Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 464 Breaking the record of the whole army again (please order, please support)

The system broke the record of three kilometers this time, and it was a little more generous when it released the mission.

The last time the army record was broken, only one skill point was given.

Although this was because of that record, compared to Wang Ye's strength at the time, it was indeed a bit too easy.

But this time, with the habit of the system, I can give one point, and never give two points.

Being able to give two points this time actually proves that Wang Ye must pay more attention if he really wants to break this record.

After all, the record is counted in seconds, and Wang Ye did not have the ability to far exceed the record like breaking the 3-kilometer record.

Maybe a negligence, or a distraction delay, this record will not be broken.

Come to the front of the starting line.

The Minister of Training called the roll call again.

In class eight, a student came out with a serious face.

If en had a choice, he would definitely not want to come out.

Even if he could, he didn't want to sign up for this name.

But he is the current monitor of Class 8.

As the squad leader, at this time, I must play the spirit of whoever goes to hell if I don't go to hell.

No, he is not the fastest person in the 400-meter obstacle course in Class 8, and he was not even born in the army, but now he came out to Wang Ye's side, ready to compete on the same stage.

He is sullen now, not daring to look around at all.

He was afraid that others would see through his nervousness and stubbornness under his forced seriousness.

"I'll give you thirty seconds to prepare!"

Before the runway, the words of the head of the training department almost made the monitor of the eighth class a little bit overwhelmed.

In fact, he just ran when he wanted to come up, and left with his head covered after the run.

But what the hell is this thirty-second preparation time?

In fact, although people were prepared just now, and then they had a few seconds of preparation time, they didn't give thirty seconds of preparation time in advance, did they?

Wang Ye glanced at the Minister, but said nothing.

Looking back at the runway, Wang Ye began to take a deep breath.

It has been more than a year since the martial arts competition at the division headquarters.

Although the current Wang Ye, in terms of basic attributes alone, has not undergone any earth-shaking changes compared to before.

Because in the past year or so, I have learned all the skills that should be learned before, and the increase in the basic personal attributes behind is actually relatively weak.

However, Wang Ye back then was only one second away from the 400-meter obstacle.

Although that time was the result of Wang Ye's desperate efforts to explode the seeds.

But Wang Ye didn't say that he wouldn't try his best to explode seeds today.

"Are you ready?"

Thirty seconds passed, and the minister looked directly at Wang Ye and asked.

This made the eighth squad leader on the other side feel a little bitter.


Wang Ye turned his head, took another deep breath, nodded, and then lay down silently.

The 400-meter obstacle course is definitely not bare-handed in the regular arena.

Bring a gun, a bullet belt, a water bottle satchel and a hand grenade.

And it is also required to start in a prone position.

After Wang Ye and the eighth squad leader next to him got down together, Wang Ye didn't even look at him.

In fact, at noon today, and even last night, the eighth squad leader had a hard time with him.

After all, he is also a district team, and he is also the deputy district captain.

He and Wang Ye lamented how lucky they were to become the monitor of Class 8 in shifts at this time.

But, that was all before.

Now on the playing field, Wang Ye doesn't want to be distracted.

Wang Ye is ready to fight for the army record of the 400-meter obstacle.

Although Wang Ye knew very well that this was just a college sports meeting, breaking the record on this occasion could be counted as a record score, but it was absolutely impossible to get first-class merit.

After all, it was just a college sports meeting, and it didn't win glory for the country, let alone break records in a major military-level competition.

However, no matter how much merit, breaking this army record is an honor.

It can even silence some people who say that he only broke the three-kilometer record, and that the name of the three-army champion is a bit untrue.

"Get ready~"

On the side, the minister's voice came out.

At this moment, the flare gun in his hand was raised.

Wang Ye emptied his head and concentrated his mental attention.


At the moment of the explosion, Wang Ye rushed out like a cheetah pouncing on its food.

In obvious contrast, Wang Ye jumped out a few positions, and the eighth squad leader barely got up and ran.

Of course, no one talked about him at this moment.

Everyone's attention, including the camera on the side of the road, was only on Wang Ye.

"MD, so fast, it really is a 100-meter sprint!"

"I don't have the speed of him in the 100-meter sprint!"

Among the onlookers, some people couldn't help being shocked when they saw the speed of the 100-meter empty run in front of Wang Ye.

Compared with himself, he was instantly convinced.

The 400-meter obstacle, with this running method, they dare to say that they run like this, let alone the 200-meter obstacle, even if it is only the first 100-meter obstacle, it is unknown whether they can pass it.

The faster the speed, the greater the energy consumption, that's for sure.

Generally speaking, for the 400-meter hurdle, you must maintain your strength at a constant speed for the first 100 meters.

But Wang Ye really opened the eyes of many teachers and students of the Lu Academy who had never seen him running, and even teachers and students of other schools.

Four hundred meters, so there is such a running method.

However, after entering the barrier, Wang Ye's speed also decreased significantly.

But that's not because of Wang Ye's lack of physical strength, but because the existence of obstacles will definitely delay the speed.

For example, climbing a high board jumping platform, climbing a high wall.

Your speed must be reduced when approaching an obstacle, and the speed must be completely stopped when climbing over, and you can start again after passing the obstacle.

On the left hand side of the runway, Wang Ye ran past the dean and a group of leaders.

Wang Ye didn't look at the dean and the others, and the dean and the others didn't bother Wang Ye.

In fact, when Wang Ye ran now, it was still the same as before, and no one shouted for cheers.

Cao Guanlin and the others had already ordered that when Wang Ye was running, he should watch quietly and not make any noise.

The sound of cheering can't really help Wang Ye cheer, even if there are too many people talking, it might distract Wang Ye.

In a record-breaking battle, one second may determine whether it is successful or not.

And this second might just be a distraction.

Therefore, they eliminated these possible hidden dangers.



With his mouth open, Wang Ye took a big breath.

At this time, he is like wind and electricity, although after entering the obstacle, his speed has dropped significantly compared to the previous 100-meter empty run.

However, Wang Ye's movements and postures for crossing obstacles are almost all textbook-level time-saving and efficient solutions.

en is naturally the least labor-saving solution.

These movements are actually very handsome, and outsiders will think they are very chic and cool.

But even if ordinary people can make it, they will rarely use it when running.

There is a price to be paid for being coercive.

Wang Ye's posture over obstacles is very handsome, but this kind of handsomeness requires physical fitness to maintain.

The 400-meter hurdle itself is a high-energy project.

Excessive consumption of physical energy, not to mention the last 100 meters dragging his legs and running back.

Even pretending to be aggressive in front, when you turn back and run the third 100 meters, you may not be able to pass any more obstacles.

What's more, these actions save time but not life.

Compared with safe moves, Wang Ye's moves and postures over obstacles are more dangerous.

If one is not good, it is very normal to knock out a few big teeth and break an arm and leg.

Of course, no one would think that Wang Ye was doing this to pretend to be cool, given that Wang Ye was so hurdled at the moment.

If you want to break the record, you must use these time-saving, labor-intensive but efficient postures. Otherwise, why can you break the best score created by so many soldiers in the entire army over the years.

Time, just now everyone actually felt that it passed quickly.

A set of matches lasted just over a minute.

But now for more than a minute, it makes everyone feel extraordinarily tormented.

Live in seconds.

This sentence is very appropriate now.

Because there are really many students and even the teacher are secretly counting seconds.

Even if everyone knows that Wang Ye will announce the result after the referee finishes the run, that's how human psychology is.

The more you look forward to it, the more you can't wait.

They eagerly counted the seconds in their hearts, and then counted the time.

Finally, during their counting seconds, Wang Ye broke through the third 100 meters and ended the most difficult 200-meter obstacle run among the 400 meters.

The pace slowed down significantly.

There is not much comparison with the speed of the first empty run just now.

However, this is only compared to Wang Ye's speed when he started running just now.

Compared with ordinary people, Wang Ye's speed at the end can reach the speed of their 100-meter empty run before the start.


Exhaling heavily, although Wang Ye's physical strength is now stronger than that of the division's martial arts competition, but this time Wang Ye's speed is also faster.

With more intense consumption, up to now, Wang Ye is actually maintaining his speed by virtue of perseverance.

The legs are a little fluttering and disobedient.

The chest and lungs felt a little lack of oxygen.

But Wang Ye didn't care about these.

For the last 100 meters, his eyes were only on the finish line.


"Okay, one minute twenty-one seconds and thirteen!"

There was a loud shout, which sounded at the moment Wang Ye stepped on the finish line, which was also the starting line.

At this second, the voice of the head of the training department was very loud.

At the same time, at this second, the scene instantly boiled up!

"Oh yeah!"

"Damn it, it's broken!"

"Damn, it's amazing!"

At this second, following the minister's voice, everyone couldn't hold back any longer.

Immediately, there was thunderous applause.

At this moment, many students and even teachers and teachers were a little flushed with excitement.

"It's too fierce, one minute twenty-one!"

"Damn, even if you see me with your own eyes, it feels like I'm dreaming!"

"It's amazing, his running style, I guess I'm amazing if I can climb to the finish line in two minutes!"

"I'm sure I can't do it in two minutes. With his running style and obstacle-crossing posture, if I don't go to the hospital, I will be great!"

At this moment, all witnesses at the scene were extremely excited.

However, Wang Ye, who is the person involved, is now gasping for breath with the support of Cao Guanlin and the trainer.

"Wang Ye, you are amazing!"

This was the instructor's voice, and Cao Guanlin even shouted to the side: "Don't squeeze in, let Wang Ye take a few more breaths of fresh air!"

What is a baby, this is a baby!

When other people come over now, he feels that he will consume the surrounding oxygen and affect Wang Ye's intake.

Of course, he could only scold the students.

Over there, the head of the department, the principal of the dean, and the leaders of other colleges also came here directly at this time.

It was a worthwhile trip and lived up to expectations.

Luyuan, tonight will be famous in the whole army.

And all of this was brought about by the panting, flushed and sweaty young student in front of him.

At this second, the dean and the committee members looked at Wang Ye and smiled kindly.

"Chief, Chief, look at the military website!"

Division A Division Headquarters, tonight is Head Hong, en is now the Deputy Division Commander, and he is the head of duty.

At this time, he was correcting documents and working, when suddenly the door of the office was knocked and pushed open, and then a captain officer hurriedly shouted at Deputy Master Hong behind the desk.


Deputy Master Hong frowned: "What are you doing in such a hurry? Do you have anything to say directly?"

He didn't look at any military websites.

However, the captain did not immediately correct his mistakes and admit his mistakes because of Deputy Commander Hong's attitude.

Because he knew that his boss would not blame him for his recklessness when he waited.

Of course, he didn't give a shit either.

He said directly: "Chief, your old subordinate, Comrade Wang Ye who has already gone to the Luyuan, broke the army record of the 400-meter barrier at the sports meeting held in the Luyuan this afternoon. Now the news has been posted on the military website."


At this moment, Head Hong's eyes widened.

The next moment, he didn't care about the captain's work, and he didn't care about the unfinished documents on the table.

Sitting up straight, his right hand quickly touched the computer mouse assigned to him on the office desk

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