Chapter 68 Rest on Sunday, Mr. Lin’s summons!

Seeing that there were no other gains or clues, Nengzhuang took Lin Nan and left the West Lake Branch together.


Back to the dorm to rest!

After all, there is other work to do tomorrow!

“Xiao Lin, have you been under too much mental stress recently?” Xiong Zhuangshi said while driving the car, “Why do you feel like everyone looks like Lan Xiner?”

“Don’t push yourself too hard!”

“This case can’t be solved in a day or two. Be patient and steady, Lan Xiner will reveal her fault sooner or later.”

“Yeah! Brother Xiong, you’re right!” Lin Nan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled, “I’ve been too sensitive lately!”

“Since I saw the tragic situation of Song Kexin, the mother who lost her daughter Sun Mengmeng on the pedestrian street, my heart has been tense.”

“I want to give this mother an explanation and a result as soon as possible.

“So, it’s true that I’ve been a little more sensitive and impetuous recently.

“It doesn’t matter, this is also human nature.” Neng Zhuang said earnestly: “Every new criminal policeman will have this kind of psychological situation, and I have experienced it too.

“But haste is not enough, and sometimes criminal investigation requires more calmness, calmness, and enough patience to solve a case.

“On Wednesday, you started investigating the disappearance of the 903 pedestrian street, and now it’s just Saturday, and it’s only been three or four days.

“You’ve done a great job!”

“Criminal investigation is not a simple job, nor is it a game. Sometimes, it takes a month or even a few months to solve a case.”

“Not every case can get results simply.”

“In recent years, with the diversification of criminal investigation methods and methods, as well as openness and transparency, some criminals have become more cunning than ever, and criminal methods have also evolved.

Young people, “You haven’t experienced enough, that’s why you’re like this.”

“Haha~ I didn’t expect you to say such philosophical words, Brother Xiong.” Lin Nan said with a smile.

“I didn’t expect it? There are so many things you didn’t expect!” Xiong Zhuangshi smiled and replied: “You brother bear, I am! But a treasure boy.

“By the way! Tomorrow is off. This Sunday, it’s the criminal investigation team’s turn to be on duty in the branch, and the other two teams have a rest.

“What are your plans?”

“Grandpa called me before.” Lin Nan thought for a while and replied, “I asked you to go there this weekend, and told you and Ma Ran to go there too.”

“I don’t even know what to do.

“Go to Mr. Lin’s place?” Xiong Zhuangshi’s eyes lit up and he said happily, “Okay! I’ll call Xiao Yanran tomorrow and pick her up at that time.”

“Don’t be so troublesome, she knows my grandfather better than me!” Lin Nan snorted and said, “I have already told her the time, and she will come over by herself.

bear strong;

Straight man of steel, if it wasn’t for being handsome, you would never find someone in your life!

Street lights, dim halo.

Lin Nan looked out the window from the car window, while letting go of his thoughts, he kept recalling Leng Chulu’s behavior.

He always had an intuition that something was wrong with Leng Chulu.

But the fingerprint verification showed that she was Leng Chulu herself.

But, that look!

Lin Nan still can’t forget it for a long time.

The next morning.

Inside the police dormitory of the Bac Ninh branch.

Lin Nan returned to the dormitory wearing a white Tai Chi training suit and carrying the buns he had just bought.

Start your daily alarm job again.

Knowing how to wake up the drooling Nengzhuang.

???Xiong Zhuangshi got up sleepily, while he picked up the buns on the table and stuffed them into his mouth, he grabbed the police uniform and put it on himself.

Lin Nan, who was changing into civilian clothes, said in surprise, “Brother Xiong, why are you wearing a police uniform?”

“I’m not going to my grandpa’s place today!”

“Yes!” Neng Zhuang suddenly realized: “I forgot, today is Sunday, we rest.”

“I’m used to it! I’m used to it! After I slept, I slept.”

After the two finished packing, they were able to drive sturdy. Lin Nan sat in the co-pilot and drove to the vegetable market near Mr. Lin’s house first.

Lin Nan went to the vegetable market and picked vegetables, meat and other things with ease, and by the way, he bargained with the aunt who bought the vegetables.

After some shopping, the two of them went to Grandpa Lin Nan’s house with the food they bought.

Just came in.

“Yeah! Xiao Linzi, you’re here!” Li Yanran said energetically: “Have you bought the meat yet? Grandpa Lin said that he will make me a pot of meat today.”

“Buy it, buy it!” Lin Nan said perfunctorily: “Eating hot pot pork every day, you are not tired of it?”

“The meat in the pot is so delicious, of course I won’t get tired of it. Moreover, this is the meat in the pot made by Grandpa Lin, which is different from the ones outside.” Li Yanran said as a matter of course, “Grandpa Lin’s cooking is my favorite.”

at this time.

Lin Nan’s grandfather, Mr. Lin Zhongguo, poked his head out of the kitchen cheerfully and said, “Aah~ Y-head likes to eat, so I’ll make more in a while.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, quickly bring the dishes in!”

The old man said, “The dishes are here!” Neng Zhuang walked towards the kitchen with a large bag and a small bag.

“Xiao Xiong is the most sensible!” Mr. Lin Zhongguo said with a smile. “Xiao Nan, you will wash the dishes soon, girl, you don’t have to do anything, just sit there and wait for the meal to start!

Lin Nan: ”


I actually picked it up, didn’t I?

Those two are relatives!

“Grandpa Lin, let me help you!” Li Yanran said energetically: “It’s not heavy work!”

Mr. Lin: “Girl, don’t blame Grandpa Lin for speaking straight, I mean, it’s better that you don’t go into the kitchen!”

“Plates, bowls, etc. are quite expensive, and dishes are not cheap, so saving a little is a little bit.

“Your grandfather, Li Tou, has long complained to me about your glorious deeds.”

(Nuo Nuo good) Li Ma Ran: “…

“Girl, just wait and eat with peace of mind!” Mr. Lin continued, “If you don’t go into the kitchen, it will be the greatest help to Grandpa Lin.”

“Grandpa, what you said is right!” Lin Nan said with a smile: “What qualifications does a kitchen killer have to enter the kitchen shop?”

able to be strong;

This level of straightness is indeed in the same line, worthy of being his own grandfather and grandson.

While commanding Lin Nan and Xiong Zhuangshi, Mr. Lin said, “In a while, some old criminal investigators will come over for dinner.”

“They are ready to take a good look at you new generation of criminal investigators who solved the case of 33 years ago!”

“Some Xiao Nan have seen it, and some have not even seen Xiao Nan.”

“This time, they saw from the news conference on TV that you solved the case of the Painted Goblin, but they were very excited and were very emotional. They insisted on getting together and seeing you by the way!”

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