Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 442 Can You Still Have Praise? (Please order, please support)

"Hurry up, everyone, come and see!"

In the QQ groups of some classes in Normal University, what happened just now at the school gate and some photos are being spread wildly at this time.

Although the current Internet is not as developed as it will be in the future, Weibo is gradually becoming popular now, and QQ groups are something that every college student class must have.

Plus the campus network.

It can be said that when Wang Ye and the instructor returned to the military academy, this matter was already a big deal in the Normal University.

Many people saw the black man lying on the ground with his mouth bleeding.

Naturally, they also saw the photo of the black man holding a flower to Mi Xiaoyu in front of him.

After all, everyone originally wanted to film the courtship of black people, and it was just an unexpected incident.

"Damn it, it's a good fight, this damn nigger dares to attack my goddess!"

"MD, which hospital is he in? I'll kick him again. I'm disgusted to death. How dare you harass classmate Xiao Yu!"

On the campus website, after someone told the story of the cause and effect, and put some photos on it, all the teachers and students were instantly filled with righteous indignation.

However, when the forest gets bigger, there will always be discordant voices.

"Love is free, and people don't do anything, this person is so aggressive." In the comments and messages on the campus website, someone said so.

Naturally, this person immediately became the target of siege.

"Upstairs, what are you talking about, what do you mean you didn't do anything, you go to the next door to see, Mi Xiaoyu's dormitory classmate has already said that this nigger Xiaoyu doesn't know him at all, and he was pestered when he met for a make-up class the day before yesterday because of a client's family." Come on, Xiao Yu clearly refused yesterday, but he still dares to come today!"

"The mouth is not clean. Knocking out his two teeth is considered light. The upstairs thinks it's hard to attack, or you like black ones. Now you can go to the hospital to take care of others by yourself!"

"Actually, it's a bit too much. After all, he is a foreigner. Just stop him from beating this classmate and his theory. There is no need to beat people like this!"

"Which department and class are you in upstairs, tell me if you have the ability!"

On the campus website of Normal University, because everyone can wear a vest, the debate is very intense at this time.

Even at this moment, on the side of the Lu Academy, some senior students began to know about it.

There is no way, the two schools are in the same city, and because the Lu Academy and the Normal University are jointly established units, the students of the Lu Academy go to help train every year in the military training of the Normal University.

Naturally, there are many connections between the two schools.

In addition, although freshman training has already started, the senior students will officially start their studies for the new semester tomorrow.

In this case, all of them are very free today.

The point is, they can use both mobile phones and computers.

"Oh, I'm going, you see, something big happened!"

In a dormitory building in the senior year, someone suddenly spoke to other people in the dormitory with an excited face.

"What's going on?"

"What's the matter?"

One by one, the students who had been playing separately immediately gathered together.

Watching the excitement is the nature of the flower growers.

"Damn it, this black skin really deserves a beating, he dared to go to the Normal University to pick up girls!"

"MD, I don't have a girl from the Normal University as my girlfriend anymore, this black skin dares to block the door like this, I want to beat him to death!"

As everyone saw this happening, the senior students in the dormitory could not calm down immediately.

Normal University, that's the students of the Lu Academy, the fellowship unit that everyone talks about in private.

Although the military academy can't fall in love, it's a university after all, but it's strictly prohibited inside the school. If you find someone outside the school, as long as you don't make a high profile and don't cause any trouble, if you talk secretly, no one will really say anything about you.

The military academy is full of yang and yin is weak, and the army is even more so.

One by one, the military students are really controlled too hard now, and they are not allowed to talk about outside the school. When they graduate and go to the grassroots company, their future marriage may become a big problem in the organization.

It is also a good thing to be able to find a part of yourself.

Fortunately, they haven't caught the soft and cute girl of the Normal University yet, and this black skin is actually blocking the gate. The key point is that this girl is still a flower of the Normal University, the kind they all know across the college.

This kind of high-quality girl is really going to be chased by this black man. There will be a large number of people running wildly on the playground tonight in Luyuan.

Fortunately, as the web page was pulled down on the computer, they also saw more of what happened, and knew that Mi Xiaoyu rejected the black man.

This made them breathe a sigh of relief.

But now their mouths are still not clean, and they are all cursing.

"Huh? Damn it, this guy"

As they saw the photos of Wang Ye taken by the students, suddenly, someone in the dormitory widened their eyes.

Although Wang Ye is a freshman who just entered school this year, Wang Ye is not an unknown person.

The campus website inside the Lu Academy even has a special introduction about Wang Ye's admission to the Lu Academy this year.

Among them, there are even photos hanging.

After all, Wang Ye broke the record of the whole army, so it is impossible not to publicize it when he enrolls.

Of course, just looking at the photos, it may be difficult to quickly recognize Wang Ye by comparing a photo in casual clothes.

But now it is a coincidence that there is a student in the dormitory who is a veteran who received the new recruits.

Tan Tong.

He has a deep memory of the junior who came with a military medal and then came with the rank of lieutenant.

So even though Wang Ye in the photo is not wearing a military uniform, he recognized Wang Ye at a glance.

"That's how it happened!"

At the same time, in the office of the training department, the trainer was standing in front of a twenty-four, and explained everything that happened before in detail.

"Hmph, good fight!"

Unable to guess what Lao Zhou had guessed, the minister pulled his face, and after listening to his words, he didn't scold him at all.

"Yes, I also think this is what we, a soldier, must do!"

The instructor calmed down, and then he hurriedly continued to add: "It's just that he is a foreigner after all, and the incident happened at the gate of the Normal University. Many people saw it, and there are surveillance cameras there!"

If this matter is reported step by step, he will have to go to the head of the department and the Education Office.

But he didn't.

For those who can't directly make a decision, after he went to report, the first thing he thought of was trouble, and then he had to criticize him first.

Instead of this, it is better to go to the minister directly on the grounds of urgency.

The main thing is that he also knows that his minister is also a bad tempered person who can't rub the sand in his eyes.

"I see, I'll take care of this!" the minister said in a muffled voice, and picked up the phone on the table after speaking.

In the freshman dormitory building and team office, Wang Ye has already changed back to his military uniform.

It's not an officer's uniform, it's a bar training uniform.

Right now, Wang Ye is sitting in the office holding the rectangular custom merit storage box in his hand, looking out from the window frequently.

The trainers have been gone for almost two hours.

But still no news came back.

"How about you go back first, I guess I haven't called you yet, so I probably won't call you!"

At this time, Cao Guanlin who was sitting behind the desk looked over and spoke.

"Captain, I'd better wait!"

Wang Ye wanted to wait for the trainer to come back and see what he would say.

Cao Guanlin smiled and said, "Okay, you don't have to worry about anything, unless your slap really kills that guy, otherwise nothing will happen!"

"Of course not, I have a sense of proportion!"

It is naturally impossible to kill him. Although Wang Ye did strike with anger before, that slap at most gave him a concussion.

It's far from dead.

"That's fine"

Before he finished speaking, the phone on the desk rang.

Cao Guanlin looked over, then glanced at Wang Ye, then reached out to pick up the phone while Wang Ye was a little nervous.

Who's phone?

Call me in the past to criticize me?

At this moment, Wang Ye couldn't help thinking about it.

But immediately, Wang Ye heard Cao Guanlin laughing loudly: "Haha, okay.

Haha, not bad, not bad, it’s good to be able to solve it like this! "

After just a few words, Cao Guanlin hung up the phone.

Looking at Wang Ye, he smiled happily and said, "Okay, there's nothing else to do, the trainer is on his way back now!"

"Captain, can you tell me how to deal with it?"

Wang Ye wanted to know the result.

Cao Guanlin looked at Wang Ye and said with a smile: "It's very simple, if you do what is right, you may be praised later!"


Wang Ye's eyes widened.

He is here and ready to be scolded, you tell me now that there is still praise?

Wang Ye was a little confused.

Cao Guanlin's smile remained undiminished: "Don't think of our academy too softly, your matter itself is a brave act, the most you can say is that you acted a little harder when you acted bravely.

This is not a big deal, at most the follow-up school will be responsible for part of his medical expenses! "

Speaking of this, he paused: "However, as the instructor said just now, those people in the Zhengzhi Department and the Academic Affairs Office still have some different opinions and opinions, and they may come to you for a chat later.

Of course, follow-up things will be discussed later.

Anyway, after the matter is settled now, if they really come to you later, they will only say a few words to you at most, and advise you not to be so harsh the next time you encounter such a thing! "


Wang Ye stood up and smiled.

He was still very happy that the matter could be resolved in this way.

Although he didn't want to pay the black man any medical expenses, even if it was only part of it, he didn't want to even if it was paid by the school.

But it's not up to him to decide.

After waiting for a while, the instructor came back.

He came back with a smile. Although in the training department, when some other leaders came, he was indeed criticized and criticized, but the result is good.

It's just that it's impossible for him to take Wang Ye out to surf the Internet now.

Because now he knows too.

Inside and outside the school, it seems that this matter has already started to stir up trouble.

However, no matter how troublesome these things are, it has nothing to do with the freshman trainees for the time being.

The first-year freshmen can't play mobile phones now, let alone computers, and the dormitory buildings are all divided into separate buildings.

With the senior students, except for the district captains and instructors of each district team, there is no other intersection.

In the afternoon of the same day, Yuan Lu took the initiative to contact the police who were still looking for people everywhere, but found nothing.

Because of this, people from the outside world began to know that the fierce man who could lift the black leather fan's feet off the ground with one slap belonged to Lu Yuan.

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