Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 424 Breaking the record of the whole army (please order, please support)

Military common subject examination.

100 points out of 100.

A single-subject pass is used as the standard, a single-subject pass is considered a full score, and a single-subject failure is directly calculated as zero.

There are five items in total, and only those who reach 60 points are eligible to participate in the follow-up cultural assessment.

Otherwise, you can only go home.

Of course, those who can participate in this kind of assessment are screened by the troops step by step. Unless it is a back door soldier, generally there will be no one with a score below 60.

After all, the passing criteria for the assessment project is really simple.

"Get ready~"

On the afternoon of the 19th, Wang Ye, who had already scored 80 points, stood at the starting point on the track.

Hearing the voice of the examiner next to him, Wang Ye squinted his eyes and got ready to start.

Wang Ye easily won the first four items in the military examination.

And now it's time to go straight to the last project.

At the same time, this is also the project that Wang Ye is most concerned about.

Because he's going to break the record here.

The first four items, the queue, the 100-meter fixed target shooting, and the standard sit-ups within two minutes have no records. In addition to the basic tactical movements, Wang Ye's height also limits him to basically no records. possible.

But today's 3,000 meters are different.

This is a poor military record, just look at Wang Ye's current personal attributes.

Strength: 1.65.

Speed: 1.4.

Physical strength: 2.3.

Vision: 1.3.

Memory: 1.6.

Reaction force: 1.5.

Storage space: one cubic meter.

Skill: Cooking lv2 (16/20).

Skill points: 6.

The speed is 1.4 times that of ordinary people, the key is physical strength.

The current Wang Ye's physical strength has improved to a higher level than when he participated in the division competition.

It has reached the terrifying 2.3 times the standard of ordinary people.

Under such circumstances, Wang Ye, who was able to run to 9 minutes and 47 seconds in the recruit company, said that he had no pressure to break this record.

No wonder the system is only willing to give a few skill points.

I'm afraid that if it wasn't for the fact that this record is at the military level, the system might not even give the task.

It's so easy.


With a gunshot, Wang Ye started running faster than the others.

"MD, do you want to go so fast?"

"Fuck, this pervert!"

Looking at Wang Ye's back, each of the reference fighters couldn't help cursing inwardly.

They naturally knew Wang Ye's reputation.

He even guessed that this pervert will behave outrageously later.

After all, this guy can break the teacher's record in five-kilometer cross-country cross-country.

And now this kind of unarmed three kilometers, wouldn't he be able to run and fly?

But now that they are actually competing in the same field, seeing Wang Ye sprint out faster than the average person's 100-meter sprint speed, the others still can't calm down.

However, scolding is useless.

Wang Ye doesn't care what they think now.

"Come on, Wang Ye!"

On the side of the runway, the chief of staff of the Iron Bones Heroes yelled as Wang Pao ran by.

Originally, the sending for the exam was arranged by the division, and no one from the regiment was required to come.

But the chief of staff insisted on following the reference staff this year.

In his words, Wang Ye is now my direct subordinate, and the military examination is a major event, how can I not watch it.

Wang Ye understood exactly what he was thinking, and both the head of the regiment and even the teacher knew.

However, this is a trivial matter, since he wants to come, let him go.

On the runway, Wang Ye heard the voice of the chief of staff, but ignored him.

Go all out.

Wang Ye wanted to try his own limit.

At the same time, I also want to add a little convincingness to the record I broke.

After all, if there is an army record of more than nine minutes, even if he is awarded an award afterwards, Wang Ye would be too embarrassed to take it.

Even if it is only a third-class merit, Wang Ye will feel blushed.

After all, this is the record of the whole army, with such a great reputation, but the results are so low compared to the outside world.

Speaking out would insult Wang Ye's long-standing reputation.

Therefore, he must go all out to smash this record to pieces.

Let other soldiers who refer to it today despair, and also make the latecomers give up, and it is even more important to be able to stop the mouths of all soldiers.

Running with a dull head, on the first lap, Wang Ye dropped the slowest one by seventy or eighty meters.

This is also because they were not convinced and held back their strength to increase their speed a little bit.

And when the second lap started, their physical strength couldn't keep up, and they had to slow down their pace. The slowest in the same group assessment was stretched further and further by Wang Ye.

Even when Wang Ye's fourth lap started, the last runner in the same group was aggrieved by Wang Ye's trap.

Wang Ye's current pace is basically a little over a minute. Compared with their pace, Wang Ye is at least 30 to 40% faster.

Even at least 50% faster than the slowest one.

So after the third lap, when the fourth lap started, the last one in the same group could only look red-eyed, watching Wang Ye run by quickly.

He was extremely aggrieved. On such an occasion, there was an assessment site presided over by the chief of the army. He had only finished two laps before he was trapped.

This is a real shame!

It is not an exaggeration to say that his mentality was a little burst.

Of course, his mentality exploded, and the others who were waiting for the exam, or who had already finished running, felt a little lucky at this time.

I'm glad I didn't compete with this pervert, especially after finishing the run, and I'm even more glad that I didn't have the pressure of this pervert when I ran.

"Wang Ye, hurry up, come on, keep up the speed!"

At this moment, on the sidelines of the arena, the voice of the chief of staff was very loud.

Of course, Wang Ye still ignored him.

Keeping the rhythm, Wang Ye has always remembered the running experience of three kilometers at the full level.

Breathing, running technique and pace stabilize.

One after another, the soldiers in the same group were surpassed by Wang Ye.

When Wang Ye started the fifth lap, the fastest one in the same group besides Wang Ye was also lapped by Wang Ye.

These guys, in fact, the rhythm of being forced by Wang Ye is a bit chaotic, and the pace is obviously out of balance.

Seeing that Wang Ye was about to catch up from behind, they couldn't help speeding up even though they knew it was a military exam and it had a lot to do with it.

But after all, their physical strength is impossible to maintain acceleration for a long time.

And those who can come to the military examination must not be brainless.

Impulsively, after knowing that there is nothing to do, he can still see the reality clearly.

Of course, those who run fast in the same group can see the reality clearly and accept the result of being trapped.

But the one who ran the slowest in the same group really couldn't accept it now.

Because when Wang Ye ran to the seventh lap, for the second time, Wang Ye caught up from behind.


Zheng Liang breathed heavily, and in his heart, he was shouting: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

He wants to control his feet, but he has already run the fifth lap.

The legs don't listen to the brain at all.

Even if he wanted to speed up, the barely quickened pace was nothing compared to Wang Ye's striding meteor running posture.

Therefore, under his desperate eyes, Wang Ye managed to trap him twice when he was still about a hundred meters away from the last of the 3,000 meters.

And it wasn't just him who was unlucky, before the finish line, Wang Ye managed to trap another unlucky person twice.

However, this may be something they can remember for a lifetime, and now Wang Ye

Well, Wang Ye doesn't see them at all now.

Go all out, such a high-intensity pace, even if his physical strength is more than twice that of ordinary people, it is really a bit overwhelming.

What's more, Wang Ye has been thinking about breaking the record all the time, how can Wang Ye have the heart to look aside.

"Eight minutes twenty-two seconds thirty-seven!"

When Wang Ye broke through the finish line, the examiner from the nearby military headquarters pinched his watch and yelled.

He is also excited!

The whole army record was born in his hands.

And this army record is not the kind of flimsy army record, it's an army record that can really be shouted out!

Eight minutes and twenty-two seconds.

Although it has not yet broken the national sports 3,000-meter running record.

But you must know that for sports competition, there are specially tailored running shoes and clothes that are specially convenient for sports.

And what about Wang Ye now?

He was just wearing his training uniform and training shoes with his trousers rolled up.

Under such circumstances, Wang Ye can still run to this result, which is directly higher than the existing military record by a little more than one minute, which can definitely be said to be quite good.

It's not an exaggeration to say that just by pinching his watch, he can brag about this matter for a lifetime.

"Haha! Wang Ye, come here, water, water, take a sip, take a sip!"

The chief of staff actively ran over to help Wang Ye out of the runway.

After that, it was another handing of water and another pat on the back.


Today's trip was really worthwhile.

Look, today the head of the group army watched in person.

And he is Wang Ye's direct leader, and now he helped Wang Ye away immediately.

The leader also saw him.

He was full of joy in his heart, he who used to be serious, now smiled like Ye Sanshi who was possessed by Ye Sanshi every time the recruit Lian Wangye was assessed.

"Chief, can I get first-class merit?"

Unable to hold back, Wang Ye drank the water, took a breath, and finally asked in a low voice.

No way, first-class merit, the temptation is too great for a soldier.

"Ugh, you're thinking too much!" The chief of staff directly broke Wang Ye's fantasy.

"If you ran out like this in the international arena today, broke the record and won the first place, you must not be able to run for first-class merit.

However, in international martial arts competitions, there is generally no such thing as the 3,000-meter event.

Also because of this, it is almost impossible for this project to make a first-class contribution. "

After a pause, looking at Wang Ye who looked a little disappointed, he continued: "However, the second-class work should not escape."

After saying this, the chief of staff's hand supporting Wang Ye couldn't help exerting force.

My heart is really sour!

He has been a soldier for so many years, from a teenager to a middle-aged man.

But the whole body, wearing a dress to go out, is not counted as a reward, and you can only wear two third-class merits when you wait for it.

But what about Wang Ye?

There are already three second-class merits, if there is another one this time.

Good guy, there are four, and this is not Wang Ye's third-class work.

You know, among Wang Ye's third-class merit, there is also a third-class merit in wartime that is full of gold.

"You kid is really perverted!"

Pinching Wang Ye's hand, the chief of staff couldn't help sighing in a low voice.


His head was sweating profusely, and even his hand was a little sore from being grabbed by the chief of staff, but at this time, Wang Ye also swept away the little disappointment just now, and grinned.

"Okay, don't laugh, the chief is here!"

At this time, the chief of staff restrained his expression and reminded Wang Ye at the same time.

Today, the highest chief who presides over the military examination here is directly a major general.

A deputy commander of the group army.

But right now, he is leading people towards Wang Ye.

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