Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 477 When the Yin Man is in progress (please order, please support)

"Students from Caocao Lu Academy actually came to our internship!"

In the detective company of the Iron Bones Heroes.

At this time, a scout, after running down the stairs quickly, returned to the class and started yelling.


"real or fake?"

"Fuck, Lu Yuan? Is it the Lu Yuan where Wang Pai went?"

In the class, just after returning from the night training of physical fitness, the soldiers who are resting now immediately surrounded him.

"Yes, and he's still a freshman!" The soldier who had just entered the door said quickly.

At this moment, the class was completely boiling.

Even the people from the next class came over because it was so loud.

"What's the situation? What's the situation?"

"Ah! Lu Yuan?"

"I'll go, freshman, is Wang Pai back?"

"Hush, keep your voice down!" Someone reminded the buddy who called Wang Pai just now.

Wang Pai, this name is not happy to be shouted loudly in the second row!

My platoon leader is a little allergic to his own name.

"What's the situation? Explain the cause and effect clearly!"

At this time, the fourth squad leader looked at the fifth squad, the soldier who had just come down from upstairs, and asked seriously.

And after the soldier heard this, he reorganized his words excitedly, and said in a low voice and quickly: "Didn't we see those other companies' slashes during the night training just now?

Just now I went upstairs to inquire, and the picket squad told me that it was the Lu Yuan who came.

Wang Pai also came together, but Wang Pai did not return to our regiment, he should have gone directly to the division headquarters or other regiments! "

"Damn, why don't you come back!" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Hmph, are you very dissatisfied with me?"

Suddenly, this sentence came from outside the door of Class 5 behind everyone.

In an instant, everyone's scalps went numb in the crowded Class 5 dormitory.

How could everyone not hear the voice of his platoon leader.

"No, platoon leader, you are brilliant and mighty, how could we be dissatisfied!" A non-commissioned officer turned his head awkwardly, looked at platoon leader Tian standing at the door with a dark face and smiled awkwardly.

Following his words, someone beside him immediately said, "That's right, that's right, platoon leader, we're only just!"

This guy talked too fast, and he wanted to explain along the way, but now he suddenly realized that it seemed that he couldn't come up with a good reason!

"Hmph, I think I was too kind to you just now, and a five-kilometer trip can't satisfy you.

Now that you have just come back, not only can you run around, but you can also huddle together and gossip here energetically! "

Platoon Leader Tian ordered with a dark face: "Assemble downstairs!"

Platoon Leader Tian's face was really dark at this time.

Wang Ye, that bastard, was a match for him.

It stands to reason that his two-year term as platoon leader should have come to an end.

But because of the previous incident, he can only work diligently in front of the platoon leader.

The enemy of life!

The key is that he has nothing to do.

After all, the bastard ran away and went to the military academy.

But he didn't expect that this bastard would come back after only a year.

His heart was very blocked, especially when he heard these guys bite each other, he felt even more uncomfortable.

You bastard, I took you for four years, but Wang Ye took you for a few months?

"Go, run for me on the road, and you are not allowed to come back until the lights are blown tonight!"

Downstairs, platoon leader Tian ordered directly.

Watching this scene, the guards upstairs were all sighing.

"Please don't be so loud just now!"

"Old Tian is feeling uncomfortable when he hears that Wang Pai is back!"

"Nonsense, can you be comfortable?"

The second row of scouts, when they were going to the playground at this time, saw that Lao Tian hadn't followed, they were still chattering while running.

"Hey, why are there still people running on the playground?"

Suddenly, someone looked at the playground ahead in surprise.

"It seems to be a few people from Erlian!"

"Have you taken your medicine tonight, it's almost nine o'clock?"

"Don't worry about them!"

"Hey, let's go, let's catch up and see if they have any unhappy things, let them talk about it and make us happy!"

All the scouts laughed.

Compared with their laughter, Zhang Peng, who was dragging his legs on the runway and struggling to walk, was already doubting his life.

too difficult?

Why is it necessary to assess armed cross-country for ten kilometers in a single company?

He hasn't run an armed cross-country 10 kilometers in a year in the military school!

but now.

"Hurry up, you are Wang Ye's soldier, show us your strength!"

"Come on, the soldiers brought out by Wang Ye must be amazing, run!"

On the side, several veterans of his class from the Second Company took turns to accompany him.

When en was running with him, they still acted like that. The timer became their baton, and they often replaced people to run with him.

At this moment, he was very powerless and even more aggrieved.

He really can't run anymore!

The key point is that they are still cheering on, saying that he is Wang Ye's soldier, he must be great, forcing him to want to run, even if he wants to shout that he can't run.

Fortunately, the situation immediately ushered in a turning point.

"Let's go, don't do it tonight, the bastard from the police investigation company is here!"

The shift deputy who was taking turns resting on the side of the playground ran over at this time.

After finishing speaking in a low voice, he came up to help hold Zhang Peng up and left.

Zhang Peng was puzzled by this situation.

But immediately, his current class assistant explained it to him.

The squad deputy said that the scouts in their company and the police reconnaissance company are very difficult to deal with now. He is in one squad now, and there are too few people to go head-to-head.

So the assessment will be another day, let's go back now.

Zhang Peng was very confused. He didn't understand. Is the army in such a mess now?

A regiment, the relationship between each company is still so complicated?

But now he dare not say anything.

I can only rejoice that the pain is over tonight, and at the same time, I turned my head to look at those figures who were running on the road.

At this moment, he had no idea that he had missed a chance to stand up.

The Iron Bones Heroes Group, and even the entire division, may be scolding Wang Ye now, but these guys from the Police Detective Company are the only exceptions.

Especially those in the second row, if they knew that they were tormenting Wang Ye's roommates, the upper bunk brothers, these second rowers would definitely be stripped of their skins later.

However, Zhang Peng didn't know the situation. He believed the lie that the deputy squad said that the detective company had a grudge against him, and if he didn't leave now, he would be in trouble later.

At the same time, in the camp area where the divisional reconnaissance battalion is located.

Under the darkness of night, a figure in an auspicious suit moved carefully in the camp area.

Soon, the figure circled under a big tree beside the basketball court behind the Lian dormitory building.

Fast up the tree.

"Commander, I'm fine!"

Pressing the headset, Wang Ye spoke in a low voice.


In the headset, Jiangnan's voice came out.

Before, Wang Ye actually wanted Jiangnan to find a government official, and then asked him to cooperate with him and send him directly to Yilian.

In the name of being directly assigned to the first company as an intern, let's go deep into the tiger's den.

But the plan was abandoned after only a brief discussion.

Because Jiang Nan didn't have the kind of person in the division department who could offend Lian Lian for him.

He knows a lot of cadres in the agency, and it's okay to ask to play together at ordinary times, and have a drink together on vacation.

But now to ask him to cooperate with the first company commander, Jiang Nan doesn't need to go to know that these guys will definitely say that their legs hurt instead of saying that their acting skills are poor.

Government cadres are inherently slippery.

What's more, he didn't do anything to save others' lives, so why should they offend the first company commander for him?

You know, after this cooperation, the first company commander was sent to raise pigs. Afterwards, the first company commander might scold Jiangnan and Wang Ye.

But the second company commander didn't care, and Wang Ye patted his ass and left after a month.

Even if he doesn't leave, Wang Ye, the master, won't care about Lianchang's hatred.

But they still have to hang out in the agency, maybe they will have to send troops later.

Offending the company commander of a reconnaissance company, coupled with the current atmosphere in the division, the days to come will not be over.

Therefore, this plan was shelved.

Of course, for Wang Ye, the sixth child, there are many tricks of the yin man.

One plan cannot be exchanged for another plan.

No, Wang Ye slipped out after changing into an auspicious suit.

Right now Wang Ye is hiding in this tree.

On the other side, Jiang Nan left after receiving Wang Ye's letter.

"Beep beep~"

The emergency whistle blows.

It stands to reason that it is time for the late roll call.

But this time he didn't want to do a late roll call.


After the assembly of the whole company was over, he took the whole company and left.

Lian Lian, Lian Lian didn't plan to roll call late tonight.

But it is impossible to rest now.

The first company commander is still lighting a cigarette in the office and thinking hard.

en He was thinking, how can he get out of the cloud and come back from the mission for the third time.

The second company is in the camp.

Today, when each company is in the camp, it is really rare to succeed.

The secret sentries of each company, Minggang.

In some companies, all kinds of traps are arranged in the dormitory buildings, such as mouse traps on the window sills of toilets and water rooms.

There are even booby traps in some places that are easy to sneak into.

Although the booby trap is not a real grenade with fragments, it is a shock bomb.

That thing, flashing and making a huge noise, really exploded, and the whole building would wake up immediately no matter how much sleep it had.

So in this case, when people are in the camp, almost all the companies are in peace.

Only when you go out for training, or when you go out overnight, is the time to be most vigilant.

But at this moment.


There was a knock on the door.

Then, the platoon leader on duty tonight stood at the door.

"Company commander, is the whole Second Company coming towards us?"

"Huh?" Lianchang frowned.

Immediately, he got up directly.

He didn't know what Erlian was going to do now.

But no matter what he did, he definitely wanted to see it.

Walked out of the office, before he went downstairs.

The voice of Jiangnan sounded from downstairs.

"Yi Lian, I'm going to be a flower girl in the dormitory every day, come out and do some activities!"

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