Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 412 I'm about to lose the battle (please order, please support)

"When are you going to do it next time!"

As soon as Wang Ye returned to the company, he was called to the office by Fu Wei.

Right now, facing Fu Wei's straightforward topic, Wang Ye thought for a while and said, "Take it easy!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Ye suddenly smiled and said: "After all, it's quite a big game, I don't want to raise pigs, so I will train them more this time.

Come on in a week! "


Fu Wei looked at Wang Ye speechless.

He thought how long it would take for Wang Ye to take it easy, and if he did it for half a day, it would take a week.

"Well, take it easy, try to send them all to raise pigs, and don't let you raise pigs yourself, you know!"

"Yes!" Wang Ye saluted with a smile.

Nonsense, he doesn't want to raise pigs.

Looking at Fu Wei.

Suddenly, at this moment, Wang Ye had a bold idea in his heart.

If one day when the guard platoon was changing duty, he touched the sentry of the guard platoon, and then pasted a note on his door, would he want to raise pigs?

"What kind of eyes do you have?"

Fu Wei noticed the glint in Wang Ye's eyes.

Immediately, he spoke a little warily.

"Hehe, no, I just feel that the company commander is a bit handsome today!" Wang Ye prevaricated with a smile.

He dared not tell the truth.

Dare to say, the current Fu Wei might just get up and chase him to beat him.

"What are you talking about!" Fu Wei gave Wang Ye an angry look.

Fu Wei, who was praised as being handsome and ordinary-looking, was actually a little secretly happy in his heart.

But he himself knew very well that Wang Ye's words were false, especially considering the glint in Wang Ye's eyes just now.

"I'm warning you kid, don't have any bad thoughts about me, or I'll send you to raise them for a month, no, I'll send you directly to do postpartum care for sows!" As the company commander of a police investigation company, , he is still alert enough.

"Hehe~ How dare I, company commander, you have wronged me!" Wang Ye shouted with a smile.

Of course, what he said just got Fu Wei's eyes.

Does this kid dare not?

He's screwed over all the principals, so what else is he afraid to do.

What's more, it's not without precedent for him to be his own company commander.

His battalion commander was slammed by him, and after Gawan even took the battalion commander's equipment to become the regiment leader.

Looking at Wang Ye, Fu Wei said angrily: "Okay, get out."

"Yes!" Wang Ye stood at attention, saluted, turned and left.

However, before turning around, Fu Wei's voice came from behind him again.

"Oh, by the way, write me a detailed copy of the work plan for the next few days!"

"Yes!" Wang Ye turned around and responded.

After all, after turning around this time, Fu Wei didn't call him anymore.

"You dare to play Lao Tzu's idea, you have to find a way to get rid of this kid someday!"

Watching Wang Ye go out, Fu Wei rubbed his chin in the office and muttered.

"Electric Classroom Gather!"

Coming out of the company commander's office, Wang Ye didn't know that Fu Wei behind him was thinking badly.

Right now, he restrained his playful expression just now, and went to the gate of Class 4 with a serious face to say something, and then went to Class 5 and Class 6 to inform.

Police detective company didn't sleep well last night, so they were allowed to catch up on sleep this morning.

But now it's ten o'clock, and it's almost the same.

en What's more, since the Wangye meeting is over, I have to tell them about the content of the meeting just now.

"Tell you, there is a meeting today, at the meeting"

In the electronic classroom, Wang Ye didn't talk too much. Class 5 was cleaned up by Wang Ye when he came back last night, so let's get straight to the point.

Wang Ye directly stated the bet the chief of staff had made for both parties.

After finishing speaking, Wang Ye looked at everyone with a straight face: "I tell you, if I want to raise pigs, none of you will be able to escape.

I use a shovel to shovel pig shit, but you have to hold it with your hands. "

Staring at them, Wang Ye said with sharp eyes: "Don't have any unreasonable thoughts, this is not a joke, this is a war that bets the honor of our scouts, you know!"


In the electronic classroom, everyone in the second row responded in unison.

To be honest, some of them really wanted to trick Wang Ye into raising pigs just now.

After all, he has never heard of or seen a cow who can break the record of the military region to feed the pigs.

But now I heard that Wang Ye wants to drag them to go too, and wants them to hold the pig feces directly with their hands.

never mind.

They suddenly lost the idea.

It's too expensive, and they can't afford it.

"Big exercise? Red and blue confrontation?"

In the division headquarters, the committee member looked at the division commander who had just called everyone in and asked.

Behind the desk, the teacher nodded: "Yes, the notification from above is on the 25th!"

"Are we the blue side or the red side?" At this moment, the chief of staff asked what he was most concerned about.

The teacher turned his head and looked over: "Blue Fang!"

"What the hell!"

The chief of staff didn't care that this was the division commander's office, and he didn't care about the interior of the office. Now not only the division commander's admirals, but also other deputy division commanders, he scolded directly.

Now, though, no one blames him.

Even a deputy division commander answered with an angry face: "Why are we asked to play the blue army? How is this divided? Our division is a frontier defense division, and if we want to conduct exercises, it is also the red team!"

"That's enough, that's enough!" At this moment, the committee member hastily stretched out his hands to suppress everyone's anger.

After suppressing everyone's voices, he spoke again: "We can only accept the orders from our superiors. There is no difference between the blue side and the red side. The point is only the gains during the exercise!"

"What's the gain!" The chief of staff said angrily, "I knew we had lost before we even fought. What can we gain from this kind of battle!"

"Don't say a few words!" The teacher looked over at this moment.

In fact, he was also holding his breath, and even told the army commander on the phone just now that he didn't want to be the blue side.

But the commander said, this has already been decided, and because you are the border guards, you are familiar with the enemy's country, so it is convenient to play.

With a few words, he said directly that he was helpless.

Of course, the main reason is that the official ranks crush people to death, otherwise he must have a lot to say.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just an exercise after all. Don't take the red team and the blue team too seriously, just treat it as a relaxation!" At this time, another deputy division commander said with a smile.

The chief of staff looked over with a straight face, the word MMP stuck in his throat, but he didn't say it.

Because he knows that nothing can change the situation.

At this time, the division commander also said again: "Okay, I just called you over to talk to you, and then I am going to inform you of this matter, so that the troops below are ready!"


Several people responded.

Everyone doesn't want to be Lan Fang, but since it's a foregone conclusion, we can only hold our noses and admit it.

"Huh? Big drill?"

In the evening, during the meeting of the Police Detective Company, Wang Ye looked at Fu Wei who was sitting in the main seat with astonishment.

"Yes!" Fu Wei looked over and nodded.

"The red-blue confrontation exercise, on the 25th, there are still eight days, we are the blue army!"

"Ah! Blue Army!" When the third platoon leader opposite Wang Ye heard this, a constipated look appeared on his face.

"Why are you yelling!" At this moment, the instructor turned his head and looked over.

With a sullen face, he said to the third platoon leader with a serious face: "No matter which side, we have to behave ourselves, you know?"

After a pause, the instructor glanced at Wang Ye and the others and continued: "We can't decide whether to win or lose the overall situation, and the overall layout has nothing to do with us.

But we are just one company.

The tactical action arrangements within the company, these are our key points, and they are also the key points that we can directly see from above. No one is allowed to be careless, let alone perfunctory. "


The three platoon commanders and the deputy company commander all responded.

"Okay, that's the thing. When we go back next time, we'll all be ready for the exercise." Fu Wei decided at this moment.

After speaking, he looked at Wang Ye: "Wang Ye!"

"En!" Wang Ye didn't shout anything, but just looked over and said yes.

"You stay!"


Immediately, the first platoon leader, the third platoon and the deputy company commander all left.

"Bang!" The door was closed by Jiang Huai, and at this moment, the company commander looked at Wang Ye and said slowly: "This is the first time you have participated in this kind of big exercise, so I stayed with you because I was going to talk to you !"

Wang Ye looked at him.

But Fu Wei didn't hesitate, and continued to speak: "I believe you also know something about this kind of exercise!"

"A script?" Wang Ye asked directly.

"Yes!" Fu Wei nodded.

"I won't say more about this. We are assigned to the blue army this time, and we are destined to lose in the end. But this is not the point. The point is that you must obey orders during the exercise."

Fu Wei said with a serious face: "During the exercise, we have tasks, and during the exercise, it is even more forbidden to leave our task area at will!"

After a pause, he showed a little smile: "You are used to being wild, and you have a lot of tricks.

But this time you can't be wild, let alone use your crazy ideas.

At that time, you can fight as the above said, you know? "


Wang Ye looked at him speechlessly.

To be honest, after hearing this, Wang Ye didn't look forward to this big exercise at all.

Don't even want to participate.

What are you doing, playing house is not like this, is it?

It's like playing military chess.

The key is that I am still a pawn in it. I am on the chessboard, but I can't help myself.

"Why do you do this?

Aren't confrontation exercises designed to accumulate combat experience in peaceful times?

What's the point of doing this? "Wang Ye asked three times in a row.

Fu Wei smiled helplessly: "Hehe, don't ask me this, your company commander and I are a company commander, and you are just a platoon leader, if you really want to change this thing, then work hard.

When you can chat with the army commander one day, you can ask him directly! "

"." Wang Ye was speechless again.

"Okay, Wang Ye, stop your training during this time!"

At this time, the instructor also spoke: "Since there is going to be a big exercise, everyone must prepare for it now.

So your training stops, and when you come back, you are continuing your training! "

Wang Ye looked over and didn't agree first, but asked, "Instructor, how long will this big exercise be?"

To be honest, Wang Ye is a little depressed now.

He actually knows what's going on with this kind of military exercise.

Of course, Wang Ye knew better about this situation, and it should have ended in the past few years.

In his memory, the soldiers of later generations were dominated by a blue army demon king.

All the soldiers gritted their teeth at him.

It was also because of the appearance of his army that it broke the fixed pattern of our army's red wins and blue loses.

However, it should still be gone for now.

At least Wang Ye didn't see a professional blue army in our country in the military newspaper.

There is no news, let alone troops.

The instructor said: "I don't know, the shortest is ten days and half a month, and the longest is one or two months.

You are supposed to be stationed for training. It just so happens that you have never been stationed for training, have you?

Try it out this time! "

"All right!"

Wang Ye could only nod his head.

Although he doesn't want to lose the battle, but now he is just a small platoon leader, his arms can't twist his thighs, so he can only accept his fate.

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