Chapter 72 Coincidence? Lin Nan’s suspicion, crazy temptation Leng Chulu!

Although Li Yanran did not know Leng Chulu, and had never met her.

But everyone has the love of beauty.

Leng Chulu looks good and speaks nicely, but who would look at him coldly?

In less than a moment.

Under Leng Chulu’s silent praise, Li Yanran revealed most of her old bottom.

However, fortunately, Li Yanran always kept in mind the principle of confidentiality as a criminal investigation policeman, and did not mention some information related to confidentiality.

At this time, Lin Nan also noticed the situation on Li Yanran’s side and saw Leng Chulu’s behavior.

Doubt arose in my heart again.

This time, Lin Nan didn’t sit idly by, but turned around and muttered a few words in Li Wu’s ear.

Although Li Wu has doubts in his eyes, he has grown up with Lin Nan since he was a child, and he has a high degree of trust in Lin Nan.

Although Lin Nan asked him to do something strange, he still chose to find someone to do it.

Lin Nan smiled at Li Wu’s disappearing figure, turned around, picked up two bottles of energy drinks, and walked to 12 Li Yanran’s side.

With a calm demeanor, she said with a smile: “Yanran, you are tired, drink some energy drinks! It can recover your physical strength faster.”

“Remnant! There is also this beauty, it’s fate to meet, beauty, you also have a bottle!

Li Yanran was a little confused, but she reacted immediately and understood what Lin Nan meant.

She took the energy drink easily, made a very natural appearance, unscrewed the bottle cap, and silently pretended to be a drink drinker without saying a word.

And Leng Chulu didn’t take the energy drink because of this, but said in a cold tone: “No, I don’t like receiving things from men.

“I don’t know, the beauty is He Fangming!” Lin Nan’s peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a slightly flirtatious tone: “Lin Nan, I am fortunate enough to meet such a beautiful woman, I am truly fortunate for three lifetimes!”

“Yeah!” Leng Chulu’s expression became even colder, revealing a little disgust in his expression. “Is that how you talk to people?

“Being able to survive until now without being beaten to death is really a blessing.”

“How could someone as handsome as me have the heart to beat me?” Lin Nan continued to play, diverting Leng Chulu’s attention.

Suddenly, a man behind Leng Chulu shouted loudly:

“It’s you! Lan Xiner??? Why are you here?”

Hearing this shout, Leng Chulu’s pupils shrank weakly.

But on the bright side, he still maintains the indifferent attitude of keeping strangers away, as if he didn’t hear anything.

After three seconds.

Another girl’s voice sounded behind Leng Chulu.

“Huh? Zhang Youwei, why are you here?”

“Of course I’m here to exercise!

“Hee hee hee, what a coincidence! Me too!”

“What project did you apply for?”


The voices of a man and a woman are getting lower and lower, and it seems that they are getting farther and farther away.

During this conversation, Lin Nan kept staring at Leng Chulu’s demeanor and behavior.

Don’t miss the nuances.

Even if the pupils are shrinking, this detail that ordinary people cannot observe and notice is within Lin Nan’s observation range.


In Lin Nan’s mind, Leng Chulu’s suspicion level has been raised to the maximum, even if he had just learned the day before that there was no problem with the other party’s fingerprint detection, he still thought so.

Similar eyes, constricted pupils, unnatural demeanor.

Coincidence is more suspicious!

Then it is no longer a coincidence!

There is a saying that is very good.

Exclude all the impossible, and what remains, no matter how unbelievable, is likely to be the truth!

That’s right.

The couple just now was Lin Nan who had arranged for Li Wu to find someone to come and perform behind Leng Chulu.

This is Lin Nan’s test of Leng Chulu’s true identity.

Normally, if ordinary people suddenly hear someone calling their name, they will definitely react.

And Lan Xiner’s name is also the most important thing in her heart.

For her, from childhood to adulthood, everything belongs to others.

Only this name is something completely her own.

Therefore, after hearing this name suddenly, she will definitely reveal her flaws.

In that instant, Leng Chulu revealed two flaws.

At this moment.

For Lin Nan, he and Lan Xiner had already had a round of offense and defense exchanges silently.

After that round of temptation just now, in Lin Nan’s eyes, Leng Chulu has begun to draw an equal sign with Lan Xiner.

And now, all he has to do is to pretend that he hasn’t discovered the other party’s flaws.

Silently hiding in the dark, like a spider weaving a huge web as a trap, taking Lan Xiner as a prey.

When she got close, he entangled her tightly, so that she could no longer escape.

Of course, for Lin Nan, he still has a very important thing to do, which is to crack the secret of Lan Xiner’s fingerprints.

After clearing your mind.

The smile on Lin Nan’s face was even brighter.

He casually said:

“Beauty, can we have a meal with you?”

As soon as the words fell, Leng Chulu, who was disturbed by what happened just now, categorically refused: “Want to soak me? Kill this heart! I don’t look down on you!”

After 993 said these words, she smiled at Li Yanran beside her and said:

“Sister Yanran, I still have something to do. I’ll go first. I’ll find you when I’m free. Bye!”

With that said, Leng Chulu turned around and left.

Looking at the slightly embarrassed figure of the other party, the smile on Lin Nan’s face became even brighter.



There is no escape!

Li Yanran, who has always thought of herself as a drink drinker, asked curiously, “Xiao Linzi, does she have a problem?”

The fake smile on Lin Nan’s face gradually disappeared, and he said calmly: “There is no concrete evidence, but according to my judgment, there is probably a problem. There are many people here, and we will talk about it later in the branch.”

“Xiao Yanran, your close-quarters fighting ability is really strong!” Xiong Zhuangshi walked over with three steps and said with a thumbs up, “It’s incredible.”

“If you put it in the army, maybe you can win a three-armed fighting championship in combat or something.”

“That’s right! Where’s the big beauty just now! Why did she leave?”

Lin Nan glanced at Xiong Zhuangshi, who didn’t know anything, and said in a flat tone, “Beautiful beauty? Forgot about her so soon?”

“Didn’t you see it last night?”

“Last night? Last night?” Xiong Zhuangshi scratched his head and recalled, and suddenly realized: “Huh? Is it her? Why is she here?”

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