When welcoming Lin Yuan out of the door, the editor-in-chief Zhu Hong coughed dryly: "Everyone stop what they are doing first, I have something important to announce to you." "

Suddenly, everyone in the office raised their heads and became curious.

However, most of the eyes were focused on Lin Yuan's body.

"It can't be that Lin Yuan has discovered some explosive gimmick. "

"He's only been on the job for a long time, and it's like this, why I've been working for eight years like I haven't been working. "

"People are more popular than people, last time I heard the editor-in-chief say that Lin Yuan was going to be promoted and raised, this time I found that Lianqiang's cold and fresh explosive gimmick, it is estimated that it will be mentioned again. "

"No way, I don't believe it, unless I see it with my own eyes. "

Editor-in-chief Zhu Hong also felt a pain in his heart when he heard everyone's discussion, like he has been working for almost 20 years and is still a small editor-in-chief.

Lin Yuan has not been in the company for a year before he mentioned the editor-in-chief of the special "380" magazine.

He pressed his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"I guess everyone knows the news. "

"Lin Yuan has made a great contribution to Nanfang Daily, and not only that, but he has also helped the police solve one case after another. "

"It was decided to promote Lin Yuan to the editor-in-chief of the special issue, and he will be responsible for the main work on our side in the future. "

"Everything can only be carried out with Lin Yuan's consent. "

"Welcome Editor-in-Chief Lin. "

Editor-in-chief Zhu Hong took a step back and stood behind Lin Yuan.

Suddenly, there were bursts of warm applause in the office.

Everyone looked at him in shock, more with curiosity.

What is the mystery of this young man who has just joined the company.

Feeling everyone's enthusiasm for the first time, Lin Yuan became a little uncomfortable.

Don't dare to look at Lin Yuan.

However, there is also one with Erlang's legs crossed and seems to be not afraid of Lin Yuan at all.

There was mockery in his eyes.

seems to be saying, what editor-in-chief, you have the ability to do me, I am not afraid.

"Hello colleagues, yes, I am Lin Yuan, who has just joined the company for six months. "

"Probably out of luck, I'm now your leader. "

"No matter what kind of work you have in the future, you have to do it according to my ideas. "

"Whoever follows me will be fired. "

Everyone looked at Lin Yuan with envy and hatred.

Lin Yuan's words were too shocking.

What does it feel like to be promoted to editor-in-chief of a special issue after six months on the job?

Anyway, they had never experienced such a fairy feeling.

However, Lin Yuan's words behind him are too domineering, why are they a bit domineering president's words?

Several of the beauties in the office began to have stars in their eyes.

At this time, there was a mocking laugh in the office.

The man with Erlang's legs said slowly: "Although other people are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you, I am used to fishing here every day, and you have the ability to fire me." "

This kid is too arrogant, Lin Yuan feels that he should give this kid with Erlang's legs a punishment.

But the editor-in-chief next to him pulled Lin Yuan, leaning over Lin Yuan's ear with a serious face and saying something.

This scene was seen by everyone.

"This person who is working against Editor-in-Chief Lin is lying in the office at work, does he have a background?"

"I don't know, but looking at the editor-in-chief's face, it shouldn't be a simple character. "

"I seem to have heard that he is the nephew of a certain bureau chief, and he is bullying people day by day. "

"Editor-in-Chief Lin won't admit it in front of this person. "

Editor-in-chief Zhu Hong is timid and afraid, and seems to be thinking about what to say.

But it was interrupted by Lin Yuan waving his hand.

"What bullshit, does the director's nephew dare to bully me?"

"Now, whoever is that, just get out of here. "

Editor-in-chief Zhu Hong looked at Lin Yuan in amazement, he just said it in vain?

Sure enough, the young man is hot-tempered, and he still thinks about himself at the beginning, and he is still so cowardly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I've been cowardly until now.

The editor-in-chief sighed, maybe there is more development prospects like Lin Yuan.

At this time, the audience began to cheer, and they were very supportive of Lin Yuan's decision.

The face of the person with Erlang's legs crossed began to look wrong.

"How dare you fire me? "

"Lin Yuan, I remember you. "

The man with Erlang's legs crossed put down this cruel sentence and swaggered away from the newspaper office.

"Wait. "

Before this person could react, he was kicked by Lin Yuanfei.......

"How dare you beat me? I'm telling you you're finished, your entire Southern Daily is finished. "

"Lin Yuan, right, your entire editor-in-chief has also done its job. "

"All of you wait for me. "

Lin Yuan looked at the man in the background indifferently: "Okay, we in Nanfang Daily welcome your revenge." "

The background man glanced at everyone resentfully, in.

After that, Lin Yuan said hello to his colleagues and left the newspaper.

went to Ruili Public Security.

Qin Bing waited for Lin Yuan in the office.

Lin Yuan pushed open the door of Qin Bing's office and walked in directly.

"What's the matter, does the big beauty miss me?"

Qin Bing glanced at Lin Yuan: "Can't you come if you don't want you?" There is a new cat pounce café nearby, I want to go and see it." "

Lin Yuan was happy from the bottom of his heart, this girl finally opened up.

"I'm free whenever I go, even though I've just become the editor-in-chief of our Southern Daily. "

"What? You're the editor-in-chief of your newspaper?"

"Yes, who called me witty and handsome?" Lin Yuan spread his hands helplessly.

"Let's go at six o'clock in the afternoon, I'm just out of work. "

Qin Bing's gaze at Lin Yuan softened a little.

After chatting with Qin Bing for a while, another phone call suddenly came.

It's that unknown phone.

Lin Yuan, who has experienced a hundred battles, feels that this call 4.9 is not simple, and if it is a mistake, he will definitely not call it twice.

The owner of this number must have a strong sense of purpose.

Avoiding Qin Bing, Lin Yuan answered the call.

"Lin Yuan, I heard that your Nanfang Daily is popular because of you, do you have the ability to meet offline?"

His voice sounded like that of a middle-aged man, and his voice was very hoarse.

"I'm sorry, but who are you? I don't just meet someone I don't know. "

The middle-aged man scoffed: "It's really fake, your Nanfang Daily is definitely hyped up, I'll see when your fake mask will be revealed." "

"It is because of you Nanfang Daily that our Radiance Daily will be suppressed step by step. "

"Look, time will tell us Radiance Daily. "

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone.

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