Chapter 75 A new member of the three criminal investigation groups, beautiful writer Song Ruyan.

As soon as these words fell, the criminal policemen of the criminal investigation team murmured in their hearts.

Hire a novelist as an outsider?

Also joined the criminal investigation team in various operations?

Crazy up there!

These are their unanimous thoughts.

But the criminal policemen wanted to think about it and muttered in their hearts.

On the bright side, there is really no one who jumped out and roared crookedly.

All of them were like movie emperors, they squeezed out smiling faces, slapped their hands, and welcomed Song Ruyan’s participation.

“It’s like smoke!” Captain Zhang Hai of the criminal investigation team said with a smile: “The three over there are the other three members of the third criminal investigation team, team leader Xiong Zhuangshi, team members Lin Nan, Li Yanran, you~ know each other. Just a moment!”

“Understood! Team Zhang!” Song Ruyan said with a timid smile, “I have seen these three colleagues many times on the video of the press conference of the Beining Branch the day before yesterday.”

“Also, I also had a relationship with Officer Xiong Zhuangshi and Officer Lin Nan.

“There is indeed a relationship, Ms. Song, I didn’t expect to meet again today after a week.” Lin Nan touched his chin, raised his eyebrows and smiled: “It’s really fate!

“I remembered it too!” Xiong Zhuangshi, who was beside him, suddenly realized: “Aren’t you the niece of Aunt Song of Jingyuan Community!”

“I said why does it feel so familiar!”

“Last Monday, we met again!”

“Fate, fate, I even gave you a record last Monday. We suddenly became colleagues this week. It’s really fate!”

In fact, “I came here on purpose for you.” Song Ruyan explained her intentions in a natural and straightforward manner.

“I’m currently writing a novel about criminal investigation.”

“So, in order to get the material, I want to know the daily work and life of the real criminal investigation police.

“Also, I am very interested in Officer Lin Nan, who has encountered several major cases in just one week.”

“I feel that working with Officer Lin Nan on a team will definitely meet a lot of interesting things.

As soon as these remarks came out, many criminal policemen were dissatisfied, and their sense of this beautiful writer Song Ruyan instantly deteriorated, and even dropped to a negative number.

In an instant.

Except for the other three groups, the other two groups turned their heads and left, not even bothering to pay attention to her.

“Interesting?” Lin Nan’s face was a little unhappy, and his tone was full of dissatisfaction. “What do you mean when a criminal investigator solves a case?”

“Do the children play house games?”

“Behind every case is the blood and tears of countless families.”

“Ms. Song Ruyan, I don’t care what kind of relationship you entrusted to you and what path you have taken to become an external employee of the Criminal Investigation Team.”

“But if you’ve been holding this kind of thinking and attitude.”

“I’m sorry, I will never accept a person like you as my colleague, you are not worthy!”

“Team Zhang, our three groups still have important things to do, so don’t waste time!”

“As for Ms. Song Ruyan, since she is here to find materials, it would be good for her to go to the archives and look at the case materials.”

After that, Lin Nan and the other three made a gesture to leave.

Song Ruyan was a little confused, she didn’t understand what she said wrong, and the other party was so angry.

This attitude was nothing like the one I met at my sister’s house last Monday.

However, when Song Ruyan heard that Lin Nan and the other three had acted, she said something subconsciously.

“Wait, Officer Lin Nan, can’t the action take me with you?”

Hearing this, Lin Nan stopped, looked Song Ruyan up and down, his eyes filled with scrutiny, and said in a cold tone:

“can not!”

“This operation is very special. It is inconvenient to bring anyone except Brother Xiong and Ma Ran!”

Besides, “I still have doubts about your identity now?”

“How do you prove that you are really Song Ruyan?”

“I suggest that you stay in the archives these days and study the case materials more, I believe you will understand your previous thoughts and words, and where the problem is.”

“Excuse me!”

This time, Lin Nan and the other three did not stop at all and left the criminal investigation team’s office one after another.

On the other hand, Song Ruyan, who was standing in the same place, looked a little sluggish.

This is completely different from what she imagined before!

And why do you have to prove that you are the real Song Ruyan?

What does Officer Lin Nan mean?

Why can’t I hear it at all?

Song Ruyan, who had not yet figured it out, couldn’t help but look at Zhang Hai, the captain of the criminal investigation team, with a puzzled look.

ask for flowers….


Not waiting for her to ask.

“Ruyan!” Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Investigation Team took the lead and said with a serious face: “If you want to find out the reason, then go to the file room and have a look!”

“Criminal investigation, no fun, only heavy and bloody tears!”

“If you can figure out why and what you should do, then you will naturally be accepted by them.”

“If you’ve been wondering, then I suggest you don’t ask for it for yourself.

“By the way! The file room of the criminal investigation department is the third room on the left when you exit the office. You can just go there.”

Song Ruyan frowned and nodded, turned around and walked to the file room to find the reason.

until she leaves.

Song Mingming, the leader of the second criminal investigation team, walked over to Captain Zhang Hai and asked softly, “Team Zhang, which leader put this in!”

“It’s crazy to plug people into the criminal investigation team!”

“This, you agree? It’s not like you!”

“Being human?” Captain Zhang Hai raised his eyebrows and said, “What’s wrong with my personality? Is there a problem?”

“As for why I agree, it is probably a combination of various factors!”

“Do you know other than those who graduated from criminal investigation-related disciplines, there are other occupations that are most likely to be qualified for criminal investigation positions?”

“That’s right!

“That’s a novelist.”

This kind of “people’s imagination is extremely rich, and they have more innovative thinking, and they are also willing to learn some professional criminal investigation knowledge for writing.

“So, they are qualified and most likely to be qualified for criminal investigation positions.

“Besides, isn’t there a shortage of people in the three criminal investigation teams now!”

“Free labor, no use for nothing.”

“Maybe I can also promote the work of the criminal police by the way.

“Also, she’s just an external employee. I also said in advance that there is a one-month assessment period, and I can take her away at any time.”

“At that time, whether she can become an external employee will depend on her performance.”

Sure enough, “Team Zhang is still the same Team Zhang, and it’s all about consideration.” Song Mingming rolled his eyes, smiling and using words in a routine. “Did you talk about other conditions?”

“That’s all, it’s not enough to make her a temporary employee!” Seven.

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