Chapter 70 The abnormality of Leng Chulu, Lin Nan’s guard.

A sense of vigilance rose in Lin Nan’s heart.

The thing in that look yesterday, he has not forgotten year after year.

But the fingerprints showed that she was indeed Leng Chulu herself.

After dispelling doubts.

She appeared here again without warning.

A beauty-painter appeared in the martial arts hall.

This in itself is not a behavior-logic that fits her identity very well.

And deviating from the behavior logic, it just means that there may be a problem!

Thinking of this, Lin Nan’s attention couldn’t help but focus on Leng Chulu in the distance, observing her every move.

At this time.

A young man in his 20s, dressed in a white training suit, with a strong body and a tough face, quietly appeared behind Lin Nan.

“Huh? Xiao Linzi, are you enlightened?” The young man hooked a hand on Lin Nan’s neck and said jokingly, “Have you learned to appreciate the existence of beauty?”

“What? Do you need Brother Wu to help you and introduce you to that beautiful woman in the distance?”

“Brother Wu, you misunderstood!” Lin Nan said helplessly, “I didn’t mean that!”

This guy who hangs his shoulders with Lin Nan is the owner of this martial arts gym, Li Yanran’s older brother, Li Wu.

The two of them can be regarded as brothers and sisters who have grown up since childhood.

It’s just that Li Wu and Lin Nan are a little miserable.

He doesn’t have as many crazy ideas as Lin Nan, and every time he is discussing with his sister, he can’t think of a reason to run away.

However, even if he came up with a reason, it was of little use.

After all, Li Wu is not like Lin Nan, he is a brother, and if he can run away, a monk can’t run away from the temple.

After Lin Nan can fool Sheng Li Yan, choose a tactical transfer and run home.

And after he finished fooling the old girl, what he got was that after the old girl returned home, he doubled down on the sparring and beating.

Moreover, according to Lin Nan’s gossip, Li Wu’s original intention to open a martial arts hall is not as high as the traditional martial arts school that was originally promoted to the outside world.

Purely because he wanted to teach more people, to divert his old sister Li Yanran’s attention away from the discussion.

Find more people who can resist beatings for his old sister Li Yanran.

Lin Nan once heard him say it.

His cousins, because they couldn’t stand the torture of his old sister Li Yanran, went to join the army collectively.

And after this tragedy, Li Wu has no other relatives who can share his old sister’s experience with him!

And he himself had calculated that even if he joined the army as a soldier, there would always be a time when he would go home, and he would still not be able to run at that time.

Therefore, Li Wu finally thought of opening a martial arts hall.

“Brother Wu, let me introduce you!” Lin Nan changed the subject and said, “This is the leader of the third criminal investigation team of our criminal investigation team, can be strong.”

Upon hearing this, Li Wu quickly released the arm that was hooking Lin Nan’s neck, and looked at Xiong Zhuangzhuang’s body as strong as a bear with a smile on his face.

With a look of joy in his eyes, he enthusiastically held his sturdy palm and said with a smile:

It turned out that “you are the leader of the strong bear, hello, hello, the first time we meet, you can call me Xiaowu in the future.

It feels a little different to be strong, this, this, this little Yanran’s brother is too enthusiastic!

Also, why does this eye feel like it’s going to glow?

No, there is something wrong with his brother’s gender preferences!

Although Neng Zhuangshi couldn’t stop muttering in his heart, he still smiled and replied: “You’re welcome! You’re welcome! It’s all my own family!”

My family “? My family is good!” Li Wu said enthusiastically: “Brother Xiong, you will be my eldest brother from now on!”

“Anything, just tell me!”

Hearing these familiar words, Lin Nan twitched the corner of his mouth.


Brother Wu has the habit of recognizing big brother everywhere!

There’s really no one left!


I don’t know if Brother Xiong can take a few beatings before he understands what this sentence means.

Hearing this, Neng Zhuangshi was more and more muttered in his heart, and his suspicious eyes were placed on Li Wu.

This guy can’t really be…

And at the same time.

Big brother Li Wubai has quite a lot of experience, and if he can make a strong look, he will understand it instantly.

“Brother Xiong, I heard that you are still single now.” Li Wu showed a smile that a man could understand, and said enthusiastically:

“You can come to me often if you have time!”

“Brother’s martial arts hall is your second home, Brother Xiong.”

Tell “Brother Xiong a little secret, I have a yoga fitness class here, and there are many beautiful women who signed up to learn yoga, and they are all in great shape!

“Besides, there are also aerobics, spinning, and many beautiful women.”

“Maybe, you have a chance to meet the her in your mind here!

…for flowers…

have to say.

LSPs always know LSPs best.

I heard Li Wu say so.

Neng Zhuang said a sentence that he regretted for the rest of his life.

“Good brother, you will be my dearest brother from now on!” Xiong Zhuangshi’s eyes lit up, and he blurted out happily: “Calling you Xiaowu doesn’t sound good, so I’ll call you Awu in the future!”

Lin Nan looked like a fool and looked strong.

This unlucky bear is helpless!


After what Li Wu said just now.

Lin Nan suddenly thought that the fact that Leng Chulu came to the martial arts hall was actually in line with her behavioral logic.

If it wasn’t for Li Wu to talk about yoga and aerobics.

Lin Nan has to ignore this.

This Li’s martial arts hall is different from other martial arts halls.

Other martial arts gyms do not have fitness equipment, yoga fitness classes and the like.

If you replace the Li’s martial arts gym, it will be replaced by the Li’s gymnasium.

Leng Chulu’s behavioral logic can be explained in an instant.

After all, she is also a beauty.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

It is also normal to go to the famous Li’s Martial Arts Hall to learn aerobics and yoga.

Thinking of this, Lin Nan also let go of the doubts in his heart.

I feel like I’ve been too sensitive lately.

All the same evidence proves that Leng Chulu is really Leng Chulu, but he is always suspicious.

Is it because the recent week has been busier than before, disrupting the normal old-age habits?

Otherwise, why do you always doubt Leng Chulu unconsciously?

Lin Nan sighed and stopped paying attention to Leng Chulu.

Just take out a thermos cup and drink Gouqi health tea to soothe your mood.

Li Wu and Xiong Zhuangshi talked very happily on the side, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became.

Just set the incense table, worship Guan Gong, swear blood as an alliance, and die together.

And Li Yanran was getting a little impatient, Li Wu saw this and said quickly: “Old girl! You have heard what you just said, from now on Brother Xiong will be your own family, you will treat him like a real brother in a while. .


Xiong Zhuangshi had a suspicious look on his face, and countless question marks appeared on his head.

That being said.

But why does it always sound like there is something in it? Seven

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