Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 422 Whole company raises pigs (please order, please support)

"Beep beep~"

The production team, maybe the soldiers here are very lazy about military regulations and discipline.

For example, if you go to their dormitories, you will find that some of them don't even carry quilts at all.

But they are also soldiers after all, so every morning at six o'clock, someone will blow the whistle on time.

Of course, they don't have to fuck.

In other words, they also want to do exercises, but their exercises are not for training.

Instead, prepare food for livestock, and clean up pigpens and shovel pig manure.

But today is a bit special.

Because the ten-day period has expired.

Today, after the production team was downsized, a certain school-level swineherd with the highest military rank was going back.

A battalion commander, in fact, they had already got up before the wake-up call sounded, and they packed their rucksacks in the dormitory.

They didn't want to stay in this damn place any longer.

Naturally, this morning, they definitely won't be making any more pig food or shoveling any pig feces.

Their penalty period has ended, and what makes them more confident is that they successfully killed the police investigation company last night.

Although it made him a little uncomfortable, last night the police investigation company attacked the sixth company, and the glory belonged to the second battalion.

But now the ordinary companies in the regiment have actually united together.

They share intelligence and fight against the police investigation company together.

So even if they didn't personally overturn the police detective company and send Fu Wei to replace him, they would still be very happy.


The bastard company commander of the police investigation company is also coming to enjoy the life he enjoys!

As the whistle opened the door, the first battalion commander did not bring the two company commanders to gather again the first time they walked out the door.

He turned to look at the door to the side.

en didn't move.

"Captain Huang, do you really want to leave without breakfast?"

After Ye Fang assembled the soldiers of the production team and gave the order to carry out their daily work, he himself did not follow up today, but came before the three commanders of the first battalion.

After the first battalion commander showed this, Ye Fang saw the smile for the first time: "No, let's wait for a while, and then leave!"

It is impossible to eat breakfast without breakfast.

It wasn't that the situation changed last night, causing the police and detective company to capsize, and they would leave immediately when the wake-up call sounded.

Although ten days is not long, he has had enough of shoveling pig feces for ten days as a battalion commander.

At this moment, the company commander and the third company commander of the heavy machine gun company even glanced at Ye Fang after he came over, but immediately after, their eyes locked on the door of Wang Ye's dormitory again.

I've been holding back for half the night, just waiting for this moment!

They all discussed that when Wang Ye came out, they should inadvertently tell Wang Ye that the company commander of their police investigation company might bring someone over to take over their pig raising work today.

Unfortunately, Wang Ye did not fulfill their wish.

Two minutes had elapsed since the wake-up whistle, but the door of Wang Ye's dormitory was still closed.

They didn't even hear anything moving inside.

feeling bad.

The two of them, or including the first battalion commander, felt a little stuffy in their hearts now, as if a breath was stuck in their throats and they couldn't get it out.

To be honest, at this moment they all had the urge to knock on the door of Wang Ye's dormitory.

Simply, there was movement inside, and within a few seconds, the door opened.

But then, a scene that made their eyes widen appeared.

Wang Ye is also like them, today he is not wearing a training uniform, but a regular uniform.

The key point is that Wang Ye is also carrying a rucksack, and he is also carrying the luggage bag he brought.

What the hell?

Where is he going?

The three company commanders were astonished.

Not only them.

At this moment, Ye Fang was also a little confused.

Not preparing for the exam?

Hasn't the exam date come yet?

Where is Wang Ye going?

Wang Ye had a panoramic view of their expressions, with a smile on his face, and looked at Ye Fang: "Captain Ye, I've been bothering you for a while, and today I'm going to go back with the First Battalion Commander, thank you for the time I took care of it!"

"You want to go back?" At this moment, the third company commander couldn't hold back, and said in surprise.

They thought about the change in Wang Ye's expression after they told Wang Ye that Fu Wei and the others might come over today.

But they never thought that Wang Ye would go back with them today.

This is really something they didn't expect.

Originally, they wanted to show off with Wang Ye, but the three of them who were angry suddenly lost their mood.

This is really hell, Wang Ye actually wants to go back.

What is this bastard going back to do?

"Wang Ye, don't you want to prepare for the exam here?"

The company commander of the heavy machine gun company still couldn't hold back at this time.

"Hehe, I'm ready!" Wang Ye replied with a smile.

At this moment, Wang Ye smiled happily.

Inwardly, watching the reactions of the three of them, Wang Ye muttered even more: "Aren't you scared? See if you're afraid, I'll scare you to death!"

go back?

Wang Ye didn't receive any notice. He just packed up in advance as he thought last night, and prepared to put on a show. At worst, he would do some cross-country training as an armed force.

Anyway, after he came to the farm, he got up with everyone every day, and when they went to work, he would go for a run by himself to maintain his own schedule.

"You can't be careless in the military exam, Wang Ye, you'd better concentrate!" At this moment, the third company commander spoke again.

It's just that the moment he said this, the battalion commander glared at him.

It's so worthless!

Isn't it just Wang Ye?

Go back and go back, what are you cowardly?

Well, actually he didn't want Wang Ye to go back either.

This guy is a bit of a monster.

Fortunately, at this time, Ye Fang also answered after the third company's long speech: "Yes, Wang Ye, the military examination must not be sloppy!"

"It's okay!" Wang Ye still smiled: "You guys know the public subjects, and it's impossible for me to have any difficulty. As for the recommended cultural theory, I just need to spare a little time every day to review it!"


Ye Fang didn't know how to persuade him for a while.

And at this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps from the door.

When Ye Fang turned his head, Wang Ye and the first battalion commander also looked over.

The next moment, no one was seen, but a voice familiar to Wang Ye came over: "I can see clearly, this is the production team, and for the next ten days, we will give the comrades of the production team a holiday!"

Wang Ye couldn't help being a little surprised by the sound.

He was mentally prepared for Fu Wei's coming, but now he said this.

Good guy, just let the comrades of the production team go on vacation?

How many people did he bring here?

Could it be that the whole company was brought here?

At this moment, not only Wang Ye was stunned, Ye Fang and the first battalion commander were also stunned.

Afterwards, Ye Fang quickly turned his head to look at the three battalion commanders, and Wang Ye, before he ran to the door.

The three company commanders looked at each other at this moment, and then at Wang Ye.

Then they didn't say anything, but they quickly followed Ye Fang.

After they moved, Wang Ye also moved.

He wants to see what's going on?

is it so serious?

Wang Ye originally estimated that the company commander Fu Wei would just bring a few people over.

How did it become like this now.

Soon, Wang Ye went to the door and saw Fu Wei who was still scolding the police investigation company outside, and the soldiers of the whole company standing in front of him.

It's all here.

At any rate, Wang Ye stayed in the police investigation company for nearly two months, so he naturally knew how many people there were in the police investigation company.

Glance over now.

Good guy, except for the picket squad of the guard platoon, the remaining two reconnaissance platoons and most of the guard platoon, there is not one missing, all of them are here.


Wang Ye was speechless, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I tell you, this is the first time I have raised pigs in my military career, and I hope it will be the last!"

In front of him, Fu Wei's lecture ended with this.

Looking back, he saw several people at the gate.

With a straight face, his eyes skipped over the first battalion commander and the others, and then he paused for a while on Wang Ye, but he didn't say anything.

Finally, he looked directly at Ye Fang and said, "Captain Ye, for the next ten days, your production team can have a holiday. We will take over all the work of the production team!"

"This is Company Commander Fu!"

Ye Fang didn't know what to say for a moment.

In the early morning, I thought it was just a battalion commander who went back.

But now there is such an accident.

Good guy, take a passive holiday!

Fu Wei's face was dark and serious: "Captain Ye, I'm not joking, but today I have to trouble you to send troops to guide us on how to carry out our work and what to do!"

"Hehe. Well, well. It's all small things, small things!" Ye Fang was a little at a loss now.

To be honest, he really wants to call the head of the team right now and ask.

Has my production team really changed its nature now?

Good guy, the whole company of the police detective company is here!

If you want to say that this is not a special training ground, can't you justify it?

Soon, Fu Wei led the soldiers of the whole company into the gate of the production team.

There was no moji, let alone talking to Wang Ye and the first battalion commander.

After entering, let everyone unpack their backpacks on the spot, and then let Ye Fang take everyone to take over the work of the current production team soldiers.

Wang Ye also followed.

For a while, there were only three battalion commanders left in the yard.

"Pfft battalion commander!" Suddenly, the third company commander couldn't help laughing out loud.

In an instant, his smile brought a smile to the face of the battalion commander.

And the company commander of the heavy machine gun company even said: "Battlement commander, shall we follow up and have a look?"

He wants to watch the fun.

MD, I have been raising pigs and shoveling pig shit for ten days, now it's your turn.

Feeling elated.

But the next moment, the first battalion commander restrained his expression, looked over and said seriously: "Don't get dizzy!"

In a word, the third company commander and the company commander of the heavy machine gun were stunned.

The first battalion commander continued to speak seriously: "Although we won this time, don't forget the pain before, we are still here!"

Speaking of this, he paused: "It's only ten days, after ten days they will definitely not let it go.

Let's go, let's go back first, we have to get ready! "

"Yes!" The two immediately responded seriously.

The ease just now was instantly shattered by the first battalion commander's words.

They really don't want to come to this damn place.

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