"This cake is too big!"

Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

He had carefully watched the chat group.

Currently it belongs to the administrator and is all about the system.

Even someone as awesome as No. 97 is not an administrator, so how can he become an administrator.

After all, No. 97 is already a terrifying existence in Lin Feng's heart.

That is a person who can jump out of the river of fate.

【Why is it just painting a cake? You can really become an administrator.】

"So why haven't I seen a blood disciple administrator so far?"

【You know shit. Do you think there really were no vampires in my group who became administrators before? There used to be a lot of blood disciple administrators in my group, but the reason why there are no more now is simply because those bastards gave up and quit, and went to other groups for me, or created their own groups.】

"Forehead!!! What, you can also create a group by yourself?!"Lin Feng was shocked

【What a big deal, isn't there a novel in your world where there are many chat groups? Where do you think those chat groups come from? Aren't some of them created by those assholes?】


Well, Lin Feng just felt that this would be an eye-opener for him.

He was really shocked.

In addition, judging from the current chat situation, the departure of those people really touched the pain points of the group of elves.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for the elves to use foul language.

"So how can you create a group?"Lin Feng is quite curious about this matter.

【Why do you ask this? Is it possible that you want to create a group in the future?】

"Ahem, cough, cough, if possible, of course I would"

【Oh, you're quite honest】

"Isn't this just a random thought?"

【Don’t even think about it. Do you think it’s easy to create a group? Oh, no, if you just want to create a garbage group, you can barely create it until your strength reaches level six. It's just that that kind of group can easily become miserable. Just like those main god spaces, they can only attack some garbage worlds at most. They don't dare to go to worlds where the sixth level of heaven exists.

And if you want to create a group recognized by us, then you must at least be Daluo Jinxian. The kind of Daluo Jinxian I'm talking about is not some trashy street Daluo Jinxian, but a mythical Daluo Jinxian.】

"alright, I got it! Lin Feng's scalp was numb:"In other words, our group has been to the Mythical Great Luo?""

【Is not this nonsensical? As long as you continue to perform tasks, judging from the situation of our group, it will not be a matter of time before you become a mythical king.】

"But, when I read the novel before, didn’t it say that in the timeline where the Mythical Lord appeared, it was impossible for other Mythical Lords to appear? After all, this kind of existence has closed the timeline. In his timeline, there can be no other mythical heroes.

There is another saying that Da Luo and Da Luo cannot meet each other. If you have already seen Da Luo Jinxian, then you will definitely not be able to become Da Luo Jinxian."

【Ha... you understand quite a bit, but that's just a normal situation, and you still only understand a little bit. What do you think our group is? We are the ones who can break these rules】

"Oh, awesome!!!"

Lin Feng sincerely praised

【Anyway, blood disciple No. 99, try to improve my strength! No, you should work harder for me!】

"I also want to work hard to complete the mission, but the mission red envelope is not something you can grab by just grabbing it. Otherwise, ahem, elves, how about you open a backdoor for me? So that every time those systems send out red envelopes, I have a greater chance of grabbing them?"

【Hehe, you guys really dare to think about it.】

"Didn't you tell me to work hard on the task? If you don't think so, how can I work hard?"Lin Feng looked aggrieved.

【Come on, don't use this trick on me, I'm scared of you fellows from parallel worlds related to the earth! Damn it, at first, everyone relied on novice support and went crazy, trying to do all kinds of things for me. As a result, when they gained strength, they all left the chat group... As a result, I can't even get a task that I can do well. There are no pacesetters, and I am laughed at by guys from other groups.】

"Um, mission pacesetter?"

Lin Feng was surprised

"Is there any competition between groups?"

【Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are chat groups, there will naturally be competition.

Although our chat groups all restrain the people in each other's chat groups and cannot harm each other's people in other groups.

But if you get some special items, you can break these rules.

Therefore, Bloody Disciple No.

99, I would like to remind you that if you meet people in other chat groups in the future, don’t think that they are just like you in logistics, so you can absolutely trust them.

If you're not careful, you might be sold!】

"Real or fake, don’t scare me"

【Do I need to scare you? Humph, it’s the same sentence. If you hadn’t happened to come across the hidden rules, I wouldn’t have bothered to talk nonsense with you. If you want to ask me these questions in the future, I won’t be able to reply to you.】

"Yeah, yeah, I understand, you old brat!"

【Stop flattering me, you won’t think that if you flatter me, I will treat you well, hum! I don't know how】

"How can this be flattery? I sincerely think you are awesome! What you said today has completely subverted my outlook on restructuring! It’s really scary!"

【Guess you can talk! By the way, you haven't drawn the prize yet, so you're going to draw it now.】


Lin Feng's eyes widened instantly.

What does it mean?

Let him draw a lottery?

His flattery must have really touched the hearts of the elves.

However, he is really not flattering, he really thinks that the elves are awesome.

As his thoughts turned, Lin Feng said without hesitation:"Well, elves, I want to draw a lottery!���

【Ding, the lottery has started】

【Ding, congratulations to Blood Disciple No. 99 for winning the Heaven-catching Hand. The technique has been integrated into your body. Please intervene on your own. ]

Following this reminder, Lin Feng immediately found that a lot of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

The moment he felt that information, his pupils suddenly contracted violently.

I can't believe my eyes

"Group of elves, this... this……"

【Shut up, don't say nonsense that you shouldn't say, you got this all by yourself. If you still have such abilities, don’t go out and do it randomly.】

"Yeah, yeah, I drew it myself."

Lin Feng was shocked and quickly answered.

How could he not understand that this group of elves were trying to remind him.

He was really shocked at this moment.

Hand that catches the sky!

What a hand that catches the sky.

【Anyway, you guys are really lucky. Do your job well and don’t let me down. I have something else to do, so I won’t chat with you. Whether you can chat with me next time depends on whether you have enough authority. And whether you can touch the special rules?】

【Ding, this group auxiliary service has ended. The remaining mission points of Blood Hunter No. 99 are four. See you next time for consumption. 】

The voices of the elves suddenly turned into the emotionless voices before, and then disappeared directly.

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