Soldiers, those who have been on the battlefield and those who have not been on the battlefield are two different things. For those of you who don’t understand this, you can go anywhere to find out.

The point of my writing this is to exercise the heart of Wang Ye, a rookie who has no way to gain actual combat experience in modern times.

No matter how good the commander's tactics are, if he doesn't use them on the battlefield, it's all just talking on paper.

Admittedly, I wanted to write about that period of history only because I regretted those years of anger.

But some people's rhythms fly, what books become infinite flow, what books become copy flow, is this infinite flow?

It's like a city rebirth novel, if I write the protagonist and play a game, the book becomes a game text?

Some people talk about water every day, and they wish I could publish the outline. I don't want to say anything about this.

But with rhythm, if you don’t want to watch it, and then leave a lot of people with rhythm, it’s really a bad person’s mentality.

I really don’t like it, you can skip these chapters, or you can go straight away, both of us are free, and there are many people who read books, but the trolling has a rhythm, in fact, I have only deleted 10 or 20 comments in the past two days .

Finally, explain why you don't write modern ones.

It's only because the protagonist is bronze. I want to write that this training space increases the confrontation level with the promotion of military rank.

After all, when it comes to modern warfare, especially the war that shocked the world that some of you mentioned, check it yourself, if the position is not high enough, how can you fight with the platoon rank?

Fly fighter jets in the sky, or eat missiles on the ground?

tactics? What tactics can a platoon come up with to fight against it.

There were only a few hundred casualties, and they were playing with informatization and air strikes, but at that time in the book, thermal imaging of individual soldiers had not yet been popularized.

Finally, I would like to say that this is just training, and more will be mentioned later.

Well, that's all for the explanation, thanks to the book friends who have been supporting me all the time, thank you!

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