Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 404 Devil Platoon Leader (Please order, please support)

On March 1st, another major event happened internationally.

On the other side of the ocean, LBY's membership in the Human Rights Council has been suspended.

This basically means that Ka Dazuo is now disqualified from being a human being.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Wang Ye now.

It is impossible to mobilize them, the veterans of the southern field, to evacuate overseas Chinese.

What's more, Wang Ye is not in the mood to think about Ka Dazuo now.

Standing downstairs of the police investigation company, Wang Ye at this time turned a blind eye to the worn clothes and trousers of the soldiers in front of him, and even the worn skin of his hands and feet.

"Talking to you with a nice voice, you think I, Wang Ye, is a fool. Are you satisfied with this now?"

Each of the scouts was ashamed, with a bean-sized drop of sweat, and his face was full of exhaustion.

But no one dared to speak.

Even at this moment, they no longer have the thought of cursing their mothers.

I don't have that energy anymore.

Climbing around the camp, it took almost three hours to climb directly.

Tired and miserable.

It's just that Wang Ye didn't sympathize with them at all.

She continued to pull her face and said, "Is your hands and feet sore?

But that's better than losing your life on the battlefield. "

After a pause, Wang Ye continued to scold: "You are not made of iron, so what is there to be proud of?

On the battlefield, based on your previous mentality, you are still scouts?

It's almost the same if you run to someone's house first to give away the head! "

"Report!" Among the soldiers in front of him, a first-rank corporal suddenly looked at Wang Ye angrily and shouted a report.

Wang Ye stared at him: "You don't agree with what I said, do you?"

"Yes!" The scout gritted his teeth in affirmation.

Afterwards, he continued to grit his teeth and looked at Wang Ye and said in a deep voice: "Platoon leader, you can deny us, because we have indeed failed in your hands, but you can't say that we are useless.

We have been in the military for several years, and we have sweated profusely for several years. I don't think we will become the waste that you say to the platoon leader when we really go to the battlefield. "

"Hehe!" Wang Ye laughed, but very seriously.

Staring at him, Wang Ye questioned, "Is there a difference?

If you say that losing at my hands is justifiable, what about this year?

Moreover, don't say that a small mistake cannot deny your hard work for several years. Will the enemy on the battlefield tell you this? "

Wang Ye's voice increased, and he glanced at all of them sharply: "I think you are really hopeless!

And scouts?

How many years have you worked hard?

You only train your muscles but not your brain, right? "

Wang Ye's scolding was so loud that the corners of someone in the office on the second floor were twitching.

This is a soldier in the second platoon, but he is the company commander!

The whole company was trained under his leadership.

Is there any difference between scolding the people below, and now the voice is coming over, and scolding him?

But he had nothing to say, and even now he wanted to go down and kick the scout who spoke.

I'm really confused. Can a scout say this?

Downstairs, Wang Ye didn't even think about whether other people in the dormitory could hear his scolding.

It doesn't matter.

Looking at the crowd of scouts in front of him, he continued to shout loudly: "You still call them scouts?

Don't you know what we do?

Don't you know what kind of mission we are shouldering? "

Pointing at them, Wang Ye was about to spray their faces with saliva: "We are the front line on the battlefield, we are the eyes on the battlefield, and our mission is to obtain the enemy's intelligence.

Whether the information is obtained carefully or not, and whether the mission is successful or not will directly affect the situation of a war.

This is our task and our mission. "

After a pause, Wang Ye continued to spray: "Yes, you think that the previous you were just a small mistake.

But you have to know that a small mistake on the battlefield may cost you your own life, and the failure of the mission will even affect the outcome of the entire war.


Does hard work work?

A mission failure is a failure. Will you be given a chance to do it all over again on the battlefield because of your hard work?

Don't you understand the reason why fighter jets are fleeting?

Still open your mouth and shut up, can't you say nothing?

Can't deny your efforts?

What are your efforts?

Is this the result of your efforts? "

At this moment, the corporal who just spoke turned red.

But he has been sprayed with nothing to say, and so have everyone else.

Wang Ye slowed down a bit.

To be honest, Wang Ye is really angry now.

These guys, he feels that there is a problem with their concepts.

It may have been peaceful for too long, taking the training of a soldier as a task, and forgetting that the purpose of training is for war.

Looking at them, Wang Ye said again: "Honestly, you guys let me down.

Originally, I thought you were the elite of our Iron Bones Heroes. I even thought that you were just a little arrogant and looked down on the recruits before, and then because of improper command, you overturned in my hands.

But now that I got in touch, I clearly realized that you really have a problem, a big problem, and a problem from the bottom of your heart. "

Wang Ye's voice became louder again, so loud that they all bowed their heads silently.

But Wang Ye ignored them and continued to scold them: "As a scout, you don't understand why you're standing here in this suit, as a soldier.

Look at the military ranks of each of you. Only two of you are at the same age as me, and the rest are based on military age. I have to call your squad leader.

But what about you?

Your understanding of a soldier is not as good as mine, which is considered a recruit in your eyes. "

Speaking of this, Wang Ye's tone became a little bleak, and he turned his head and waved his hands without looking at them: "Forget it, you go back, go to the infirmary to bandage the wound, and after dinner, I will write a new copy of what do you think of the scouts in the evening?" Give me the experience of the post.

I hope this time, you take it seriously and don't let me be completely disappointed in you again. "

"Old Fu!"

Upstairs, just a few seconds after the second row was disbanded, at the door of the company commander's office, the instructor pushed the door and walked in.

"heard it?"

The company commander smiled wryly.

The instructor nodded sternly: "Wang Ye is very reasonable. In fact, he is not only talking about being in the second row. Our entire company and even our entire regiment actually have this phenomenon!"

"It's not just our regiment!" The company commander shook his head and sighed.

"Head and the others are right, peace is too long, and war is too long away from us.

Although everyone usually says that soldiers are born for war, the current overall environment is divorced from actual combat.

Even engaging in some confrontation exercises is playing the script.

The battle has not yet been fought, and the outcome has already been decided. How could this make the fighters really practice the mentality of being born for war and always fighting for it. "

The instructor answered with a serious face: "We don't care about other units, but we can't let it go badly. Now that we have found a problem, we have to find a way to solve it as soon as possible!"

Fu Wei looked at him and nodded: "I know, but the meaning of our existence is to defend the peace of the motherland, so it is impossible to take the initiative to break the peace in order to improve combat effectiveness and maintain everyone's fighting awareness?

What's more, is this kind of thing you and I can decide? "

After Fu Wei said something, the instructor couldn't help but smile bitterly.

yes! The meaning of the existence of our soldiers is for peace, how can it be possible to deliberately break the peace because the peace has been too long.

At this time, Fu Wei thought for a while and said, "Well, let's leave the second row alone for now, and let's watch how Wang Ye trains.

At the same time, we can also follow up on some of his training methods.

For example, what he said today, as well as his experience of letting the second row write.

Although this is not as direct as going directly to the battlefield, it will definitely be useful.

Always remind everyone of their mission and original intention, and integrate it into daily training, which will definitely enhance everyone's combat effectiveness! "

"Well, I'm in charge of thinking!" The instructor nodded immediately.

"Hiss~ Monitor, lighten up!"

In the sixth shift, everyone went upstairs, took off their clothes, cleaned the wound, and then started to help each other put iodophor on the bandage.

Although Wang Ye asked them to go to the infirmary for such a simple injury, it was impossible for them to really go.

If he really went, he would definitely be laughed at by the hygienist who was a veterinarian from his ancestors.

So I can only solve it in the dormitory by myself.

Right now, the soldiers of the second platoon and the three squads are all busy in the dormitory.

Not too many words, and no one complained about anything.

Even though Wang Ye is in Class 4 instead of Class 5 and Class 6, everyone in Class 5 and Class 6 is still very quiet.

Wang Ye's words really hurt them just now.

Now they are complaining, they want to complain, but when the words get to their throats, they also find that they don't know how to complain at all.

In the dormitory of Class 4, Wang Ye had just stored his luggage and came back to make up the bed.


Suddenly, a voice came from the door behind him.

Wang Ye looked back.

The fifth squad leader called, but now Wang Ye saw that there seemed to be someone outside behind him.

"whats the matter!"

Wang Ye stood up straight and walked over.

The next second, Wang Ye saw that there were indeed two soldiers following him outside the door.

"Platoon leader, these two went to the farm with Tian platoon leader, and now the instructor asked them to come back first!"

"Good platoon leader!"

The two looked at Wang Ye and greeted Wang Ye sullenly.

Wang Ye looked over and saw that both were non-commissioned officers, one was a first-rank corporal and the other was a second-rank sergeant.

"Which class are they from?"

Wang Ye didn't even know about this. He thought he was only twenty-four in the row, but now there are two more.

"Report, I'm from Class Five!"

"Report, I'm from Class 4!"

"Okay, come in from class 4, and take back those from class 5!" Wang Ye said the last words while looking at the leader of class 5.


The fifth class leader saluted, and then left with the second class of the fifth class.

And the corporal who stayed behind entered the dormitory a little cautiously.

"Squad leader!"

He greeted the squad leader of Class 4 who got up and walked over.

The fourth squad leader glanced at Wang Ye, and then nodded with him.

At this time, Wang Ye also looked at him and said again: "Go and put down your backpack, and let your squad leader tell you what happened today, and what you need to do later!"

"Yes!" The sergeant stood at attention and answered.

Although they just came back, the two of them felt something was wrong when they entered the gate of the camp just now.

The guard platoon at the door gave the two of them a sympathetic look, and then the brother who was on guard downstairs just now did the same.

Afterwards, when they went upstairs to the door of Class 5, they saw shirtless brothers applying medicine there.

This time, how could the two not be nervous.

That's too ruthless, didn't you say you only took office today?

But looking at it now, no one in the whole platoon is not injured, this is the case in the fifth class, and the same is true in my own class now.

"Okay, the bandaging will continue, but I want to get to know you, so now I will introduce myself one by one!"

Wang Ye took out a pen and paper.

He didn't know a few of them in the whole platoon, and it happened that there was still some time, so he had to do the basic work well first.

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