Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 444 Wang Ye's rogue style of play (please order, please support)

"Yes, I think we must speed up the construction of an informationized combat system and connect the current command system to subordinate units as soon as possible.

Take Eagle Empire, for example.

As far as I know, the Eagle Empire has realized the remote command of individual soldiers by the general headquarters.

And the individual soldiers of the Eagle Empire can directly call for air support.

This seems to be impossible for our A division. "

Looking at the teacher, Wang Ye paused and continued: "Let's take my old army as an example.

Our A division has a helicopter brigade! "

Wang Ye's words once again caused some students in the classroom to widen their eyes, and shouted inwardly.

Local students in the college entrance examination may have no idea about this, but some other army students can have a clear understanding of it.

For an army unit, one division is assigned a helicopter brigade. How outrageous is this?

It's like Li Yunlong's independent regiment created a cavalry battalion.

They didn't know that the helicopter brigade of Division A actually consisted of six planes, but it had a large establishment and the name sounded bluffing.

Right now, Wang Ye didn't look at them, took the microphone, looked at the instructor in front and continued: "If a war breaks out on the front line, although our A Division has a few helicopters.

However, these helicopters are actually completely unable to exert their strength in the context of informationized operations.

He can only follow the orders of the division headquarters to carry out the task.

But we know that the situation on the battlefield is complex and changeable, and many fighters are fleeting.

If the informatization is complete enough, and the communication system reaches the level of the division command system, which can be directly connected to the subordinate individual soldiers and allow the individual soldiers to call for air support, our division A will combine air and ground, and the combat effectiveness will increase exponentially.

But the fact of the matter is that the division command system of our A division can only operate remotely at the regiment level.

Subordinate units, such as our company, encountered any situation on the battlefield that needed air power support and had to be reported layer by layer before the division could issue an order to the helicopter brigade to mobilize helicopters.

The fastest in the middle also takes a few minutes.

But a few minutes on the battlefield is enough to change the form of a war in some cases. "

After a pause again, Wang Ye began to talk about the main point: "So I think we want to change, not talking about the whole army, just take the A division of my old army as an example, we need to strengthen the communication system of the whole division, and equip the individual soldiers of the division with communicators.

Of course, a communicator alone is definitely not enough to say informationization.

On the divisional side, it is definitely necessary to strengthen the construction of a dedicated informationized combat platform.

At the same time, in order to ensure communication, we must vigorously develop electronic combat capabilities.

For example, the existing electronic countermeasures units must be vigorously developed. It is best to establish their own electronic countermeasures units at the regiment level, and even at the battalion and company level.

In addition, the subordinate company-level units, I think, can also be equipped with some small electronic reconnaissance drones to increase the ability to obtain intelligence on the battlefield and realize equipment informatization. "

These words of Wang Ye are actually nothing new.

At present, especially this year, the entire army has set off a trend of learning informationization and researching informationized operations.

What he said is nothing new.

Because these are already realized by the Eagle Empire, and they have used this set of things on the battlefield.

Of course, Wang Ye said that these calculations must not be wrong.

He is currently just a student who has just entered the military academy, and being able to say these words is enough to represent his vision.

"Is there any more? What you said is indeed the direction of our army's future development, but these things cannot be rushed!"

Teacher en's words actually mean the same thing.

No money, everyone understands these principles, just like a product in a store, you want it but you are short of money, so you can only wait for the money to buy it back.

"Yes!" Wang Ye responded loudly.

He is also not humble, if you give me a chance, I will talk about it.

Looking at the instructor, Wang Ye's voice became a little louder this time: "In fact, our army has always had an obvious advantage over other armies in the world."

"Tell me!" The teacher looked at Wang Ye and smiled.

"Fighting spirit." Wang Ye said these four words directly and repeatedly.

After speaking, Wang Ye continued: "Our army has a fine tradition of tenacious struggle and hard work since the Anti-Japanese War.

Thanks to this tradition and military combat literacy, our army has achieved miraculous victories time and time again with weapons and equipment that were significantly weaker than the opponent's during the Anti-Japanese War.

So far, our army is still continuing this spirit, which is the most precious thing in our army.

It is also the reason why our army has become the number one in land warfare.

However, it seems that in the era of informationized warfare, our army is developing slowly in the process of informationization.

If you go to the battlefield, traditional tactics interspersed will definitely not be able to match the high degree of informationization of the enemy.

However, our army's current informatization construction cannot catch up in the first time.

So I think our army can actually take another shortcut and vigorously develop and equip electromagnetic destructive weapons. "

The teachers who heard Wang Ye's words were stunned.

Not to mention other students.

Now Wang Ye's narration made them feel that they were not in the new training basic theory class that just started at the Military Academy of the Army Academy, but as if they were in the officer training class of the National Defense University.

Why do we understand each word of what you said, but after combining it, we seem to be unable to understand it again!

What is an electromagnetic destructive weapon?

A freshman who just entered the military academy, why should he be so perverted?

However, the current Wang Ye doesn't care about them, he still said in a deep voice: "Destruction is always easier than construction.

As long as our grass-roots combat troops also have the capability of electromagnetic destruction, once a war starts on the battlefield, we will let the opponent's ever-changing changes, and we will only use this method to kill them all.

Forcibly forcing the other side and us to enter the World War II mode, playing tactics, and fighting against the will of individual soldiers, I think our army will definitely win the final victory! "

Wang Ye's words stunned the teacher for a moment.

This is simply desperate Saburo, a bit of a rogue style of play.

The Eagle Empire's style of play has already been reflected in the Gulf War he mentioned just now.

Before the start of their operations, they will first send out multiple electromagnetic interference planes to carry out directional strong electromagnetic interference on the scheduled air strike area.

It then also carried high-power microwave bombs with Tomahawk cruise missiles.

A non-nuclear explosion produces strong electromagnetic radiation similar to high-altitude nuclear electromagnetic pulses, directly destroying or damaging various sensitive electronic components.

Disable the opponent's radar, computer systems and other electronic equipment and the Internet.

This style of play is devastating for countries without electromagnetic destruction technology.

But if the arrangement Wang Ye said is true, then even if I don't have as many bells and whistles as you.

But there are electromagnetic destructive weapons such as high-power microwave bombs everywhere in our army, just ask if you dare to come by plane?

Instead of air strikes by planes, when the ground is close to each other, I will fire an electromagnetic pulse bomb.

Even if you let me eat it, then we will all go back to the combat method of relying on communication and moving.

Just ask if you dare to fight me in this mode.

"Wang Ye, your combat thinking surprised me, and your insights into informationized warfare are also very unique. I admire your bold ideas very much!"

The teacher did not comment too much.

Because this is just a basic theory teaching class for the new training of the Army Academy.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the others: "Does anyone else have a different idea? You can talk about it!"

Nobody got up.

Well, today's lesson is over.

The teachers are actually a little impatient now.

Wang Ye's last statement is very bold, and it doesn't sound too profound at first glance.

Among the high-level commanders and fighters of the army, there are many people who can see this.

However, this is something that only the high-level people will consider.

Grassroots commanders and fighters seldom consider these things, even though this year the whole army has set off an upsurge of learning about information warfare.

But what everyone thinks and talks about is just to make themselves progress, and they don't think about it. I drag the enemy to regress together.

Wang Ye's combat thinking and methods are very unique. Now the teacher can't wait to go back and talk about this matter with other colleagues.

"Damn it, squad leader, how dare you say it!"

After class was over, everyone walked back to the dormitory together. The students in other classes just looked at Wang Ye frequently, while the students in class seven directly spoke in a low voice.

Wang Ye said with a smile: "If you don't dare, it's all on the bright side!"

In Wang Ye's view, if the army wants to stand out, if it is only a soldier, then it is enough to pursue personal strength.

But now that I have come to the military academy and want to become an officer, I have to show my combat thinking and ability to lead troops.

Don't dare to say anything, how can others know that you are excellent.

This is also the reason why Wang Ye always answered earnestly even though he was helpless when he was asked questions in the basic theory class.

Excellent, you have to show it.

Chatting all the way, Wang Ye and others returned to the dormitory.

At this time, Wang Ye didn't know that at this time, on the outside Internet, with the spread of the incident, someone finally revealed his identity.

Not on the campus network of Normal University.

But on Weibo.

The incident of black people being beaten in courtship has gone out of the circle, and the popularity on Weibo is also gradually soaring.

And now, someone posted a thread under this topic.

I put together a photo of Wang Ye's face clearly posted by the Normal University, a promotional photo of Wang Ye on the military website, and a few photos of Wang Ye's flood fighting and rescue period that were screenshotted on Weibo last year after he appeared on TV. .

The post name is hot.

"Shocked, the anti-black hero is actually the anti-flood hero!"

It can be said that it really stirred up waves for a while.

"Fuck, shit, it's him!"

"It's too fierce, so handsome, please contact me!"

"This is really abnormal, breaking the record of the whole army, good guy, the existence of the brave champion of the three armies, no wonder one slap can blow that black man away!"

The masses were directly stimulated.

And then, when this post was reposted on the campus website of Normal University, a group of future people's teachers couldn't hold back.

"I didn't expect it to be him, look at this promotional photo, so handsome!"

"The photos of last year's flood fighting made people feel distressed. I really want to hug him!"

"Hey, don't be so reserved upstairs, Sichun, but those who want to hug Wang Ye have to line up now, you should report your size first, below C level, there is no way to rely on others!"

"I just want to know that this year is about to start, will he come to our school as an instructor?

Come this time, should you contact our school in advance? "

Someone suddenly asked such a question.

For a moment, many girls from the Normal University regained their senses in an instant, and then immediately began to look forward to it.

Handsome, still so fierce, if he can come to his school as an instructor.

Many girls are already imagining various ways to meet Wang Ye on campus.

But then someone responded.

"No, my boyfriend Luyuan, this guy finally spoke up. He said that Wang Ye is only a freshman, and those who come to our school to be instructors are at least sophomores!"

"Ah! What a pity!"

Immediately, a group of normal university girls were full of regrets.

"Wang Ye!"

Luyuan, when the afternoon physical time passed and Wang Ye returned to the dormitory to wait for the cooking, the trainer came.


Wang Ye got up to say hello.

"Come out!"


Wang Ye followed the instructor downstairs.

After arriving at the team office and closing the door, the trainer turned around and said with a smile, "Your identity was dug out outside!"

"Uh ok!"

Wang Ye was only slightly taken aback, and then nodded.

Because he had already guessed this matter.

His information is not considered confidential, and there are some materials that can be seen outside. Under such circumstances, it will be a matter of time before they are dug out.

"Okay, it looks like you know that too.

Talk to you about other things! "

Wang Ye didn't say a word, and seemed to be listening attentively.

The trainer said with a smile: "The matter of yesterday has been dealt with."

Wang Ye still looked at him, and the trainer didn't hold back: "About you, because you went out during the new training period, and the reason for taking a break is inconvenient to disclose, so this brave act will not be commended, so let's expose it."

Wang Ye smiled.

The result of this process is very good, although there is no verbal praise or the like.

But it doesn't matter, education without criticism is enough.

The instructor continued: "As for the black man, after police investigation, it was found that he was an illegally employed foreigner who stayed after entering the country with a tourist visa, so the police will punish the company that hired him.

In addition, the black man will be deported after a simple medical treatment. "


Wang Ye's eyes widened.

He originally thought that he would have to pay some medical expenses or something.

But I didn't expect that the other party was a trifle.

Damn, Sanfei is still so arrogant?

Running to court with great fanfare at the gate of the teacher, and even daring to insult the people of our country in public, and want to beat people?

Wang Ye has an impulse now, he wants to go to the hospital and kick him a few more times.

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