Chapter 78 Thinking about the terrifying information, Song Ruyan’s choice!

As it became more and more difficult for the two to ask questions, the smile on Lin Nan’s face became more and more obvious.

When this series of confrontations is over.

“Very good! Song Ruyan, you have won my respect, and you are officially welcome to join the third group of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Beining Branch!” Lin Nan’s tone was formal, with a sincere smile, he stood up and stretched out his hand and said, “I apologize for my previous attitude. !

“Officer Lin, you’re not too bad, I accept your apology.” Song Ruyan’s tone was a little Tsundere, not to be outdone:

“But you still have to give me what you need to explain!”

at the same time.

After the two of them closed the light of Xueba, Xiong Zhuangshi and Li Yanran, the two scumbags, also recovered like a dream, and they all agreed.

Neng Zhuangshi: “Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to Song Damei to join the third criminal investigation team! As expected of a beautiful writer, she is amazing!”

Li Yanran: “Sister Ruyan, you are amazing! Your memory is really strong!”

Song Ruyan’s attitude towards the two of them was not as bad as her previous perception towards Lin Nan.


After hearing this, she waved her hand a little shyly and said, “Where! Where! There is none! You have won the prize! Just call me Ruyan in the future!”

“Okay! I don’t need to say more polite words!” Lin Nan coughed lightly and said, “I’d better give you an explanation first!

“Ruyan, you already know very well about those 15 disappearances.

“Then tell me what they have in common or what most disappearances have in common?”

Common point “Well!” Song Ruyan thought for a while, then slowly concluded: “First, most of the only daughters of single-parent families are missing.”

Second, most of the missing persons did not suffer from abnormal events, no coercion, no emotional disturbance, no kidnapping or other circumstances before their disappearance, and they were all characterized as self-inflicted loss!

“That’s right!” Lin Nan said solemnly: “I’ll give you some information, you can speculate on the information yourself.

“First, these 15 disappearance cases are only cases that have occurred within the Bac Ninh district within three years.

“The entire Longming City is divided into four areas: Donghai District, Nan’an District, Xihu District, and Beining District.”

“If the judgment is based on the common ground of most of the cases you just mentioned as a condition.”

“A total of 42 similar disappearance cases occurred in the entire Longming City in 3 years!”

“4.4.42?” Song Ruyan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she muttered: “42 cases of disappearances? This, this is really… it’s really scary!”

Lin Nan didn’t give the shocked Song Ruyan a chance to continue to react, but continued to speak frightening information.

Second, “judging from the existing information, these 42 disappearance cases are probably not simple disappearance cases, but intentional homicide cases, and the suspects in the scope are likely to be the same person.”

“Thirdly, the time of death of the missing person should be some time earlier than the time of last appearance.”

“Fourth, the missing person in the last video data of the missing person is probably not the missing person himself, but the criminal suspect pretending to be!

Hearing so much thought-provoking information suddenly, Song Ruyan was terrified and took a few steps back, as if trying to avoid it.

At this moment.

She already understood why Lin Nan asked her to do a DNA test to prove that she was herself.

If it was her who wanted to track down such criminal suspects.

She would also be suspicious, wondering if there was someone beside her who was pretending to be such a murderous madman.

It’s so scary!

It was beyond her imagination.

If it was the one she had known about last time, the level of terror of the serial killer who killed the family of three upstairs from her sister’s house was 1.

At this moment, the horror level of the perverted murderer and fake madman who has done 42 missing blood cases in 3 years and pretended to be a victim to play cosplay is 100.

Song Ruyan suddenly discovered that the real cases encountered by the real criminal investigation police officers may be countless times more terrifying than she imagined.

In these unknown dark corners, I don’t know how much bloody horror hides.

Thrill, panic, panic, shock, fearless

a time.

Song Ruyan didn’t even know which emotion to use to express herself.

at this moment.

She actually had a special feeling.

It felt like I was in front of a door.

The front is the unknown, the back is the original.

After stepping through this door, you may see another side hidden in this peaceful real world.

Song Ruyan took a deep breath and exhaled fiercely, as if all the fear was exhaled with one breath.

She took a step forward resolutely, as if she had made a choice that she would never forget, and her temperament changed instantly.

at the same time.

Lin Nan also observed changes in Song Ruyan’s temperament.

He was stunned for a moment and then smiled silently. On the way of criminal investigation and solving the case, there was another companion.

“So, tomorrow’s action is aimed at her?” Song Ruyan asked confidently in her tone.

“That’s right!” Lin Nan narrowed his eyes and replied concisely.

“How big is the grasp?” Song Ruyan’s eyes flashed sharply.

“The evidence will be collected tomorrow. Once it is confirmed, the evidence will be overwhelming.” Lin Nan replied with a smile: “She will never turn over!”

“Okay!” Song Ruyan took a deep breath and said brightly, “I want to participate!”

“Yes! You can only follow me, you can only watch!” Lin Nan thought for a while and replied.

Song Ruyan pressed her lips together, nodded and said, “, “Okay!”

After speaking, Song Ruyan turned around and left.

After watching all this, Xiong Zhuangshi and Li Yanran were full of question marks.

I have no idea what happened to the two of them.

They always feel that their IQ is not enough.

After Song Ruyan left, Lin Nan smiled and whispered:

“Ah, it’s interesting, it’s kind of like that.”

Li Yanran raised her hand curiously and asked:

“Xiao Linzi, Xiao Linzi, what did you two mean by the conversation just now! Why didn’t I understand?”

“What else does it look like?”

“What do you mean by that!”

“What is Miss Ruyan pretending to be? Please explain it to me.”

Xiong Zhuangshi scratched his head and looked at Lin Nan with puzzled eyes as he listened intently, waiting for Lin Nan’s explanation.


Lin Nan didn’t mean to explain this time, but raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: “Don’t understand if you don’t understand! This is a conversation with a high IQ, it’s hard to understand with your IQ, (Nuo Nuo) or not. Embarrass yourself!”

“Let’s go! It’s so late, and the square dance at night can’t be done! It’s really hard work!”

Forget it, “If you don’t jump, don’t jump! Make up for it next time.”

“Brother Xiong, go back and rest! Tomorrow’s task is very important!”

“Yanran, remember to ask Team Zhang for Song Ruyan’s contact information, and remember to pull her into the group chat of the third criminal investigation team.”

“Tell her about the meeting point shop tomorrow.

Li Yanran’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she thought of a good idea. Since Xiao Linzi didn’t say anything, she could still ask Sister Ruyan!


You are so smart!

Thinking of this, Li Yanran slowly sent a message to Team Zhang, asking him to send Song Ruyan’s contact information.

And the other of the duo who confuses can be strong but doesn’t have this option to get the truth.

But he has another choice, he lives in a dormitory with Lin Nan.

I don’t believe that I can be strong. When he bothers Lin Nan for one night, Lin Nan will not tell him the truth just now.

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