Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 407 The chief of staff is here, the big one! (Please order, please support)

"I'm telling you, today's matter must be rotten in my stomach.

In addition, today the whole company has strengthened its duty as a sentinel, and in the morning when there is no shift, it will copy it for me a hundred times.

Fifty times there are posts, I have to check before lunch! "

On the training ground of the second company, it was dawn, and the commander of the second company had a dark face, angrily scolding the soldiers of the second company in front of him.

Everyone in Erlian looked bitter.

Although there are not many words in the duty of sentinel, it is a hundred times!

It's definitely a big project.

The point is, it's not over yet.

The second company commander continued to pull his face and said: "From today on, the squad leaders and platoon leaders will conduct random whistle detection from time to time.

No matter day or night, if anyone is touched, I will go to the runway for a five-kilometer refreshment, and then come back and continue to add another post, you know? "

At this moment, if resentment could kill, Wang Ye would definitely be cursed to death by the soldiers of Erlian.

All right, why don't you run to our company to touch the whistle.

It's too difficult to do this now!

You know, what do soldiers hate the most?

In fact, it is not five kilometers, but standing guard.

How painful it must be to be delayed for a minute and want to kill the guy who used to be called a brother, but now he has to stand an extra post after being touched!

Of course, the second company commander is not a good person, he ordered the whole company not to talk about what happened last night.

This is because he expected that Wang Ye would not stop there.

If you are ashamed of yourself, let other companies accompany you.

"Last night, squad four, what you did was flawed."

In the electronic classroom, after breakfast, Wang Ye pulled the people in the second row to replay last night's action.

"It's all people come up with.

Remember, we are scouts, what you usually learn is not only in the training ground.

We also need to use what we have learned. "

After saying this, after Wang Ye looked around, he stared at the fourth squad leader again: "Can't you climb?

Can't you use the claw hook to blow smoke directly from the window into the dormitory? "

After a pause, Wang Ye continued: "We are soldiers and scouts, and missions are everything.

Sun Tzu has a saying, soldiers are deceitful

Change your thinking, give me full use of your brains before every action, don't always think about something straight.

We are soldiers, don't care about the means if you want to win.

For the mission, for the sake of safety, you must use all methods and methods you can think of, you know? "

"Yes!" A group of scouts responded seriously.

"Okay, listen to my password now."

Wang Ye glanced at the crowd, and said again with a serious face: "Supposing there are two more people sent to the Erlian gate tonight, and the other party is already on guard against us, how can we sneak in and kidnap their company commander silently?"

Wang Ye asked them questions again.

At this moment, Fu Wei, who had just arrived at the door of the electronic classroom outside and was about to call Wang Ye, was a little dark-faced.

What's the meaning?

What kind of broken assumption is this?

He wouldn't plan to attack the second company tonight, would he?

He knew that Wang Ye would continue to train scouts against other companies during this period of time.

But now for that.

If the second company commander was really tied back tonight, he didn't dare to think what would happen to the second company commander?

It's a little headache, I really did it like this, I'm afraid this apology will be unreasonable by then!

open the door.

Wang Ye, who heard the voice inside, turned his head.

The next second, Wang Ye came over to salute.

"Company commander!"

"Well, come with me!"

"Yes!" Wang Ye responded, but before leaving, he looked at the people in the electronic classroom and said, "No discussion is allowed, let alone desertion. Write your own!"

The scouts were silent, but some of them couldn't help complaining.

"Who would dare to beat the platoon leader with you, an old cunt!"

Indeed, in the first half month, Wang Ye often let them go out by himself when they were answering, and then he would sneak back outside the door to eavesdrop and peek.

Sometimes I even play rope drop directly from the rooftop.

You can think about it, when you are deserting, or chatting with comrades-in-arms next to you, and you look back, there is a sixth child hanging outside the window, how do you feel?

"The chief of staff is here. He knows what happened last night. Will you know when you read the reply later?"

On the stairs, Wang Ye who followed Fu Wei was slightly delayed.

It has been half a month since I came to the police investigation company, but Wang Ye has never seen the direct supervisor of the police investigation company come here, so I don't want to come today.

"Okay!" In response, Wang Ye continued to follow.

Just come, Wang Ye is not afraid of him.

Soon, Wang Ye followed Fu Wei to the company commander's office.

"Report! Chief, Wang Ye brought it!"

In the office, the current chief of staff sat where Fu Wei often sat.

Right now, the chief of staff glanced at Wang Ye, and then spoke to Fu Wei.

"Well, you go out first, close the door!"


Fu Wei saluted, then turned around directly.

Before leaving, he glanced at Wang Ye, but he didn't say anything.


There was the sound of the door closing.

"Sit!" the chief of staff said.

"Report, I'll be fine standing up!" Wang Ye replied sullenly.

A smile appeared on the chief of staff's face: "Hehe, let you sit down, why are there so many nonsense!"

"Yes!" This time, Wang Ye was not humble.

He pulled out a chair beside him and sat on it.

Look at the nose with the eyes, and watch the heart with the nose.

Wang Ye made up his mind, he only answered one question when he asked.

"Do you know? This time, you were asked to come to the police and reconnaissance company. In fact, it was obviously for your future, but in the end, I seemed to have taken advantage of it, forcing me to send the last one you were training in the second row of the recruit company. The good recruits were sent to the fourth company, and replaced by the current Han Yi!"

In an instant, Wang Ye turned his head and looked over, hesitated for a while, but Wang Ye still thanked in a muffled voice: "Thank you, chiefs, for your love!"

He was talking about the chiefs. In fact, he mainly meant what Commander Xie meant, but the chief of staff may not have heard clearly or selectively ignored it.

"Okay, your thank you expression is too perfunctory!" The chief of staff smiled and waved his hands.

Afterwards, he changed the subject: "I know what happened last night, and I heard from Fu Wei that you plan to continue doing it.

This is a bit too much, it will cause other companies to reject us, and even affect the unity of the regiment! "

Immediately, Wang Ye stood up.

Wang Ye said loudly: "Report, we are soldiers, not businessmen, what I think about is to improve the combat effectiveness of our soldiers.

Whether it's our side or another company.

Grow in training, learn in confrontation, if this can also cause dissatisfaction and disunity, I have nothing to say. "

The chief of staff was slightly taken aback.

But in just a moment, a smile appeared on his face again: "That's right, I just like you, Wang Ye, pure enough!"

"Thank you chief for the compliment!" This time, Wang Ye thanked him.

"Hehe!" The chief of staff smiled again, and then he continued: "Since you have an idea, then you can go ahead and do it boldly.

I think your training plan is very good and supports you very much, so the next actions don't need to be taken into account! "

"Yes!" Wang Ye responded loudly.

In fact, he had no scruples at all.

Others who are afraid of offending others, such as ordinary platoon leaders, would not dare to mess around like this, but Wang Ye is not afraid.

He also knows the temper of his leader, and he can go directly to the leader.

If Fu Wei disagreed when he reported that he wanted to do this before, he could go directly to the head of the group and say that he didn't want to be the platoon leader.

He wouldn't be timid because of his sophistication or his position as a platoon leader.

Now that you've come to serve as a soldier, let's be pure.

To make achievements, you have to be bolder.

"Okay, go and do your work!"

The chief of staff waved his hand to indicate that Wang Ye could go.


Wang Ye turned around.

After walking out of the office, Wang Ye heard the chief of staff call Fu Wei in again.

Regardless of these, Wang Ye continued to supervise everyone to do the questions after going upstairs.

That night, after twelve o'clock in the morning, the two reconnaissance platoons of the police reconnaissance company all went out except for the soldiers in the second platoon who stayed at the round gate post.

And Wang Ye himself came to the regiment headquarters with the company commander and others.

The Chief of Staff's visit during the day was more than just a lip service.

still got more.

For example, now, because of his support, Wang Ye can use the scouts' exercise equipment and combat command room.

To put it simply, Wang Ye has a lot of tickets to play tonight.

The soldiers in the platoon, Wang Ye, were divided into six groups, except for the two who were left to stand guard for rotation, the others happened to be in groups of four, led by the squad leader and deputy of each squad.

Go to attack the sentries of the 1st to 6th companies in the garrison.

In addition, the heavy machine gun companies and artillery companies directly under the two battalions in the station actually couldn't escape tonight.

The third platoon was also given the same combat order by the company commander.

From Wang Ye's point of view, Wang Ye just wanted to cultivate his own platoon.

But from the perspective of the company commander, the third row must not be forgotten.

In fact, during this time he has been encouraging the third platoon leader to steal from the second platoon.

How Wang Ye practiced the second platoon, turned around and asked the third platoon leader to train the third platoon as well.

Last night, the third row did not act.

But tonight, Wang Ye played so much, it was impossible for him to let the third row watch the show.

Right now, in the combat command room, the chief of staff sits at the top.

Wang Ye, the third platoon leader, and the company commander's instructor stood by his side.

In fact, Jiang Huai also wanted to come, but there must be cadres on duty in the company, so he could only stay with the soldiers from the guard platoon and two scouts from the second platoon to watch the house.

Right now, on the big screen in front of him, the split-screen images are constantly switching.

Wang Ye was watching very seriously.

Although the fighters in the own row and the third row had just left, the moment they went out, the test had already begun.

Because there are mobile posts in the camp, they must avoid these mobile posts, and they cannot be discovered by them.

This is also part of the test of action.

"Company commander!"

At the beginning of one o'clock, when the second company commander quietly walked into the toilet on the second floor, someone beside him spoke softly.

"Yeah! You performed well, keep it up, you must keep your spirits up, you know?" The second company commander told the soldier next to him.

"Yes!" The secret whistle in the toilet responded.

Nodding his head, the Second Company Commander turned around and walked out of the toilet.

He didn't get up to go to the bathroom.

Check sentry.

Tonight's second company's defense has been strengthened. Not to mention the two guards downstairs, the garage also has two guards.

He even arranged a secret whistle in the toilet on the floor of his own dormitory on the second floor.

The kind that hides inside.

To be honest, he didn't dare to retaliate against the police investigation company.

Although he also wanted to attack the police investigation company, he also put a small note on Fu Wei's door to say good night.

But after all, he still didn't have the courage.

If you take someone to attack yourself, but you are discovered in the end.

That's not revenge, but a beating in the face.

Therefore, he can only strengthen his vigilance.

At night, when the sentry position of my company became a double sentry, a secret sentry was also arranged.

He was now expecting the scouts to be bold enough to attack him again.

He went to check the other two posts to make sure that the sentry of his company had not dozed off. After standing guard, he returned to the dormitory.

Thanks to the book friends: 20200303201449204 rewarded leader, tomorrow will add a new chapter for the leader.

In addition, thanks at the same time: Zz_problem youth, book friend 20230603021548750, Jiusi_Ciyou, Liulibai under the fifth watch moon, half-cooked and half-cooked, book friend 160406113409274, Zihongzun, Mei Tesi sticks sweet, Zhu Xia's Ligustrum, Empty Stool, book friend 20220811214018621, Marshaldie, Mu Moyuan, book friend 20191030131723353 and many other book friends for their rewards, thank you for your support.

Thank you!

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