this time, and how to do it?"

"Actually, there is no difference. Exercises are all play games. It's very annoying to disturb people's dreams!"

There are also soldiers who are brooding about the sudden sound of the alarm in their sleep just now.

Naturally, he was caught off guard immediately.

In the carriage, a row of leaders is also crowded here.

Hearing what he said right now, he immediately glared and scolded: "What? Do you have to pick a time to fight?"

"Hey, platoon leader, talk, talk!"

The soldier who complained just now laughed.

"Brother Wang, you didn't practice in the military academy, did you?"

Inside the carriage, Wang Ye and the others were squeezed into the innermost group according to their positions.

Now knowing that it was just a drill, everyone is still very relaxed.

Right now, Wang Ye heard the question from Qi Zhenfei, who had become a non-commissioned officer, and Wang Ye turned his head and said with a smile: "It seems that there are juniors, juniors and seniors, but we don't have them yet!"

"It's pretty good, hey, my academic performance is too bad, otherwise I want to be admitted to the military academy!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Qi Zhenfei finished his sentence, and Cheng Bing laughed beside him, "If you're not bad in your studies, who wouldn't want to be admitted to a military academy!"

But just as he finished speaking, a second class sitting across from him immediately smiled and said, "Hey, I don't think so, what's so good about being a cadre? If a soldier in the squad makes a mistake, the squad leader will be punished, and the platoon leader will also be scolded!"

What he said directly made the second squad leader's face darken.

"Just talk a lot of bullshit!"

The second squad leader said something to him, but the second squad leader didn't refute his words, and even the platoon leader didn't say anything.

Because what he said was true and hit the pain in his heart!

Most people only think that cadres are good, that the squad leader can speak the same words in the class, and that the platoon leader can manage the soldiers of a platoon.

But this is a typical case of only seeing people eating meat and not seeing people being beaten.

Even Wang Ye was silent at this moment.

Indeed, being an officer is not easy.

Just think about a Deng Hai back then, and you will know how much trouble there was.

The army is under the responsibility system of cadres.

A class leader, all the grades of everyone in the class are his grades.

At the same time, if someone made a mistake in the class, he also had to take the blame.

No matter what is wrong.

In the same way, the responsibility here can be assigned to the platoon and company

The higher the position, the more scope and people need to be responsible.

Of course, Wang Ye had no regrets.

Just being a soldier can save a lot of things, just take care of yourself, but Wang Ye's ambition is not here.

He just wanted to be an officer, and for this reason, it was necessary to assume the corresponding responsibilities of an officer.

"Hey, Sanlian is back?"

Suddenly, someone from behind exclaimed.

The next moment, someone else was also lying on the rear of the car to probe.

Indeed, at this moment, there were also troop carriers coming out of the third company's garrison.

"When did they come back?"

"Last night, right? This exercise was quite big, and they were all called back overnight?"

"Hey, it's a pity, I missed a chance to sap them on the road!"

Someone sighed.

The next moment, Luo Yong who was next to Wang Ye suddenly yelled.

"Holy shit, the third company is back? Is the first company commander also back?"

What he said immediately made some people in the carriage who had been quiet before could not be quiet.

"It must be back, I'll go, it's a big loss, isn't the company commander just raising pigs for a day?"

"Come back and tell the company commander, let him go and let the company commander make up for it!"

"That's right, that's right, I took care of him for half a month back then, how could he forget it in one day!"

Everyone in the car shouted, but immediately, everyone's voice was suppressed by the platoon leader.

"The company commander came to order, all be quiet!"

The platoon leader gave an order, and then he reached out and pressed the side of the headset and replied: "Received by the first row!"

In an instant, everyone in the carriage fell silent, their eyes locked on him.

At this moment, Jiangnan's voice also came from Wang Ye's headset.

"Wang Ye, did you hear that!"

Wang Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly pressed the headset to respond.


Immediately, everyone in the carriage turned their heads to look at Wang Ye's voice.

But everyone was not too surprised, Wang Ye is not an ordinary soldier.

When he was a soldier in the reconnaissance company, he carried a military rank of 12 cents, but now he only has a shoulder on his shoulders.

However, if there is any order from Jiangnan, it is not surprising that Wang Ye's communication is not pulled, and it is not surprising that it is pulled.

"Okay, we're all here, let's briefly talk about the situation!"

In the headset, Jiangnan's voice came again.

In the next two seconds, both Wang Ye and the leader of the first row were slightly surprised.

Because Jiang Nan said that this exercise was actually against Division C.

"Master C, have their reforms ended?" The voices of the three platoon leaders sounded in the headset.

"Wang Ye went to see it yesterday!" At this moment, the instructor's voice sounded.

Wang Ye immediately pressed the headset and said, "It looks like it's done!"

At this time, Jiangnan's voice sounded again: "According to the superior, Division C should have completed its preliminary reform, so now we need to test its combat effectiveness!"

"Report, company commander, is it a confrontation between red and blue?"

The second platoon leader's voice sounded muffled after he finished speaking.

His words made Wang Ye feel a little gloomy in his heart.

Red and blue confrontation, bad memories.

Although he only participated once in his military career.

But that kind of exercise where you are passively beaten and you know you will lose before it even starts is really boring.

Totally a prop.

Being moved around.

At this moment, Wang Ye also guessed, if he was right, the battalion commander called Jiangnan to a meeting last night, which should be the reason for this.

"Yes, but don't think too much this time.

Although this time it is still a confrontation between red and blue, and there is also a director department, but for this confrontation, the director department only does the plot design, the combat performance, and the victory or defeat depends entirely on our own strength! "



At this moment, Wang Ye sat up straight.

This, it sounds like it makes people a little motivated!

Jiangnan's voice sounded again in the communication channel: "Of course it is true, this is just a confrontation within our army, and the military has absolute decision-making power.

What's more, this time is to test the combat effectiveness of Division C after reform.

If there are still various restrictions, how can the detected data be true. "

"Report, company commander, do we have to obey the director's arrangement to fight or do we have a certain space for independent action?"

Wang Ye couldn't hold back, pressed the headset and asked a topic he cared about.

And these words directly silenced the communication channel for a few seconds.

At this moment, Wang Ye saw a long line of eyes looking at him.

No one is fool.

Wang Ye's words, coupled with the current ethos of the entire Division A, especially these words, were said by Wang Ye, the guy who brought up this unhealthy trend.

So it's hard not to make people's minds active.

"What do you want?"

After a few seconds of silence, Jiangnan's muffled voice came.

"Hehe, what, why not! Just ask!" Wang Ye laughed.

Although Wang Ye said so, his jokes and words are actually understood by everyone in the communicator.

This guy has bad thoughts.

"I'll ask!" Jiang Nan murmured.

He didn't think about this before, but now that Wang Ye said, Jiang Nan's heart really became active.

The morale of Division A has been bad for a year.

In the past year, the ordinary company is no longer mentioned, and the reconnaissance unit is no longer mentioned as everyone's sixth child. At least the concept has been completely changed.

Being able to play sap is not positive, everyone has awakened the scout's spirit and combat thinking.

"Platoon leader!"

Neither Wang Ye nor the platoon leader spoke.

Especially now that the platoon leader has been looking at Wang Ye, and some other fighters in the car can't hold back now, and can't help shouting softly.

A platoon leader looked over and said in a muffled voice, "It's not over yet!"

Those three words made other people dare not say anything even if they were full of curiosity now.

The first platoon leader himself didn't say a word.

He is waiting for the results.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The car marched "bang bang" on the road.

The whole company, or rather, more than the whole company.

Now the entire division headquarters has come out, and not only the division headquarters, but also the regiment-level units under it.

At the same time, at this moment, the words Wang Ye asked are being passed on quickly.

Passed from company headquarters to battalion headquarters, and then from battalion headquarters to command headquarters.

Then, it was transferred to the exercise director department.

"Hehe, interesting, what does Master A want to do?"

In the director department, there are a lot of bigwigs from the group army today.

Now the deputy army commander Wang Ye had met before said with a smile, and a twenty-five-year-old beside him immediately answered with a smile: "It seems that Division A doesn't want to accept his fate!"

From their point of view, Master A is really a pure whetstone this time.

Although Division C has just finished reorganizing, but with such a large investment, after the equipment is upgraded across the board, its combat effectiveness is definitely not comparable to that of a mechanized infantry division.

After all, money is not spent in vain.

"Promise them!" At this moment, the army commander made a final decision with a smile.

C division's combat effectiveness is indeed crushing the machine infantry division now.

In this case, since Master A has his own ideas, let them do it.

Anyway, if the performance is not good, at worst, the director's department will revive the troops of Division A, which will not affect the interpretation of the plot confrontation.

On the contrary, if Division A really has some unique moves, it will also allow them to better test the combat effectiveness of Division C.

In the final analysis, this is just a confrontation within the army, a confrontation to see the results of the reform behind closed doors. The army commander and the others naturally hope to learn more about the combat effectiveness of the reorganized C Division.

Up to now, in fact, the army commander and the others still don't know the changes in the ethos of Division A in the past year.

I only know about the border patrol of Division A.

And the behavior of raising pigs and beating sap is, after all, just an act of military training within the division, and the division commander and the others also wanted to hide it.

Unlike Division A, because Commander Hong was promoted to deputy division commander, he naturally brought this atmosphere over.

This also makes the big bosses of the current military department not really aware of how strong Division A's ability to do things is.

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