Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 399 Division of troops, the end of the recruit company (please order, please end)

"Tomorrow we will divide the troops into the next company. You have also worked with me, Jiang Huai, for nearly three months. Thank you very much for your cooperation in the past three months!"

In the company office, Jiang Huai stood by the table, smiling and handing out a circle of cigarettes to everyone.

"The company commander is polite!"

"Yes! The company commander is too polite. After three months, I must thank the company commander for supporting our work!"

One by one, the veterans spoke with smiles.

This is a farewell meeting. After tonight, the new recruits will go to the company tomorrow, and everyone will naturally go their separate ways and return to the original company.

After Jiang Huai finished smoking, he smiled and said again: "Not to mention, we have saved a lot of things this year, so let's go out to drink and eat together later, it's not in vain for us to work together!"


Everyone nodded in unison.

Tonight, the recruit company arranged a barbecue party.

In fact, it's already busy outside right now.

Under the leadership of the veterans in the cooking class, all the recruits were busy preparing barbecue ingredients.

This is an experience that Wang Ye and the others did not have last year.

The main reason is that this year's recruit company has compressed the time later, and the training and assessment have been completed together.

After returning, even the final division of troops did not require them, the squad leaders and company platoon leaders, to do anything.

Just wait, wait for the regiment to issue an order to divide the troops, and then the division will be over.

As usual, the recruit company commander still has some rights to divide the troops, and other companies will come to curry favor, and there is no such thing as trying to get away a few good soldiers this year.

Of course, Jiang Huai was mentally prepared for this from the beginning.

When he came to lead the troops, he knew that he was just a lubricant to ease the conflict between the three battalions.

"I didn't expect that my recruit company could still drink wine. Really, I'm touched!"

"Yeah! It's unreal. I didn't drink it during the Chinese New Year. I thought I could only have this sip when I was in the company. I didn't expect that we would drink it before the company!"

At night, on the training field, there is no one on the track tonight.

Everyone gathered around the bonfire on the training ground, and then sat on the ground surrounded by barbecue grills.

Barbecue and drink.

There wasn't much alcohol, and the recruits only had one bottle of beer, but it was enough to make the recruits who had given up drinking for three months happy.

It may be said that the only fly in the ointment today is that even though the ban on alcohol has been lifted for their recruits, they are still not allowed to smoke.

But this is only because the smoking ban is really strict during the recruit period, and the squad leaders are not easy to violate it in the public, but after everyone returns to the class, as long as they are not particularly serious and rigid squad leaders, they will actually satisfy their small thoughts.

For example, in the dormitory of Class 5 after the party, Wang Ye took out cigarettes and began to smoke one by one the recruits in the dormitory who were sitting neatly on the small bench next to the bed.

"In the past three months, you have been very weak. Except for Li Jun and Duan Wei who don't smoke, the rest of you have no chance to come to me for cigarettes.

But on the last night before my departure, I sent out kindness.

Come on, one stick per person, of course, if you don’t smoke, you don’t have to force it! "

While smoking, Wang Ye said with a smile that was very heart-warming for most of the recruits in the fifth squad.

The conscience of heaven and earth, when they first came here, they heard Wang Ye's two conditions that they could ask him for cigarettes, and they were a little bit happy and confident.

Of course, many people don't want to take the first place in the whole company, but want to surpass Wang Ye in some way.

No one is perfect, they think, and veterans must have weaknesses.

It's just that later on they clearly knew how young they were back then.

So what are the two conditions?

Obviously there is only one, the condition of winning the first place in the entire company.

The other one is simply a dead end.

Very helpless.

But they can't help it. Those who smoke can only grit their teeth and be forced to quit smoking after three months.

Right now, there is a recruit who smoked before holding the cigarette issued by Wang Ye, looking like he wants to cry: "Squad leader, I finally got your cigarette!"

"Haha, the dream has come true, right?" Wang Ye laughed.

The recruit nodded heavily: "That's right, when you finished talking about those two conditions, I thought that I must ask for a cigarette from you, and I don't want to continue until today!"

Wang Ye laughed and said, "It's not what you asked me for based on your strength!

Let me tell you, don't talk about it, I can't afford to lose this man. "

Speaking of this, Wang Ye looked around at the recruits in the dormitory: "You all remember, after the company, unless you can be the first in the company, otherwise I am your squad leader, you better give me a bad stomach Inside!" Wang Ye pretended to be serious and said.

This sentence made the recruits in the dormitory full of suffocation when they said it directly.

Good guy, I don't know which company to go to and say I want to be the first in the company?

Who in the class dares to say this, maybe Li Jun has a little confidence.

Duan Wei is all about thinking, culture is better.

In terms of comprehensiveness, he can't even compare with Han Yi.

Not to mention the others, the recruits can't get the first place in the company, so they expect the next one to win?

"It seems that I can only keep this secret until I am discharged from the army!" A recruit said dryly.

Someone on the side smiled wryly.

They are not.

Wang Ye answered with a smile: "I'm not promising, don't you know how to work hard?

Look at Han Yi, her grades were not good at the beginning, what about now? He is fifth in the continuation of the karma assessment this time! "

"Hehe, class monitor, it's all because of your good teaching!" Han Yi immediately smiled and flattered her.

Wang Ye looked over and said with a smile: "I teach you the same thing, you just work hard!"

"Hey!" Han Yi smiled foolishly.

In fact, he only managed to hold his breath today.

And now, he's proven himself.

At least, the seventh squad leader must be full of regret now.

In fact, after he got good grades, the No. 7 squad leader looked for him twice.

Ask him if he wants to go back to class seven, and promise him some conditions.

After all, although the second platoons belonged to the second battalion, the veterans of each company must have different priorities.

For example, in the fifth and sixth classes led by Wang Ye and Zhou Qi, the top talents they lead are given priority to go to the fourth company, and the top students they lead to their own company in the seventh and eighth classes are given priority to their company.

In this case, Han Yi performed so well later on, but now he has become a member of the fifth squad, and he will go to the fourth company in the future. The seventh squad leader is depressed, but the key point is that their company commanders can still curse!

Unfortunately, Han Yi will definitely not go back.

He came to Class 5, took the initiative to work overtime for training every day, and worked overtime to memorize those questions he used to hate, for what reason?

For that breath.

He wanted to prove that he had made a self-criticism, but he was still right.

"Okay, come on, if you smoke, you can light it, and if you don't smoke, it's good to keep this cigarette as a souvenir!"

Wang Ye took out the fire and lit them one by one.

Last year, Ye Sanshi, the former of their team, did this, and this year, he followed suit.

"Li Hua, Zhang Qingyi, Wen Xiaolong."

On the 1st, after the half-hour-delayed wake-up call sounded, everyone was ordered to pack up their things and gather downstairs.

But right now, after Wang Ye finished his team, Jiang Huai took out the division order sent by the regiment headquarters and began to read.

On the side, cadres from each company basically came over.

Right now, the names are read out one by one, and after they are finished, cadres come over there and take the people away directly.

By the way, the veterans who originally belonged to that company will also follow.

"Li Jun, Duan Wei, Pang Wen."

Finally, the soldiers of the fourth company arrived, and eight names were read in a row, of which there were only three in the fifth squad, but five in the sixth squad!

The soldiers led by each squad have to be divided into artillery companies, heavy machine gun companies and logistics, so it is impossible for you to bring them all, and all of them belong to you.

In fact, if it is really possible to pack it, some monitors probably don't even want it.

After all, not every soldier is suitable for fighting in a company.

And some soldiers are really stretching their hips.

"This way!" Outside the arena, a lieutenant and platoon leader from the fourth company came out to greet him with a smile.

At this moment, among the few people who came out, Li Jun and Duan Wei grinned happily at Wang Ye who was still standing behind Jiang Huai.

And Wang Ye also smiled, then left behind Jiang Huai and walked over.

He was going to report to the detective company, but no one asked him to go with the recruits.

Therefore, he planned to go back to Silian first.

Send off recruits and meet old comrades.

In the afternoon, go to the police investigation company.

At this moment, among the rest of the fifth class, Han Yi clenched his fists tightly.

He also wanted to follow Wang Ye.

According to his current cognition, Wang Ye has been kind to him for rebuilding.

It was Wang Ye who changed his life, otherwise he would not have lived a happy life even if he was still in the army, not to mention that he would go home with serious consequences.

Unlike now, he can still make his original squad leader bow his head.

However, the name I read now does not include him.

He clenched his fists, unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

He is a soldier, and he has engraved the word obedience into his bones during the three months of recruit training.

At this moment, Wang Ye actually saw Han Yi's appearance, and even exchanged glances with him.

Wang Ye nodded towards him with a smile, which made him a little puzzled.

Just now Wang Ye went downstairs to read the list of division troops. He knew that he was the one who was selected to go to the police reconnaissance company.

Of course, Wang Ye didn't tell him about this, let alone about going to the police investigation company.

Surprise him.

"Let's go!"

Wang Ye, the deputy commander of the fourth company who came to pick up the troops, knew him, but he was not familiar with him.

The original row was long.

He said this with a smile towards Wang Ye, and Wang Ye also nodded.

There is no need to wait for others to divide the troops.

After I was assigned a soldier, I left directly, saving everyone from being very sad.

"Squad leader!"

Wang Ye, Zhou Qi and a platoon leader walked in front of the team, and someone behind them made a soft sound of excitement.

Wang Ye knew it was Li Jun without looking back.

I turned around and smiled.

Wang Ye also didn't tell them that he was going to the police investigation company.

That's it, I'm not a nanny, and they're not baby dolls, so it's good to get together and break up after taking them to Silian.

There was nothing to say all the way, Wang Ye and the platoon leader didn't take them away from the canteen.

Go out from the gate of the recruit company, and finally walk in through the gate of the regiment station, all the way to the fourth company.

The sound of gongs and drums sounded again.

This made the eight recruits who came to the fourth company very excited.

Zheng Ke and the instructor greeted them in person.

Then, divide into classes.

The eight recruits were all dispersed, and one of the eighth squad was left behind.

But it wasn't Wang Ye who led it, but one of the six top recruits led by Zhou Qi.

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