Chapter 82 Li Ma Ran’s ruthless hand destroys flowers, Lan Xiner has no misfortune!

Leng Chulu’s eyes narrowed, and he said calmly and aggrieved: “Ah? Sister Ma Ran, what are you talking about! Why can’t I understand!”

“Lan Xiner, you don’t need to pretend.” Li Yanran said coldly, “You’ve already revealed your secrets!”

“There is a pupil and iris test at the beginning of this art exhibition, and your DNA comparison results are also out.”

“Don’t resist, don’t run away, otherwise, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

Lan Xiner, who was disguised as Leng Chulu, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared, she already understood that she was really exposed this time!

Unexpectedly, the self who thought to be a hunter turned out to be someone else’s prey one day.

From beginning to end, from beginning to end, the other party never believed in her, just acting with her all the time.


If the other party said don’t run away, you will be caught if you are familiar with it.

From Lan Xiner’s point of view, it’s bullshit.

How could she not run away?

After all, even people who don’t know the law know that the culpability of killing dozens of people can’t escape death at all.

And Lan Xiner didn’t want to die.


at this moment.

Lan Xiner’s eyes flashed with anger.

Forcefully threw the bag in his hand towards Li Yanran’s head 12.

Pointing at Li Yanran, he shouted loudly, “Come here! That woman is a robber!”

It’s a pity that Lan Xiner, who had done all this, didn’t notice the cruel smile on Li Ma Ran’s mouth.

Facing the extremely fast attack of the satchel, Li Yanran’s figure flashed, and she dodged like a butterfly wearing a flower.

At the same time, her speed did not decrease at all.

When he stretched out his right hand, he precisely rubbed the finger that Lan Xiner had just stretched out to point at her.

Firmly grasp, suddenly upward, do it with force.

whats up~

A crisp sound.

Lan Xiner’s index finger was instantly broken, the skin was split open, the white phalanx, and the gushing blood was instantly exposed to the air.

In an instant.

A strong bloody smell permeated.

this moment.

This kind of finger-to-heart pain instantly flooded Lan Xiner’s heart, and a painful cry was about to come out of her mouth.


This is just the beginning.

Before Lan Xiner’s wailing could be heard, Li Yanran’s next attack had already descended like a storm.

The left hand is in the shape of a fist, and the uppercut is taken advantage of.

He hit Lambier’s chin hard.

The unscientific girl Juli burst out in an instant.


In an instant.

Lan Xiner’s jaw was broken, her whole body was dizzy, and even her teeth were shattered abruptly and a few pieces flew out.

Immediately after.

Li Yanran struggled with her left foot to whip her leg.

ah ah ah ah~

A crisp sound.

Lan Xiner’s right kneecap shattered instantly.

At last.

Li Yanran turned around again and kicked a roundhouse kick with her right foot.

ah ah ah ah~


Lan Xiner was kicked out instantly, flying several meters away.

The whole person has fallen into a coma without any resistance.

Looking at the dying look, there is already less air in and not much out.

This series of actions took place between electric, light and flint.

People around the exhibition.

Before she could react from Lan Xiner’s shout just now, she watched helplessly as she was hit by a storm-like combo and turned into a Pippi Shrimp who was unconscious on the ground.



Everyone is stunned!

All the people in the exhibition were stunned!

Everyone panicked.

I don’t know how to deal with it below.

Only then did Li Yanran use the blood stained on her fist, and she took out her police officer card and said, “Don’t panic!”

“I’m Li Yanran, a detective from Beining Branch!”

“This is a suspect on the run. It was just that she intended to attack the police, and I successfully subdued her!”

There was panic in the eyes of the bystanders.

You call this a uniform?

Everyone is about to be killed by you, okay?

And this time.

Xiong Zhuangshi and Lin Nan also rushed in in a hurry.

After pushing the crowd around.

Xiong Zhuangshi was also taken aback by the scene.

The woman on the ground who is almost unrecognizable should be the target!


Can strong face instantly darkened!

He could completely imagine that when he returned to the precinct, he would be mad at Captain Zhang Hai!

After seeing the scene, Lin Nan couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He cursed inwardly: “It’s over! This dead girl is really looking for trouble!”

“I don’t know how she does things?”

“Don’t be so hot-headed, come out like this, otherwise, it will be difficult to explain at that time!”


What a coincidence!

It’s this hospital again!

The first two seem to have been sent by Li Yanran.

Zhao Laifu, a criminal suspect in a serial murder case.

There is also a serial theft suspect Liu Ming.

In addition, Lan Xiner, the criminal suspect in this serial disappearance case.

Li Yanran successfully created a lot of patients for this hospital.

Simply the best partner for the hospital.

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