Chapter 60 Things are fermenting, and a new storm is about to emerge.

After the successful conclusion of the press conference.

Zheng Aiguo, the director of the Beining branch, caught Lin Nan and praised him.

Then, he praised Li Yanran again, saying that she has police spirit, firm belief, and heroic appearance, showing the demeanor of a new generation of female criminal police.

When it’s Xiong Zhuang’s turn.

Director Zheng thought about it for a long time, and finally came up with a sentence.

“Well! The military posture is very good.”

This made Xiong Zhuangzhuang depressed.

Originally, he really had an idea to show his face at the press conference!

The result…that’s it?

Background boards from start to finish!

Not even a journalist to ask him a question.

The video of this press conference went viral all over the country at a flying speed.

The case of painted skin ghosts 33 years ago also became popular in another way.

Many people feel that they have seen business opportunities. Some want to adapt a real case to make a movie, and some want to write this case into a novel to attract readers.

Nine out of ten topics on the hot search rankings on the Internet are related.

The prototype case of #painting ghost horror ghost story was solved, and the new police officer Lin Nan solved it. #

#The detection process of the most Versailles, check other cases of the painted ghosts that were solved easily. #

# Officer Lin Nan: That’s it? I figured it out easily#

#Terrorist case revealed, face-skinning and human-skin mask#

#wuliang director claimed to adapt the case of the painted skin ghost, and set up a project to shoot the criminal investigation horror film “Painted Skin Horror”, and is currently negotiating with investors, and the film is expected to be released next year. #

Because the popularity is too high, people who have followed the news conference or not have begun to understand the whole story of the case.


101, Unit 1, Building 1, Tianfu Community.

The press conference of the Bac Ninh branch is on the TV.

Lin Nan’s grandfather, retired old criminal policeman Lin Zhongguo, was sitting on the opposite sofa watching carefully.

While watching, but also boasting non-stop.

“Good! Good! Good! Xiao Nan said it well! It really has the style of my youth.”

“I didn’t expect that the painted skin ghost hermit crab 33 years ago was caught by my grandson.”

“Hahaha… I told them this sentence! As expected of my good grandson!”

“No, I’ll let those old people know that the skin painting case was solved by my grandson Lin Nan.”

After that, Mr. Lin went out to look for his old colleagues to show off his grandson.

Future generations solve the case!

This is the most worthy of bragging about the retired old detectives.


Room 404, 4th Floor, a community in Longyang City.

Cosmetics were thrown on the bed.

There are half-drawn sketches everywhere on the floor.

The only success is on the drawing board.

On it hung a sketch with a portrait of the head.

The faces in the portraits had a peculiar smile that was unpredictable.

Even weirder.

It should have been a black and white sketch.

However, the hair in the head portrait is a fishy dark red, as if it was deliberately dyed this color by an unknown red dye.

From the environment in the room, it is obvious that this is the room of a beautiful painter.

And this moment.

The owner of the room closed his eyes and opened his hands on the balcony, blowing the breeze and feeling the warmth of the sun shining on his skin.

at the same time.

On the TV in the room, the news of the press conference of the Beining Branch of Longming City is playing.

Lin Nan’s decisive and powerful speech came out on the TV.

“They are destined to become rats crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats, and they become parasites in the shadows, and they will never see the light again in their lifetime.”

at the same time.

The owner of the room seemed to be startled and slowly opened his eyes.

She looked at Lin Nan’s handsome appearance on the TV in the room.

There was no joy or sorrow in his eyes, and he seemed unmoved.

When she saw a figure behind Lin Nan.

But in the depths of his eyes flashed longing, yearning and longing.

After the entire press conference was played, the hostess of the room turned her attention to the sun again.

At this time, a dark cloud floated in the sky, the sun was slowly blocked, and the dazzling sunlight seemed to disappear and gradually faded.

The hostess of the room couldn’t help but stretch out her hand, as if she wanted to retain the sunshine and warmth.

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