Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 437 Caught in the toilet in the middle of the night (please order, please support)


Down the mountain, the first thing Wang Ye did when he rushed down was to replenish his gun.

Some devils were not dead yet, they were just lying there with serious injuries and lost their combat effectiveness.

Wang Ye didn't talk nonsense with them at all.

Because he doesn't understand other Japanese besides Yayingdie or Baga Yalu.

So right now, even if I saw the panic in the eyes of the devils, and saw them lying weak and vomiting blood after losing their fighting power.

But Wang Ye didn't hesitate at all.

"Go away, put your head in your hands and squat!"

"Hurry up! Don't force Grandpa to kill you!"

On the side, the members of the guerrillas now have a clear division of labor.

Some people used guns to force the two devils to surrender and gathered aside to squat, and some people started to pick up weapons and equipment on the ground.

Of course, there were other things too.

For example, Sanwaer immediately went to check the items on the supply truck.

Rice, noodles, pork, and canned food.

"Captain. Captain, the little devil's canned beef, hurry up, try it!"

Seeing that Wang Ye finished making up the knife, San Wa'er ran over with a can that was pried open with a bayonet.

At the age of fifteen, there were many corpses of devils lying around, and even the second devil who was seriously injured lying on the ground was screaming now.

But he acted like he didn't see it.


Wang Ye took the can, was not polite, and returned it to him after taking a bite.

"You eat the rest, I will work first!"

Wang Ye still feels very hungry now, but this is not the time to eat, just taste the canned beef sent by the little devils.

"Captain, what should we do with these two devils?" At this time, Deputy Niu also brought people over.

Wang Ye immediately looked over.

Of the two devils over there, there are still more than 30 people left, and all of them disarmed and crouched there with their heads in their arms.



Deputy Niu's eyes widened.

Even the second devil over there panicked at this moment.

But Wang Ye immediately raised the pistol he had just seized from the hands of the devil squad leader and shot at them.

"Kill them, anyone who harms their own people deserves to die!"

Wang Ye shouted an order in a deep voice.

Maybe on the real battlefield, Wang Ye has to abide by the rules. After this kind of dude surrenders, he can't do this when facing the captive Wang Ye.

But this is a training space, and Wang Ye didn't know why he had to throw himself on a battlefield like World War II.

But it's not important, if you can't really travel back in time and space to fight a battle, then it's good to vent your anger here without any scruples.

"don't want."


"You guys must die!"

"No, don't want Grandpa Balu, I beg you, I have a little boy"

One by one, the second devils began to flee, began to curse people, and some knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

But Wang Ye didn't show any mercy to them at this moment.

After emptying a pistol magazine, I replaced the devil's 38 cover and continued shooting.

Until all the two devils on the scene were wiped out, Wang Ye was about to order everyone to get supplies and leave.

Suddenly, Wang Ye felt light all over.

"Captain, Captain"

On the side, San Wa'er, who was still holding the box of canned beef, exclaimed.

Because he saw that Wang Ye's body actually became illusory.

What he didn't know was that his own body also became illusory at this moment.

"Sanwa, where is the exact location of your hometown!"

Wang Ye hadn't disappeared yet, so he spoke hastily at this moment.


San Wa'er was a little taken aback, the next second, before he could say more, Wang Ye only felt his eyes turn white.

Opening his eyes again, Wang Ye found that he seemed to be nothingness, but he could perceive things in a large space around him.

Focus down.

At this moment, Wang Ye saw Sanwa'er again, then Captain Niu, and even a familiar figure in clothes lying on Sanwa's side, resting with his eyes closed.

"This is?"

I was puzzled, but soon a piece of information flowed into my mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task. Now, the training is entering the second stage. Please invite the host to watch historical real images!\

,"Wang Ye understood.

The scenes and characters I substituted just now really existed in history.

But now, I am viewing the whole situation from the perspective of God.

At this moment, with a thought, Wang Ye immediately saw the devil and the second devil driving a donkey cart in the distance.

However, Wang Ye didn't pay much attention to them.

He returned his attention to the place where the guerrillas were ambushing, and looked at the faces of Sanwaer and the others.

Especially the two of them, Wang Ye carefully took note of their appearance.

Because during the battle just now, the two of them were shot.

One was shot only in the shoulder blade, but the other was shot directly in the head.

The battle situation was urgent just now, and Wang Ye was pulled out by the system before he had time to deal with it.

But right now, Wang Ye has time to write down their appearance.

time flies.

The guerrillas also sent out spies about an hour before the start of the battle.

But that's all.

They did not divide their troops to face each other.

So after that, Wang Ye witnessed a completely different scene from the one after he commanded them to fight just now.

The guerrillas attacked the devils.

But after the first wave of meritorious service, the devils and the puppet army hid behind the bunker of the supply vehicle, and the guerrilla team used the remaining bullets to suppress the enemy and began to charge.

Hand-to-hand combat, hand-to-hand combat, Wang Ye looked up to the sky and screamed, and wanted to step in and help again.

But it's useless, this time he can only watch.

Wang Ye saw Deputy Niu holding a grenade and stuffing it under the supply truck, but before he started firing, he was stabbed in the back by two second devils with bayonets.

But he still fired the grenade.

Wang Ye also saw that Sanwazi, with a mouth full of blood, died with a devil fighting with a bayonet.

No tears, because Wang Ye has no entity now, but Wang Ye is very blocked in his heart.

Wang Ye still felt a little vented when he killed the devil and the second devil just now.

But now, Wang Ye wished he hadn't crushed them just now.


There was a loud bang.

This is the sound of a grenade exploding.

The guerrillas, thirteen grenades, Wang Ye got them before and used them as precision mortars.

But they obviously didn't have this ability, so they used it as a tool to blow up the supply truck.

In fact, Wang Ye also knew that their grenades were for this purpose.

When Wang Ye took over, his task was to destroy or seize the transported materials.

Later, Wang Ye also knew from San Wa'er's set of words, and they did this because they had received a task.

Get rid of the devil's supplies, cut off the devil's food in the Xiaohezhuang bunker, force the devils in the Xiaohezhuang bunker to come out, and fight for the opportunity for the local troops to pull out the Xiaohezhuang devil's bunker.

Therefore, after their attack, even if the strength behind them is still very different, they still cannot retreat.

Use your life to complete the task.

And historically, the same is true.

Sanwa'er had eaten the devil's canned beef just now, but here, in the real scene of a historical occasion, he didn't eat it.

Twenty-nine people, at the cost of all killed in battle, successfully blew up their supply vehicle with grenades.

Soon, the screen changed again, and Wang Ye was still in God's perspective.

But this time, the system in his mind also explained the information.

"Next to the teaching session!"

This time, it was obvious that the system was in the captain's mode.

And it is the captain's perspective that substitutes Wang Ye's ability.

Now he ordered quickly.

The two went to the commanding heights of the hill to keep watch.

Among the remaining people, he selected four, went down to both sides of the mountain road, and started digging holes at a distance of about thirty to forty meters from both sides of the mountain road.

At the same time, he was asked to dig mines.

After digging out four of them, they were tied together with the grenades. Finally, the four selected people were asked to lie down into the pit with the grenades tied with mines, and began to backfill the soil to cover up the camouflage.

In the end, he also divided the troops on the hill.

It's not like Wang Ye, who only sent ten people to the opposite side.

He went there in two batches.

A group of six people went to both sides of the opposite hill, formed a triangular formation, and waited quietly for the enemy to come.

Next, the results were obviously better than Wang Ye's, and the fight was easier.

When on the hillside he fired as a signal.

Simultaneous attack and shooting from three sides attracted the attention of the devil and the second devil, and the four people hiding in the front and back of the road below appeared from the ground in an instant.

One person, one grenade tied with a landmine, was thrown into the middle of the devil and the second devil's convoy at close range.

Destroyed, the lethality of the grenade and the mine exploded together, directly blowing up the devil and the second devil.

After that, the four who threw the grenade continued to throw the grenade without the mine, and at the same time shouted in unison.

For a while, with this situation and the mountains on both sides, the three sides began to charge, and the second devil immediately turned back.

In one battle, all the devils were finally wiped out, seven or eight of the second devils were killed or injured, and only one member of the guerrilla team didn't pay attention, and was injured by the devils.

"The training is complete. This training function is cooled down for one month to allow the host to absorb experience and adjust the mental state."

At the same time that a piece of information was passed into his head, the world was also shattered.

When Wang Ye opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the dormitory.

The whole dormitory was still dark, and he took out his watch from under the pillow.

It was less than a little bit.

Obviously, the timing is not right.

He stayed in the training space for at least seven or eight hours.

At least ten times the time difference.

In the tense environment of the training space just now, Wang Ye had no time to think.

Now that Wang Ye looked at the time, he immediately noticed it.

But, this is a good thing.

Check out your personal attributes.

Sure enough, Wang Ye saw it, and the command and tactical training space had become cooling down.


Taking a deep breath, Wang Ye silently got up from the bed.

Afterwards, Wang Ye got up and opened the door quietly.

Go into the toilet just next to the dormitory.

Wang Ye took out a cigarette.

Now, he really needs to calm down.

Inside, emotions are still running high right now.

Although the training space is known to be virtual, when he entered it before, it was actually extremely real.

The kind of reality that you can feel pain when you pinch yourself.

It wasn't because the information surfaced on the heads of the team members, he even thought that he had truly crossed.

The smell of blood, the smoke of war, and when watching the historical video for the second time, the images of those martyrs who fought side by side with him before, charged and died without hesitation, are still emerging in Wang Ye's mind.

To be honest, Wang Ye really admired them.

Even though he is also a soldier, Wang Ye still can't help questioning himself in his heart.

If I really can't eat enough, I'm hungry, and even the edible grass roots have been dug up, I can only eat those grass roots that I usually can't eat to satisfy my hunger before the battle.

Does he still have the courage to charge in the face of enemies who are more numerous than himself after the few bullets are exhausted?

Even before death, can you have that belief, and pull out the lead wire of the grenade with that breath on the verge of death.

can i

I can!


In the toilet, Wang Ye's eyes were blood red.

"Who's inside!"

Very abruptly, because Wang Ye was too focused on thinking about things, he didn't hear the movement outside, so he didn't notice that someone came to the toilet door.

At this moment, the bloodiness and arrogance that had been aroused in Wang Ye's heart were instantly suffocated.

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