Chapter 8 The principle of fart, don’t put gold on your face!

A group of criminal police officers watching the situation in the interrogation room.

All wrapped up.

: “What is Xiaolin talking about? The chain of evidence, the physical evidence, everything, everything is already solid evidence, how dare he… How dare he say such a thing to a criminal suspect?”

“That’s right! Isn’t this adding to the mess! Now the suspect will be even more stubborn and refuse to admit it.”

: “Hey! It’s still too young! It’s too imprecise to speak.”

Most of the criminal investigation police talked a lot, and there were many things that were not optimistic in their words.

However, Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team waved his hand solemnly and said:

“Quiet, look carefully, Xiaolin shouldn’t make such a low-level mistake.”


The female detective Li Yanran, who had just entered this room and saw this scene at the same time, also said with a kind of self-confidence:

“Xiao Linzi has many tricks and a lot of bad water in his stomach. There will be a reversal in the future.”

This statement came out.

All the criminal investigation police officers looked sideways.

They didn’t know before that Li Yanran and Lin Nan were still related.

Moreover, listening to the tone of this speech, the two of them seem to be very familiar.

Interrogation room.

Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming was dumbfounded for a while, and was shocked by this sentence, and he didn’t know what to say.


It was too early for him to be happy!

After Lin Nan finished saying this sentence by sentence, he ignored Xiong Zhuangshi who was beside him in a dazed state, and continued to stare at Liu Ming, the little yellow-haired man, and said word by word:

“However, I believe it is useless. Judging from the evidence we have so far, you, Liu Ming, are the real culprit in the burglary and extermination case.”

“Whether you plead guilty or not, the chain of evidence is enough to crucify you.”

“Three days at the latest, you will be charged and entered the stage of criminal prosecution. The circumstances of the crime are extremely bad, and the best result is only a reprieve.”

“You have now started the countdown to your life.”

These words are finished.

The little yellow-haired Liu Ming almost slammed it, and his heart froze.

If it weren’t for the handcuffs to death.

Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming had already rushed over and killed Lin Nan, letting him know what a social person is.


Talk and breathe!

The last one did this, and the grass on the grave was five feet tall.

Just gave him some hope, backhand told him that despair is reality.

In this situation, it feels like the other party took out a piece of candy and said, you open your mouth, I will feed it to you, it is sweet.

As a result, as soon as his mouth opened, the other party put away the candy, slapped eighteen big mouths with his backhand, and sarcastically said, eat candy? Are you worthy? Fuck it! This is reality.


This behavior is so disgusting!

I don’t know how others feel.

Anyway, the little yellow-haired Liu Ming was so disgusted that he wanted to kill him.

Now, I can’t wait to get up and roar to kill Lin Nan.

But in fact.

At this moment, the interrogation room fell silent.

And the depths of the little yellow-haired Liu Ming’s eyes was dead silence.

As an old fritter, he naturally knows the form of these police cases, and he is not sure enough, they will not say so.

Whatever he thought, struggling or not, he was dead.

The best outcome is a reprieve, what about the bad outcome?

Guess what?

It’s not that you don’t even need to slow down, you’re left to die!

at the same time.

After Lin Nan finished speaking.

He leaned back in the chair with a calm expression, put his right hand on the interrogation table, and tapped his index finger rhythmically.


The interrogation room was silent.

Only a slightly oppressive percussion sounded.

Invisible pressure was pressing on Liu Ming’s heart.

In a trance.

Liu Ming felt that the atmosphere made him feel suffocated, and it was a little difficult to breathe.

Just when he was almost in hypoxic shock.

A heavenly voice appeared, pulling him out of the bottomless abyss again.

“However, the fact is not absolute. You still have a chance to live, it depends on whether you are worthy of cooperation.”

“Wh…what vitality? You…you make it clear!” Little Huangmao Liu Ming seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, and was incoherently excited.

“Cooperation! I will definitely cooperate! Whatever you do is fine! As long as you help me clear my name, I will accept you as a father.”

“Cough! It’s not necessary to be a father, I don’t want to be a father!” Lin Nan almost didn’t hold back his face. “You leave this opportunity to others!”

“Also, it’s not to clear the name, it’s to find out the truth!”

“Yes yes yes! Find out the truth, find out the truth, I was framed.” Xiao Huang Mao Liu Ming nodded frantically.

Lin Nan calmly began to ask:

“Okay, now answer my questions truthfully.”

“First, why did you choose Li Yougui’s house for theft?”

Little Yellow Hair Liu Ming: “Who is Li Yougui?”

Lin Nan: “It’s the one you stole today.”

Little Huangmao Liu Ming: “I… I stepped on it in advance. I heard that many residents in Jingyuan Community are often away from home. I observed that those homes were unoccupied, marked them, and stole them one by one.”

“During working hours this morning, I stole not only one, but three in Jingyuan Community.”

“I have my own principles and never steal from someone at home.”

Lin Nan sneered to break his mind.

“The principle of fart is because the penalty standards are different!”

“Stealing someone who is not at home is called burglary, and the punishment is normal.”

“Stealing someone’s home is called robbery, and the punishment is extremely severe, at least ten years.”

“Don’t put gold on your face!”

Little Yellow Hair Liu Ming: “…”

f*ck, mocking me?

Ah ah ah! ! !

I’m furious!

However, I put up with it! *

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