Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 459 The end of the winter vacation, back to school (please order, please support)

On the afternoon of the 18th, Wang Ye, who had just finished talking with the trainer, was lying quietly on the recliner with his eyes closed again.

But suddenly, Wang Ye's eyelids trembled.

The next moment, Wang Ye opened his eyes.

It can be clearly seen that Wang Ye at this time has unconcealable fatigue in his eyes, and even a hint of sadness can be seen in his eyes.

He just entered the training space again.

The last time Wang Ye entered the training space was on September 20 last year.

For nearly four months, Wang Ye has been leaving the training function of this system alone.

The main thing is that although the system training space is very good, it can increase his actual combat command experience, and it can also allow him to adapt to the battlefield environment, turning him from a soldier in a peaceful age into a soldier in a hundred battles.

However, the aftereffects of the battlefield are indeed not so pleasant.

Especially one death, Wang Ye didn't happen to play with wigs for a few days on the National Day last time, and it might not be easy to recover.

Afterwards, he continued to study, even on weekends, and the rest time was extremely limited. In this state, Wang Ye did not dare to go in again.

And now back from vacation.

Wang Ye naturally wanted to try this function again, he couldn't be afraid of this thing just because he died once.

It's not really dead.

So in the past few days, Wang Ye often checks the classic tactics of World War II and Anti-M and Aid-C on the Internet, as well as the style of offensive and defensive warfare.

Even Wang Ye studied the ancient art of war by Sun Tzu.

Although Wang Ye looked a little sleepy after watching this thing, he fell asleep just now.

But just after being woken up by the trainer's phone call, Wang Ye spent one of the six skill points he had saved and re-entered the battlefield of the last battle against M and Aid C after ending the call.

Still the same situation, still the same task.

The plot was reset, and this time, Wang Ye was lucky enough to complete the task.

Hold on to the position for four hours.

But the price is also heavy.

A full choreography of more than 30 people, at the end of four hours, only three people survived including Wang Ye.

Fully withstood the saturated strike and fire coverage of the M army.

The bombing of the plane in the sky ended, and on the ground, the large-caliber howitzers in the distance came to wash the ground again.

After that, the M army rushed over.

It can be said that in the firepower coverage, even if Wang Ye's platoon had fortifications, it still directly reduced its staff by at least 30%.

If the shell fell to the side, it would be like Wang Ye's last time, even if he hid in the trench, he would be killed.

And it's not just this case.

The loud vibrations and shock waves brought by the shells will also cause burden and damage to the internal organs of the human body. Some soldiers were even stunned directly.

In a war, when the artillery fire ceased, all the troops of the M Army rushed a hundred meters away

Afterwards, Wang Ye watched real historical images and systematic teaching.

Very sad result is.

In this battle, the historical real image persisted for about three hours, and this line of defense was completely breached.

And the system commanded and arranged, and in the end only five people survived.

My heart is heavy, this is a real meat grinder, and it is a war where life is exchanged for time.

Resisting M and aiding C, there are only a few lines in the history books, which may have been filled in by countless martyrs.

They may have had names and surnames back then, but today, there may only be traces of their existence in some archives from that year.

But they sacrificed their lives for the country.

"What the hell"

The smell of gunpowder smoke on the battlefield seemed to still echo in the nostrils.

Looking out the window, I feel the warmth of the winter sun shining on my body.

Wang Ye rubbed his face vigorously and then cursed.

In this mission.

Wang Ye felt that he didn't have much knowledge and experience in the formation of troops.

Because in this battle, being able to withstand the enemy for four hours is entirely due to the spirit and will of the martyrs who are not afraid of death, and Wang Ye's superb marksmanship, coupled with the fact that the M army is afraid of death, the mission can be completed.

Under the cover of the M army's firepower, tactics interspersed and tactical arrangements are sometimes really weak.

Of course, this task is also really training people.

On the frontal battlefield, after the handover of short soldiers, those who have never experienced the meat grinder-style battlefield command ability may not dare to show their heads, let alone command the battle.

Before Wang Ye's artillery fire stopped, it was reminded by his comrades-in-arms nearby, and he recovered from the bombardment after shaking for a while.

This is an experience that Wang Ye cannot have in modern times.

One afternoon, Wang Ye lay on the recliner until his mother came back to call for dinner in the evening, and then he concealed his emotions and got up.

After the meal, Wang Ye even went out to the most crowded place in the county to relax and didn't come back until after eleven o'clock.

However, Wang Ye still suffered from insomnia that night, and when he closed his eyes, he saw the battlefield like a meat grinder.

Fortunately, with the peaceful life in reality and the New Year's Eve approaching, there are a lot of laughter and laughter outside.

Especially because of the holiday, there are children laughing and playing everywhere.

All kinds of circumstances relieved Wang Ye's nerves and healed his post-war trauma.

So it took only a few days for Wang Ye to recover.

But it was also because of this that Wang Ye made up his mind.

In the future, when it is not a holiday, this system function will try not to touch him.

Even if its cooling time is only one month.

But Wang Ye's nervous tension and psychological trauma after each battle not only need time to recover, but also a peaceful environment.

A place like a military academy is obviously not suitable for adjusting the status.

Don't be too mentally burdened one day. After something really happened, the school found out, and thought that he killed a criminal on the border, and then the sequelae remained to this day.

Then it's over, a person with such a fragile heart is not suitable for being a soldier.

"Brother Wang, come on, I hope that in the future you can see you come back with a wheat ear on your shoulder.

That way, I will be able to brag about my generals and comrades-in-arms! "

On the second day, Yan Zhiming brought his girlfriend to see Wang Ye off.

During the winter vacation, Wang Ye met him several times.

en ate a lot of dog food.

The relationship between these two guys has been approved by both parents, but because the girl hasn't graduated from college, she can't get married.

But now at home, the two are getting tired of being together almost every day, including when he comes to look for Wang Ye, or when Wang Ye looks for him.

"Okay, go back, I'm leaving!"

Wang Ye nodded with a smile.

Taking a step back, Wang Ye saluted the two with a smile.

Turning around, Wang Ye got into the waiting car.

The journal will start tomorrow.

Military academies have shorter winter vacations and start earlier than local universities.

"Xiao Yan, go back, let's go!"

In the driving seat, Wang Jianjun also smiled and waved to Yan Zhiming outside.

"Okay, uncle, go slowly!"

Yan Zhiming nodded with a smile, but did not move.

I have been watching the Mercedes-Benz start to drive away.

On the side, a little cold hand suddenly stuffed into his palm.

Turning her head, the girl next to her smiled like a flower, "Let's go, go to the movies with me!"

She knew that Yan Zhiming must be having a hard time right now.

He must have wanted to put on that uniform again, but that was out of the question.

So she could only accompany Yan Zhiming when he felt uncomfortable, and try to divert his attention.


Reining in his inner regret, Yan Zhiming smiled and nodded again.

The military career that ended before two years was destined to be a regret in his life, especially after seeing Wang Ye every time.

However, he is also very sober, regrets are regrets, and reality is reality.

"Look at Xiao Yan, how nice you are. This guy is not sensible at all. The girls call you out to play, but you actually take her to go fishing. The key point is that you tell the girls not to talk, saying don't scare you. nest!"

In the car, Wang Ye hit his mother a few times.

This was when I went back to my hometown for the New Year. On the third day of the Lunar New Year, some relatives introduced Wang Ye directly, and the girls brought them home.

But Wang Ye took the fishing rod and said that he wanted to go fishing, and then the story happened.

In the end, the girl went home and complained to the introducer, and then the relative she introduced told her mother, and Wang Ye has been talked about to this day.

Wang Ye pretended to avoid his mother's beating, and said with a smile: "Mom, I told you, don't worry about it, I'm still young!"

"Don't worry about you wanting to be a bachelor in the future!" Xu Xiaofeng gave Wang Ye a blank look: "I told you, I didn't ask you to talk now.

Let's get to know each other and chat with each other. The girls are also the same age as you.

You can get to know each other slowly, and you really feel suitable to be together again in the future, and I didn't say that you should get married now. "

"I also said that I'm not free. Mom, it's not like you don't know that I may not be able to play with my mobile phone for a day in a month. How can I talk?" Wang Ye said helplessly.

After some words, the mother who said it didn't know what to say.

"What my son said is also reasonable, you don't have to worry about this matter in the future!" At this time, the old Wang who was driving in front also spoke.

Because Wang Ye re-opened a page of the family tree last year, after Lao Wang re-energized his fighting spirit, now he doesn't want Wang Ye to take over early and let himself retire.

So in this case, he is very casual about whether Wang Ye can find a girlfriend now.

"Hmph, both of you, father and son, vent your anger through one nostril!" Mom angrily snorted at Old Wang in front.

But she didn't say anything about it after humming.

The car quickly headed towards N City.

After the evening arrived, Wang Ye stayed at his home in N City for another night.

The next day, Wang Ye returned to Luyuan with his bag.

"Hello, Deputy Wang!"

"Hello, Deputy Wang!"

In the past twenty days, after Wang Ye returned to the freshman dormitory building, he heard the familiar address again.

"Yeah!" He smiled and nodded all the way upstairs.

Back outside the dormitory door, it was very quiet.

Wang Ye originally thought that there was no one in the dormitory.

But as soon as he opened the door, Wang Ye realized that he had guessed wrong.

All four of Li Qingsheng were there.

It's just that these four guys are honestly holding books, reading books and doing questions.

In fact, when Wang Ye went upstairs just now, all the things Wang Ye saw outside were those who returned to school early today or yesterday.

They are school nurses.

Now I'm not in the mood to hang out with that time.

"Hey, Brother Wang, are you back?"

"Brother Wang!"

The sound of Wang Ye pushing the door open alarmed the people inside.

Immediately, everyone stood up in surprise.

"Brother Wang, I'll help you carry the bag, come here, give it to me!" Zhang Peng stretched out his hand to snatch the bag from Wang Ye's at this moment.

"Stop, I'll get you something to eat!" Wang Ye smiled and took a step back.

Why doesn't he know what he wants to do.

A bag is a real bag, but before you put the bag away for yourself, you must first check what food you brought them.

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