Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 461 The Mascot Wang Ye (please order, please support)

"Hey, look, the results of the team from Polytechnic University to West Point University this year have come out!"

On the afternoon of the 24th, during free newspaper reading time, someone in the dormitory suddenly exclaimed in a low voice.

"How's the grade?"

"Look! Look!"

The Sandhurst competition was basically a completely unfamiliar event to our country before.

Presented jointly by Eagle Empire's West Point Military Academy and John Bull's Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

At first, it was just an exchange between two military academies, and later developed to invite some other countries to start participating.

Last year, my country's Nizi Wanwan was invited to participate for the first time.

Then he came back with a big embarrassment, seven countries, fifty participating teams, he took forty-ninth place.

Also because of this premise, after our country was invited for the first time this year, it has always attracted attention as soon as the news came out.

After all, although Nizi is Nizi, but Nizi is ashamed, as adults, we must not be ashamed again, and even hold our breath and want to get back some ground.

At this moment, Wang Ye, who was standing in front of the military mirror, was also turning his head.

"Fourth in total score, first in two individual items, and second in one individual item, that's amazing!" Immediately, someone exclaimed.

"Didn't take the first place! I'm a little disappointed, I still want to see them punch the old M, and reproduce the majesty of our martyrs back then!"

"What are you thinking? This is the first time we have participated. We are not familiar with the venue, the project, and even the old M does not talk about martial arts. The invitation letter was only given in January this year. It is only two or three months for the adaptation period. , it’s actually pretty good to be ranked fourth!” Lu Weiming gave a rational analysis of the situation.

Of course, the analysis belongs to the analysis, and it must be a pity for everyone not to get the first place.

"Unfortunately, he doesn't invite us to participate in this invitation system!

If we can participate, if we release Brother Wang, we may be able to hear the Oumai Karma of those people from M country! "

In the dormitory, when someone said this, he turned to look at Wang Ye who was standing in front of Jun Rongjing.

Wang Ye immediately smiled and said: "The fourth is indeed very good. We may not be able to do much better when we go up. I didn't read the reports. It said that the Eagle Empire has been weakening individuals and strengthening the role of teams! Competition events all focus on teamwork. ?"

The University of Science and Technology reported this competition not long after being invited. As an international competition, it still represented our military academy, and it was the first time to participate. Wang Ye naturally did some understanding.

"Hey, Brother Wang, overly modest is proud!"

"That's right, that's right!"

In the dormitory, everyone did not agree with Wang Ye's words.

The main thing is that Wang Ye often plays this trick, such as the culture test, after the test, ask Wang Ye how he did in the test, and whether he finds the questions difficult.

He would usually say that the test was so-so, and the questions were quite difficult, but within two days of getting the results, he was the first again.

Just like livestock.

"Okay, just read the newspaper when you read the newspaper, just discuss it normally, don't talk about what's there!"

Wang Ye looked at them and said something with a smile.

He has no time to read the newspaper now.

It can be seen from the clothes.

Everyone else in the dormitory was dressed in camouflage, but he was the only one who had changed into a regular uniform and was still arranging his appearance in front of the military mirror.

I'm going to be a mascot later, en or to be a facade.

This afternoon, there will be other academy students who were invited to participate in the Luyuan Sports Meeting.

Naturally, because of this incident, the Lu Academy had to make some reactions, such as the gate post of the Lu Academy.

This is the first impression given to people. Those who stand on duty must be handsome and tall.

Like a military parade, you're sure not to see ugly men.

They are all selective.

In this case, although Wang Ye's current figure is not tall and mighty compared to those in the guard of honor.

But the indicator of being handsome enough is definitely up to the standard.

In addition to this, Wang Ye also has advantages that the students of the guard of honor do not have.

That is Wang Ye's face, but it is well-known.

"Brother Wang, you are very handsome, but maybe not good enough, I heard that there are female soldiers from other colleges.

Brother Wang, isn't there a bottle of balm in Liu Huan's cabinet? Or wipe it! "At this time, Zhang Peng looked over and spoke with a smile.

Immediately, before Wang Ye could open his mouth, Liu Huan hurriedly said, "Hey, you can eat things indiscriminately, but don't talk nonsense. That's sunscreen, not balm!"

This is the sunscreen that his girlfriend sent in the mail the other day.

But because this thing has a fragrance inside when it is opened, everyone laughs and calls it a balm.

"Han Qi, improve class discipline, I'll go first!"

Wang Ye ignored these guys, said something, and walked towards the door of the dormitory.

This semester, he is still the deputy district captain.

The district captains and instructors are still served by senior students, but the monitors of the class have changed this semester.

From the beginning of this semester, the college is just like the teaching team at the beginning, and the students began to take turns to serve as the monitors.

And Wang Ye and the others, who had experience as instructors, cooperated with the district captain and the others to teach them the Sihui teaching method and so on.

Of course, this is not a problem.

Right now, after Wang Ye walked out of the dormitory, he went directly downstairs.

Go to the instructor first, and then go to the school gate.

"Tell me, can you see that bullish Lu Yuan primary school boy?"

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, a bus got off the expressway and came straight to Luyuan.

In the car, there are more than twenty students, both men and women.

Right now, among the three girls sitting in the back row, someone whispered to the comrades beside him.

"What elementary school brother, you are only a junior, he came from the army, and his military age is no shorter than yours!" The girl next to him smiled and said softly.

There were also school leaders leading the team in the car, but they didn't dare to make any noise.

"What are you talking about, I have checked, he was a soldier in 2009, he joined the army on December 1st, but I enrolled in August 2009.

I must be his senior sister! "

"Hey, yes, you are a veteran, comrade veteran, when you see this legendary junior later, do you want to say something to him?"

"I want to take a group photo.

Hee hee, he looks so handsome in his photo. After taking a group photo, I will use him as the standard for finding a boyfriend in the future! "When the female soldier who spoke first said this, a little blush appeared on her wheat-colored face.

"Then why are you looking for a pumpkin with a picture of a watermelon? Can't you see the watermelon later? Go straight up!"

"We're going to die, we haven't graduated yet!"

The two female soldiers laughed softly.

The primary school boy they were talking about was naturally Wang Ye.

As a soldier who broke the record of the whole army and was promoted to the top rank, a soldier who has been in the army for more than two years can still wear a medal of merit.

Wang Ye is indeed well-known in the army now.

Also because of this, coupled with the principle of attraction of opposites, it is normal for Wang Ye to be a bit of a fan in other military academies.

In fact, on the side of the gate of Luyuan, there are two college teams that have entered the school. When the vehicles of each college slowly enter the school, the students in the vehicles will look sideways when they see Wang Ye.

Some female soldiers even waved and greeted Wang Ye boldly after recognizing Wang Ye.

Another academy convoy enters the school.

Standing at the gate, Wang Ye stood at attention and raised his hand when the convoy came over.

This is the only time he can move this afternoon.

Well, in his heart, Wang Ye has already scolded the trainer countless times.

Liar, big scam!

He told Wang Ye that he would just stand there for a while, and Wang Ye could leave the sentry post after all the four schools invited had come.

But he didn't tell Wang Ye exactly how long he would have to stand, and he didn't tell Wang Ye that they would arrive at one o'clock at the earliest, and the latest school didn't arrive until after five o'clock.

Wang Ye stood at the gate abruptly, standing motionless against the most poisonous sun until now the sun was about to set.

More than four hours!

The sentinel post who was on duty with him on the opposite side had changed twice. He was the only one who had no one to replace him because of what the trainer said he needed, so he had to stand here all the time.

For more than four hours, I drank a sip of water.

Fortunately, with the convoy of this academy entering the gate, he was finally able to get off the sentry post.

With a smile, the trainer came to pick him up in person.

Of course, he didn't come to pick up the whistle, he just came to pick up Wang Ye, and the trainees on duty who were arranged separately.

"Slow down, slow down, thank you for your hard work, you don't need to work on your physical fitness today, I approved it, you can go back and rest directly later!"

Seeing Wang Ye's stiff legs dragging, unable to bend while walking, the trainer said with a smile.


Wang Ye looked at him, and responded in a muffled voice through his teeth.

He really wanted to say, "Thank you!"

Since joining the army, it is not that Wang Ye has never stood guard in the army.

But it is usually two hours normally, and even if someone drags the whistle occasionally, it will not exceed two and a half hours.

For four hours, it was the first time for Wang Ye to stand in such a position where he could not move and had to pay attention to his appearance all the time.

My legs are numb, and I have to walk with my legs sideways when I walk, as if both legs are fixed by bamboo poles.

it's painful.

"Today, female students from two colleges asked you what project you participated in.

Look, I found you a good job, right?

The competition starts tomorrow, you have to perform well, maybe your future daughter-in-law will be watching inside! "Walking in the school with Wang Ye, the instructor turned his head cheerfully and spoke again.

Those words left Wang Ye speechless.

"Instructor, you made a mistake. I am a student, and the military academy prohibits dating. There is something wrong with your thinking!"

A hand came directly towards the back of Wang Ye's head.

But Wang Ye avoided it as soon as he got short.

Although his legs were still a little numb, his reaction speed was not slow.

"Don't hide, give me a call, or I will lead you back now, and you stand until the lights are turned off at night!" The instructor looked over and said viciously.

"Oh, my leg hurts so much, I'm going to the hospital!"

Wang Ye didn't pay attention to him at all, and even Wang Ye immediately limped and ran towards the hospital in another direction.

Suddenly, the instructor's face turned dark.

"Stop!" After sternly calling Wang Ye to stop, the trainer said again with a dark face: "I have to check my leg if I go to the hospital first. You and I go to the infirmary, and I will take a look for you in person!"

In a word, Wang Ye stopped running immediately.

Turning back with a smile: "Forget it, trainer, I don't feel any pain anymore!"

The trainer approached, this time he grabbed Wang Ye's hand and gave Wang Ye a touch over the head through the hat.

"Xiao Mian, I still can't deal with you!" After typing, the trainer said in a whisper.

At this moment, Wang Ye swore in his heart.

It's best not to be on holiday when he gets married, as long as he has time to attend during the holiday, he can just wait.

If he doesn't help him, he will go to Zhao Tong's house to be the goalkeeper.

At that time, the door will be blocked to prevent him from picking up the bride, and let him sing conquest outside the door.

Of course, Naogui Naogui, after all, this is the courtyard, just hit, and then the two walked together side by side.

"Instructor, will the West Point school competition invite our college next year?" Walking side by side towards the dormitory, Wang Ye finally couldn't hold back and asked this question.

The instructor looked over: "I don't know, but there is a high probability that I still won't."

After a pause, the instructor explained: "The University of Science and Technology has always been the diplomatic name card of our military academies. If people want to invite our country, they must be the first to invite them.

how? Do you want to participate? "Looking at Wang Ye, the instructor's face was full of smiles.

"Instructor, do you want me to participate?" Wang Ye asked with a smile.

In a word, it made the trainer feel a little itchy again.

He really regrets it now. He took Wang Ye to some normal university, and he went there, and asked him to call him brother Zhou. Now it's all right.

Wang Ye really rubbed his nose and face!

When we were together in private, I really didn't regard him as a superior, and I didn't answer the questions honestly.

"If you want to go, work hard, this sports meeting, if you have the ability, make it bigger!

For example, if you break an army record at the 400-meter barrier, there are still five kilometers left. Forget it, you don’t expect to break this! "

He also said it casually about the five-kilometer off-road, but he himself felt that it was impossible to say it.

Fifteen minutes and forty seconds!

To be honest, this record is too explosive.

It's not that the records are all created in the competition. There are referees and supervisors. If it's just a statistic, I don't know how many people suspect that the person hitchhiked a fellow while off-roading.

Fifteen minutes and forty seconds, running without weight on the track on the playground can be regarded as an absolute burst.

But he's still cross-country.

To be honest, the instructors didn't even dare to think that Wang Ye could break this record.

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