Those Internet celebrities took the lead in quieting down and were no longer crowded, and some even quietly turned off the live broadcast.

Song Yirui gave a thumbs up to Li Chengyang, you are still amazing.

Give somebody a taste of his own medicine.

These Internet celebrities used live broadcasts to force him, and Li Chengyang used live broadcasts to turn the generals.

That's amazing.

He didn't even think of it.

Soon the crowd was evacuated.

A crowded farce came to an end, and they chased Song Yirui to another news release place.

The hospital is finally quiet.

At this time, the Internet began to report one after another.

"Mr. Lin Yuan fell into a coma, why is this?"

"Work fatigue, or criminal revenge?"

"Shocked, Sherlock Holmes in the new century is in a coma for no reason, what is hidden behind it? "

Lin Yuan's popularity is even higher.

A god reporter who repeatedly caught the criminals turned out to be unconscious.

It's impossible not to arouse curiosity.

Is it really the criminal's revenge, or is it his own illness?

For a while, the popularity of the Internet has risen to another level.

Song Yirui and others are also helpless, the new era is different.

Netizens are too curious about 31, especially someone like Lin Yuan who has a legendary taste.

They had no choice but to make it official in a press release:

"Mr. Lin Yuan is our Jingfang special consultant, he has a high psychological analysis ability, and he has helped us crack the psychology of many criminals. "

"He is currently in a coma because of work fatigue, for which we are actively treating and rescuing, thank you for your concern for Mr. Lin Yuan. "

"Please stay calm and don't disturb Mr. Lin Yuan's recovery process for no reason. "

The official announcement of these news also made Lin Yuan's popularity even higher.

For a time, "Magical Reporter", "Reporter Detective", "Sleeping Famous Reporter", and various nicknames appeared on Lin Yuan.

Seeing that Li Chengyang and the two were dumbfounded.

These people really grab a hot spot and fry it desperately.

Also, making money, don't chill.

It seems that Lin Yuan doesn't have a hot explosion point, isn't it just a reporter who caught a lot of criminals?

That's enough.

And Li Chengyang understands that this is because Lin Yuan's real specialness has not yet been exposed.

If Lin Yuan's four personalities are exposed.

That's the big news.

I am afraid that it will attract international experts in the field of spirituality to come and study.

Because that's so special.

A lot of writers will be interested.

In history, there was a criminal who split into 23 personalities, which aroused widespread attention.

And Lin Yuan is even more special, he relies on his personality to solve the case.

And each personality gives him special abilities.

It's a scientific miracle.

Fortunately, there were other plans above, and Lin Yuan's special features were not exposed.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that it will not be thousands of people, but tens of thousands of people, and it will be enough to get a tourist attraction.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

You know, there are so many curiosity hunters all over the world, and they also come to those dangerous hotels.

What's more, a living Lin Yuan?


In the ward, Lin Yuan was lying on the hospital bed.

He still hasn't woken up.

But there was a storm in my head.

is falling into a deep sleep.

In the dream, there is a chemistry teacher in class.

The chemistry teacher fiddles with the reagents.

"It's not chemistry, it's change. "

"The world is changing. "

Then the screen turns to a garage. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A chemistry teacher who is a role model, but he is wiping the car for the sake of his family.

A rich second-generation student arrogantly said: "Help me polish the tires of this car a little." "

Another girl came to the rich second generation and laughed at the chemistry teacher with her boyfriend.

was a decent teacher, but after class, he was reduced to a coolie.

After the chemistry teacher wiped the tire, he finally fainted with anger. []

Countless chemical knowledge, molecular formulas, transformation formulas, and various changes all appeared in his mind one by one.

Lin Yuan suddenly thought, isn't this the movie "Desperate Master"?

Then he thought back to the dream he had in the mental hospital.

He was hypnotized by the woman in the raincoat and finally got the dream.

In the dream, he also saw the name of the film.

And now, it seems that he is about to awaken a new personality.

It's just that in the dream, the chemistry teacher finally collapsed, but never woke up.

"The patient's body continued to have a high fever, and he immediately cooled down physically. "

"39 degrees 8, 40 degrees 2, hurry up and take measures ......"

At the same time, some anxious voices came from Lin Yuan's ears.

"The surface of the body is getting hotter and hotter, and the effect of cooling measures cannot keep up with the heat in the body. "

"Hurry up and get checked. "

"The patient's brain activity is intense, very intense. "

"The patient is thinking at high speed. "

"Let him stop thinking. "

"I can't do it. "

"It seems that the problem is mainly focused on the brain. "

"Cranial CT and cranial magnetic resonance imaging are all arranged. "

"The examination was done, and the report showed no abnormalities in his organs, but one area was in the shape of a strange butterfly, a skull to be exact. A doctor said in fear.

"Okay, don't scare yourself, are you watching the film for the first day? I don't know that many times the CT film is the same as a skull?"

And at this time, the four personalities began to awaken alternately.

"Lin Yuan, wake up quickly. "

"If you don't wake up, you're going to lose your personality. Loki kindly reminded.

"Life, cherish your life. Jigsaw said lightly.

"Hahaha, give me your body, I'll be the old 657. "The clown began to have a rebellious side.

"Alright, you can't be the boss, your disorder and chaos will only lead us all to death and despair. Hannibal said calmly.

In the chatter of the four people, Lin Yuan only felt that his head was getting more and more painful.

Then he stopped thinking and fell into a deeper coma.

"The patient's body temperature dropped. A voice of surprise appeared.

"The MRI showed that the patient's brain region had stopped thinking. "

"Great, it's an exaggeration just now, and a person's thinking can be intensified to that extent. "

"I've heard that multiple personalities place a heavy burden on the ontology, and that's the burden of thinking, right?"

"Yes, so multiple personalities are not a good thing, unless the person's constitution is strong enough. "



A heavily guarded camp somewhere.

Surrounded by gun-wielding men in green camouflage uniforms, each holding an AK47, looking around lazily.

At first glance, it is not formal.

In a room in the camp, several people were surfing the Internet.

It was the lone teacher, the cook, and Qiao Liang who escaped.

"Great, this bastard, finally unconscious!" Qiao Liang said excitedly.

Lin Yuan forced him to flee from the bustling city to this hot jungle.

It's just enough of his sins.

Big mosquitoes, ugly women, dark and short, and a bunch of stinky men.

Where can it compare to the days before it?

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