"Forehead……"The boy with glasses was silent for a moment, then looked at Lin Feng and smiled bitterly:"Due to some things, I was absent from two subjects of the high school entrance examination, so I only studied in one technical secondary school."

"What could make you absent from such an important thing?"Lin Feng was very surprised.

The boy with glasses shook his head:"I don't want to say"

"Well, then, when you finish drinking, you should be thinking about it. Isn’t it also because of that sister Yan’er? Looking at your disappointed look, I don't believe you can't guess that the other person is hanging on to you. Lin Feng raised the corner of his mouth, then took a bottle of beer for himself, opened the pull tab, and touched the beer in the boy's hand with glasses.

Then he didn't care whether the boy with glasses drank or not, and took a sip himself.

When Lin Feng went to drink with the boy with glasses, he not only wanted to hear the boy with glasses tell his story, but at the same time, it was also Lin Feng's final farewell to his past 'self'.

After all, although he was him, he was not him. He was born again.

And the main world is not this world at all.

Although he is not Lin Feng, when he thinks about the things he has done in this world, Lin Feng is really speechless..

It’s hard not to think about those things.

After all, you can’t see Zai Jinyao without looking up. Whenever you see Zai Jinyao, you will naturally think of the dog-licking appearance of your predecessor.

, Zai Jinyao has always refused.

Seeing Lin Feng's behavior, the boy with glasses still looked at the beer in his hand, and took a sip. After taking a sip, he choked.

It was obvious that he had never drank alcohol before.

"Never had it before?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Although minors are not allowed to drink, normally, elders will still allow you to drink a little on birthdays at certain times.

And when you go out to sing with your classmates, don't you also drink some?

The boy with glasses shook his head:"Never drank"

"Then drink slowly!"Lin Feng smiled

"Um."The boy with glasses nodded.

After nodding, he couldn't help but look at Lin Feng, and then asked curiously:"Have you been paying attention to me before?"

"Don't be too nervous. I just discovered you by accident. I was ready to leave after a little observation. As a result, the phone call you just received made me suddenly interested in you, so I wanted to see if I could Hear some stories from you.

Lin Feng shrugged, then clinked the beer with the boy with glasses, and said with a smile:"So, if you can, please tell me the story about you and that sister Yan'er, otherwise you won't feel uncomfortable if you keep it in your heart all day long. ?

And you don’t know me, and I don’t know you. After today, we all go our own ways, and you don’t have to worry about me publicizing anything to the outside world."


The boy with glasses opened his mouth, then sighed in disappointment.

There was bitterness in the corner of the mouth:

"If you really want to hear it, I can tell you. However, the story is quite cliche and you may not like to hear it."

After saying that, the boy with glasses took another sip of wine.

This time he took a big sip.

Although he was still choked, he took a few more sips immediately afterward.

Then he told Lin Feng something really old-fashioned. The story of the boy with glasses was that he and Sister Yan'er's father had always had a good relationship , and their fathers had joked about it a long time ago. It was nothing, not to mention that as the boy with glasses passed away in an accident, the two families moved less and less. This was just a joke between adults, but one day... the boy with glasses fell into trouble. Then he fell into a coma.

When he woke up, it was Sister Yaner who saved him. Needless to say

, he had always wanted to repay Sister Yaner in various ways.

Especially when Sister Yan'er's father got cancer and her mother suffered a stroke and needed a lot of money, he gave up taking the high school entrance examination to help take care of

Sister Yan'er's father.

After studying in technical secondary school, he worked hard to earn money for Sister Yan'er. Although

, in fact, he also knew that Sister Yan'er was not the same sister as when she was a child. There was a certain gap between people.

When Sister Yan'er officially entered college, he found that Sister Yan'er didn't want to talk to him anymore, but it was him after all.

His childhood sweetheart.

And she has been regarded as his future wife since he was a child.

Not to mention that the other party saved his life.

Therefore, even if he knew what the other party was thinking, he still pretended not to know about it. Hello, Sister Yan'er.

After listening to this,

Lin Feng couldn't complain. Well, it was indeed a very old story, so he took the beer and the boy again. After taking a sip from each other, they said:"So, the reason why you are unwilling to give up this relationship is not just a verbal kiss between adults. In fact, your main reason is because the other person once saved your life. But have you ever thought that when you woke up, although Sister Yaner was by your side, it was possible that she was not the one who saved you?



The boy with glasses was stunned

"It shouldn't be possible. When I woke up, there was only Sister Yan'er next to me."

"That's not necessarily the case. Lin Feng smiled and didn't say much more.

Instead, he patted the boy with glasses on the shoulder:"Okay, thank you very much for telling me this story. See you again when we are destined." Lin

Feng said, standing up from his position and preparing to leave.


The boy with glasses suddenly stopped Lin Feng.

"Um?"Lin Feng stopped and looked at the boy with glasses with a smile.

"Do you really just want to hear this story from me?"The boy with glasses looked puzzled.

"Otherwise what?……"Lin Feng smiled again

"But why?"The boy with glasses was puzzled.

"Because, I have also been a dog licker! Just think of it as the resonance of the licking dog!"

"Ah, you have also been a dog licker!"The boy with glasses opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

After all, Lin Feng is very handsome.

And his smile is very sunny.

He doesn't look like a dog licker.

Moreover, the other party is also a person with abilities.

Even if he just It's just a light, but who knows whether that kind of lighting is the other party's core method.


"So are you still?"

"of course not"

"How did you get out?"The boy with glasses is quite curious.

"Suddenly I figured it out!

Lin Feng shrugged,"After all, I'm not as miserable as you. My parents didn't pass away. I still have an older sister and younger sister, and other relatives." Women are not the only ones who live forever. If you turn your attention to your loved ones appropriately, you will naturally be able to figure it out."

Having said this, Lin Feng looked at the boy with glasses again:"Besides, in your story, isn't your mother still alive? Although you didn't say much about her, you gave up the high school entrance examination for that sister Yan'er. Is mother really willing? Isn't she disappointed? Didn't that stop you?"

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