Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 395 Responses from all parties (please order, please support)

"Isn't that embarrassing enough?


How to remedy?

Can you turn back time spell? "In the company office, Fu Wei's scolding kept coming out.

Outside, some three rows of soldiers who had just come out of full armor looked at each other.

"Go, go down first!"

"Yes, stop listening!" Someone whispered.

Regardless of the company commander's situation, their platoon leader gave them the order to go downstairs and gather.

So they now have to go and carry out the order first.

"No, company commander, while it's still early, let's go again, maybe we can save a little bit of face and relieve the anger of the chief!" The third platoon leader still insisted on his opinion.


"Nonsense, you have to figure out the situation!"

Fu Wei looked at him with a livid face and said, "We are not engaging in confrontation exercises now, the essence of this matter is just a recruit training activity that we help.

I don't see any other effect of your thinking besides making people laugh at us as another reason why we can't afford to lose! "


The third platoon leader still wanted to persist, but Fu Wei interrupted him directly: "It's nothing to worry about, let your people go back to sleep!"

The company commander didn't say that he was actually worried that the car would overturn after the third row.

In fact, the odds are high.

Because he knew very well that on the side of the recruit company, the bright whistle that was originally standing alone must have now become a double whistle.

There are no dead ends, unless this group of recruits is really hopeless after facing this kind of thing, and now they can all close their eyes and sleep.

Otherwise, in this case, only by doing the real thing, regardless of casualties, can we be more confident in completing the task.

But this is not a real battle, how could casualties be ignored.

Although recruits have just started their military careers, they don't understand many things, and they haven't even started to contact them.

But recruits are people too.

The personal ability of the veterans is better than that of the recruits, and the personal abilities of their scouts are even worse than that of ordinary recruits.

But so what?

No matter how powerful the scout is, he has no superpower to be invisible.

It can be said that there is actually only one way to pass the three rows.

Use extreme means, use smoke or hypnotic powder or something like that.

But these are not safe.

In case the other party is a little alert and notices that something is wrong, and shouts before falling down, the three rows will belong to sending the face to be trampled on.

Naturally, this kind of risk is extremely high, but the benefits are almost equal to nothing. Even if he is furious now, Fu Wei will not choose to do it.

"Ding Ding~"

At this time, the phone on the table rang suddenly.

The company commander, the third platoon leader, and the instructor, who were still ashen-faced, all looked over.

The company commander didn't move, and it was even more impossible for the third platoon leader to answer the company's call.

The instructor glanced at the company commander, hesitated for a moment, and he still walked over.


The first salutation the instructor gave when he picked up the phone made the company commander's already ugly face even more ugly in an instant.

Turn your head away.

Even across the phone, he dare not look at the microphone now.

It's so embarrassing.

"Chief, I'm not making excuses. We are just helping to train, and we can't use extraordinary methods. Moreover, the soldier himself is really good. He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his physical response is different from ordinary people. The first test of the 400-meter obstacle last time, he He was the only one in the entire company who ran within two minutes.

Yes, I know that's not the reason!

Yes, we have shamed you."

The instructor bit the bullet and explained and admitted his mistake there.

The chief of staff did not choose to go back to sleep tonight, and even took the initiative to change shifts and wait in the duty room.

After all, the police investigation company is his direct unit, representing his face.

However, after waiting for half a night, it was past the action time, and he still didn't wait for Fu Wei's call, so he became irritable at that moment.

Finally, unable to wait, he took the initiative to call.

But now, in the combat duty room of the regiment headquarters, the chief of staff was holding the phone in one hand and covering his heart with the other.

He was afraid that he would suddenly lose his breath.

My guess came true!


After hanging up the phone, the chief of staff lit a cigarette, but still couldn't hold back, and punched the desk.

It's just that this kind of thing happens every year. In fact, the chief of staff doesn't care too much at all.

He even got angry with them on the surface and punished them for additional training, but he was still happy in his heart.

Because it shows a good soldier.

His doing it here means that his subordinates are stronger, and they can look forward to it in the future.

Just like when the car overturned last year, he rushed to the gate to wait for the team leader in a hurry.

But this year is different.

Failed two years in a row.

Yes, this soldier sounds very good. He has practiced martial arts since childhood and has a very good foundation.

But you want others to think the same way!

If you fail for a year, others will just smile. Apart from losing face, in the final analysis, there is no real harm.

For example, Tian platoon leader can still be a platoon leader this year.

But two consecutive years!

Under such circumstances, others will subconsciously think that their scouts are too useless, and that there is something wrong with the training method of the police reconnaissance company's reconnaissance platoon.

Even if you talk about reasons, others will think that you are deliberately making excuses for failure.


Taking a deep breath, he glanced at the other personnel on duty in the combat duty room. The chief of staff pulled his face and walked directly towards the door.

He wants to go out to take a breath and go to the rooftop to blow some air.

He had to think about how to clean up this mess now.

At this moment, compared to the chief of staff and others in the regiment who are not in the mood to sleep, Wang Ye is sleeping soundly here in the recruit company.

He actually wondered if the scout would get angry and do it again.

But even if it happened again, he didn't panic at all.

It doesn't matter if you can let them roll over again, even if you are attacked by them again, and they succeed.

When he saw them afterwards, he could still pass by them with a smile.

"Beep beep~"

At 5:40, today's watchman outside the tent blew his whistle on time.

Wang Ye opened his eyes with a smile.

It's a good day to start again.

Of course, it was a good day for Wang Ye.

For the recruits of the recruit company, this is another day of suffering.

At the same time, for the chief of staff of the regiment headquarters who was sitting in the combat duty room and had already smoked more than a pack of cigarettes, and the company commander of the police and reconnaissance company, this was an even worse day to come.

"Instructor, let me borrow your mobile phone!"

In the recruit company, after the recruits were back on the road, Wang Ye walked up to the instructor and spoke quietly.

During the recruit training, he, the platoon leader, was not allowed to carry a mobile phone. Only the company commander and the instructor could carry mobile phones for convenience and just in case.

So now that Wang Ye wants to use it, he can only find them two.

Looking for Jiang Huai?

That's impossible, after all, he is the deputy company commander of the police investigation company.

In fact, Wang Ye wanted to make a call last night.

But Jiang Huai slept with the instructor, so it was not easy for him to go to the instructor in front of him.

So I can only wait until now to find an opportunity to talk to the instructor.

This one is not from the police reconnaissance company, he is a deputy instructor of the artillery company of the third battalion.

"Calling your company commander?" The instructor was not an idiot either. Hearing Wang Ye borrowing his mobile phone and looking at Jiang Huai at the front of the team, he said this with a smile.

"Yeah!" Wang Ye nodded with a smile.

There is nothing to hide, his motives are actually quite obvious.

Just like last year after he overthrew the scouts, Wu Jianfeng rushed to find the battalion commander.

If he could use his mobile phone, he would have called Wu Jianfeng out of bed in the middle of the night after the incident last night.

Li Jun, he was determined to go to Silian.

This is a good seed and cannot be snatched away by the chief of staff.

"Okay, here you are!"

The instructor readily agreed, and took out a push-button mobile phone while speaking.


Wang Ye thanked with a smile, took the phone, deliberately hung behind the team, and at the same time dialed the number of the battalion duty room.

"Hi, I'm Wang Ye.

Yes, Silian Wang Ye, I'm looking for my company commander, if the battalion commander is here, I can also find the battalion commander! "

Logically speaking, Wang Ye's report should actually be reported step by step.

It is to find Zheng Ke, the current acting company commander of the Fourth Company, first.

But it was useless to find him, and finally had to find Wu Jianfeng.

Even looking for Wu Jianfeng is useless. If you want to play against the chief of staff, you must have the battalion commander.

So Wang Ye chose to do it all in one step.

As for Zheng Ke, after contacting Wu Jianfeng, just ask him to say something.

This matter has been delayed for half the night, and it is urgent.

"Hi, Wang Ye, I'm Lin Hai!"

After waiting for about a minute, Wu Jianfeng did not come, but the battalion commander came.

"battalion commander!"

Wang Ye greeted with a smile while holding the phone.

"Hehe, is there anything you can do with us?" Lin Hai smiled.

To Wang Ye, he was very polite.

In fact, he just ran all the way from the battalion commander's office when he heard the notice from the officer on duty.

"It's like this." Wang Ye didn't hesitate, and immediately explained the situation.

At this moment, in the duty room of the battalion headquarters, Lin Hai, who was holding a microphone, stared wide-eyed.

But then.

"Haha! You did a great job, Wang Ye, you did a great job!" The battalion commander laughed loudly.

To be honest, he didn't even dare to think that the scouts would also fail to attack this year.

After all, the probability of such a thing is small.

The training subject listed in the training syllabus is to train new sentry sentries and strengthen everyone's sentry duties, not to test scouts.

But no, Wang Ye gave him another surprise.

The Scouts capsized again this year.

And it's his soldier.

At this moment, he has regarded Li Jun as his soldier, after all, Wang Ye trained him.

"Haha, that's fine, Wang Ye, I know about this, leave it to me!" With a big laugh, the battalion commander hung up the phone.

"Battalion Commander, why are you smiling so happily!" In the duty room, the duty officer next to him asked with a smile.

"Haha, good thing!"

The battalion commander laughed, but did not explain.

No time to explain.

He is in a hurry to get out now.

Oops, the tooth hurts like hell, my head is a little dizzy from the pain

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