Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 449 The new training is over, deputy district captain (please order, please support)

"Look at you big-headed ghost!"

The trainer immediately turned black.

Which pot does this kid not open and which pot to lift!

At this moment, he was actually secretly regretting it.

If I had known that I would have taken him to the Internet last time, what kind of beauties did I see.

It's all right now, I just had a romantic talk, but this kid found out about seeing beautiful women before.

In the future, I will be caught by someone!

Thinking of this, he felt a little pain in his teeth, and even the cigarette in his pocket seemed to be beating.

This kid, I'm afraid it will be necessary to stuff his mouth with cigarettes in the future.

But this kid seems to only have Huazi in his pocket every day.

Hurt your wallet!

Although he is a major battalion-level officer, he has to fall in love with his salary, and has other expenses, and he has Bao Huazi in his pocket every day, so the pressure is really great.

"Dean, this Wang Ye is really wild enough, isn't he?"

On the high platform of the playground, big shots gathered here today.

It is almost impossible for you to see any ears of wheat in the army's military recruits.

Don't even mention the ears of wheat, it's luck if you can see it for twenty cents.

Generally, it is two cents and three to host.

But in the Lu Academy, although the opening of today's competition was hosted by the troops of the training department, in a row of seats on the stage, the dean with a wheat on his head came right from the beginning.

Looking at the situation at the end of the three kilometers on the playground, someone beside the dean smiled and spoke.

"Well, good seedling!" The dean nodded with a smile.

He didn't say much. In his position, there are some things that cannot be said in public.

"Yeah! Absolutely good seedling. I have watched some videos of this kid in class. The military thinking is very unique, which is in line with the current line of our army.

I feel that this little guy will definitely accomplish a lot after graduating from our school in the future! "

On the side, Ermao San spoke again, which made the others couldn't help it immediately.

"Hey, Lao He, he is only a freshman, and the future is still so long, I agree with his strong personal ability.

Praise the future?

Just because you are a student in your department, you can't just take the opportunity to blow it up! "

"Haha!" Director He laughed.

"I didn't brag. You haven't watched Wang Ye's class video. I have some. If you are interested, I will send you a copy when I go back today!"

Indeed, Wang Ye belonged to his department, so the more he watched Wang Ye, the more he liked him.

Nonsense, this is also equivalent to his direct student.

In fact, he has been holding back and waiting for today.

Usually it is not easy to show off Wang Ye's combat thinking.

Because of that thing, it is true to say that it is forward-looking, but this kind of forward-looking has not reached an unimaginable height.

So it is impossible for him to deliberately bring those videos of Wang Ye's class to the dean to talk about it.

But taking the opportunity to boast now, it's normal to draw it out.

"Oh? Then I'm a little interested, send me back and have a look!"

The dean is indeed interested.

As a dean, his duty is to teach and educate people, and train elites to enter the army.

To be honest, Wang Ye's personal ability is very powerful, and he is just boasting along the lines of his words.

Because of his great personal ability, it only represents Wang Ye personally, and at most it means that it will be easier for Wang Ye to lead troops at the grassroots level in the future.

But how far he can go on the road to the military actually depends on Wang Ye's commanding skills.

This is the most important thing for an officer.

If you don't know how to lead troops, it's hard to say whether you can go up to the battalion level.

Even if you can, that's all you need to do.

At most, you will be promoted to a higher level before you change jobs, and you will basically reach the top if you change jobs as a sub-team.

Officers don't want brawn, they want brains.

"Send me a copy too, I also want to see what the unique combat thinking in your mouth looks like!"

"Give me one too!"

"Hehe, I want to see it too!"

On the stage, there are a group of bigwigs sitting now.

Watching the recruits compete, although it is interesting, but now that Wang Ye has finished running, the others seem to be quite satisfactory.

Now that there is such excitement, they are naturally willing to join in.

On the edge of the playground, Wang Ye didn't know that he was being discussed by all the big shots on the stage.

At this time, he was still staying with the trainer.

After the three district teams finished running, he went to assemble.

Following the district captain, after listening to his brief lecture summary and encouragement, he began to transition.

There are a total of ten events in the new training team competition, which can be regarded as a continuous transition.

Of course, for Wang Ye, these projects are really pediatrics.

Wearing a gas mask, climbing tactics, disassembling, combining and shooting the Type 95 rifle.

Project after project.

For two days, Wang Ye had no reservations.

Because Class Seven is destined to lose face, and he is also destined to be on the cocktail list.

That being the case, he can only save face by taking the personal first place in all the events with an absolute gap.

So in the past two days, Wang Ye not only let the freshmen of the team see what it means to be worthy of the name.

The trainer and the team leader were also asked to run with Wang Ye all the time, and after each match, they had to cheer him up and ask him for warmth.

"Dedicated to strengthening the army and defending the country, you are all the new generation who grew up under the red flag.

You today are like the rising sun.

The future belongs to you.

I hope you can change from the morning sun to the sun above our heads, shining on the land of our flower growers, and with the guns in your hands, take over the wishes of the ancestors and protect the peace and stability of our flower growers."

The contest ended, and the dean stood on the stage to speak.

To Wang Ye's disappointment, the dean never mentioned his name from the beginning to the end.

However, this is also normal.

Ten new training competitions, in the final analysis, are just new training competitions.

Wang Ye is very strong, but the dean doesn't need to praise him.

This can be boasted by the training troops, captains and instructors.

As for the dean, he is the helm of the Lu Academy, and it is enough for him to set great ambitions for everyone.

Until 6:30 in the evening, the competition officially ended under the order of the Minister of Training.

At the same time, with the end of this martial arts competition, it also officially stated that the freshman training of the Lu Academy has come to an end.

Wang Ye was praised.

But only verbal praise.

The Minister of Training praised Wang Ye for at least half a minute just now.

However, there is nothing substantial, not even a commemorative medal.

Because of Wang Ye's achievements, he has already received corresponding honors and awards in the army.

However, the instructors and the others led the team back to the team headquarters. After summarizing their speeches, they left Wang Ye behind and talked to Wang Ye.

At the end of the year, he will definitely be rated as a third-class meritorious service.

After all, this time, he broke three school-wide records for armed 3km, pull-ups, and grenade throwing.

For this, Wang Ye is still a little happy.

Although there are already three third-class meritorious service in his meritorious service box.

But he has four second-class merits.

There are four silver badges on the body, but only three copper ones, which is a bit asymmetrical.

Now it's all right, symmetrical.

The next time he hangs out, he can squeeze the seats and try to hang four in a row.

In this way, there is exactly one row for second-class merit and one row for third-class merit.

However, there is joy and sorrow.

That night, Wang Ye's name was posted on the corridor registration.

Although there is no need to put Wang Ye's photo, even if it is just a name hanging on it, it is very annoying.

The point is, Wang Ye is not the only one hanging.

Three kilometers of armed cross-country, sit-ups, and a combat readiness assessment.

Among the ten places on the cocktail list, Wang Ye's name appeared three times.

They are all hung in front of Yue Jun.

Armed for three kilometers, he was already at the bottom of the entire company, but this time he didn't take the test, and with his usual results, he won the bottom of the team without any surprises.

Sit-ups are also his weakness.

As for the combat readiness assessment.

This one took place at five o'clock this morning.

It's just because the usual emergency assembly is just to catch the end, and will not record personal results.

So during the assessment this morning, Wang Ye directly asked him to pack his things and go downstairs on crutches.

Naturally, one leg cannot go faster than another.

So this level, he once again pulled Wang Ye's.

He was able to get a third-class merit at the end of the year, and now Wang Ye's name has passively appeared three times on the list.

It also sounds a bit symmetrical.

But this symmetry is definitely not what Wang Ye wants.

"Mom. I made a mistake in the military school!"

Under the night, in a corner of the playground, Yue Jun was crying like a child holding his mobile phone.

The big competition is over, and the new training is also over.

After dinner, the team leader asked the monitors to take their phones back and send them to the freshmen.

But because everyone's mobile phones are useless after the National Day.

So the first thing everyone sent their mobile phones before was to charge them.

And now that the evening news is over, everyone really started holding their phones and making calls.

It is not as strict as the army. After the new training is over, before 8:30, everyone can go out of the dormitory building to stroll outside the campus.

Therefore, after Yue Jun waited for the phone to be fully charged, he took the phone and went out alone.

Right now, Yue Jun didn't notice that not far behind him, Wang Ye and Li Qingsheng were standing there watching him quietly.

After the evening news, Wang Ye was called to a meeting.

The new training is over, but it only means that the military school career has just begun.

Now of course there will be new arrangements.

For example, starting tomorrow, everyone has no rest at all, and has to go straight to the real university study life.

In addition, Wang Ye has also been promoted.

Starting tonight, Wang Ye will step down from his position as squad leader and be promoted to deputy district captain to manage the district team with the senior seniors who have been rotated over.

However, just after the meeting, Wang Ye came out of the team office and saw Li Qingsheng sneaking out of the dormitory building.

Then he followed.

It was only at the end that he realized that he was worried because Yue Jun had come out, so he followed him.

"Mom, I want to quit school!"

At this moment, Yue Jun's choked-up voice came again, and his voice caused Li Qingsheng's face to change slightly beside Wang Ye.

Can't help but look towards Wang Ye.

However, there was no change in Wang Ye's expression.

It's just a moment of grievance.

Wang Ye understood him. After all, he was on that list and still occupied 3 out of 10 in a row. He was definitely not feeling well.

"You go back first!"

Wang Ye whispered to Li Qingsheng who was beside him.

"Squad leader! Yue Jun may not be able to think about it for a while." Li Qingsheng was worried that Wang Ye would scold Yue Jun later.

"I know, don't worry, I have a measure.

Also, keep your mouth shut, I don't want the fourth person to know about this! "

"En!" Li Qingsheng nodded.

He is a veteran from the army, so he naturally knows the severity.

Immediately, he quietly left.

But Wang Ye was still standing there.

He didn't choose what to say about him in the past now.

Let him finish the phone call and talk to his family.

After the fight, it's not too late to go there by yourself.

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