Chapter 6 The evidence is solid and the evidence is overwhelming!

Criminal investigation team interrogation room.

Two criminal investigation police officers, a man and a woman, are conducting interrogations.

The female criminal police officer carried out the interrogation procedure coldly.


His voice was cold and biting, and his tone was full of anger.

The prisoner on trial was a young man who looked to be in his twenties.

There is a large flower tattoo on the arm, and a small yellow hair on the head, with a relaxed expression and a full face.

Even in the interrogation room, Erlang’s legs are crossed and he doesn’t care.

Facing the cold voice of the female detective.

Xiao Huangmao did not answer honestly, instead he laughed and said with a hilarious smile:

“Sister Police, why haven’t I seen you?”

“I, Liu Ming, are a regular customer here.”

“Are you new to the Beining branch?”

The female detective burst into anger and said loudly:

“See where this is, and answer whatever you ask, I’ll say it again, name!”

Xiao Huangmao replied indifferently:

“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, it’s easy to get wrinkles when you get angry, police sister, why is your temper so explosive?”

“It’s not good for your day-to-day work.”

“I said that’s it!”

“Liu Ming, Wen Dao Liu, Sun Moon Ming.”

The female criminal police suppressed her violent temper and continued the interrogation process.


Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming: “Pure man! You have a handle, and you have great ability. Is the police elder sister interested in making friends?”

The female criminal policeman came up with this violent temper.


He slapped the table angrily.

“Liu Ming, where do you think this is? This is the interrogation room of the criminal investigation team.”

“Don’t you have any remorse? Are you still human?”

“To tell you the truth, something happened to you.”

“We have ample evidence.”

“Why don’t you tell me honestly?”

Xiao Huangmao Liu Ming was taken aback by the roar.

“Didn’t I just steal something? Why does it seem like a heinous crime and unpardonable sin?”

“Sister Police, you are too jealous!”

The female detective snorted coldly and said through gritted teeth:

“You really know how to avoid the heavy and the light!”

“You won’t die until you reach the Yellow River, right?”

“Pretend to be stupid, right?”

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll tell you!”

“At 2:13 this morning, you sneaked into Jingyuan Community, sneaked into Room 601, Unit 2, Building 4, and brutally killed a family of three, including the owner, and stole more than 7,000 yuan in cash, as well as valuable gold and silver. jewelry.”

“And at 3:36 in the morning, I left through the north gate of Jingyuan Community.”

“That’s right!”

Hear this.

Little yellow-haired Liu Ming’s brain buzzed.

Everyone was stunned.

All kinds of denial words spit out quickly.

“No! No! What are you talking about?”

“I didn’t kill anyone at all!”

The female detective sneered and said:

“Deny? It’s useless for you to deny.”

“Skynet is extensive and sloppy without omission. You never thought that even if you were careful, you would accidentally leave your fingerprints at the crime scene.”

“Moreover, the results of the monitoring and comparison in Jingyuan Community have also come out. The time you enter and leave is within the time of the crime.”

“There are still traces of your shoe prints at the crime scene, and the comparison result has come out, which is the pair of shoes you are wearing now.”

“The murder weapon was also found in your home. It has your fingerprints on it. The remaining bloodstains belong to the three members of the murdered family.”

“Iron evidence is like a mountain! You can’t tolerate your sophistry.”

“You haven’t explained your criminal motives and the entire criminal process honestly?”

Xiao Huang Mao Liu Ming could no longer maintain his calm demeanor.

The whole person was in a hurry and said inarticulately:

“You…you are talking nonsense!”

“I didn’t kill anyone! I didn’t kill anyone at all!”

“I admit that I stole things, but when I stole things, no one was at home at all, so I left after stealing things.”

“You…you’re planting things and using me as a scapegoat.”

“I don’t agree. I want to find a lawyer. I want to appeal. I didn’t kill anyone.”

With a snap, the female detective patted the table again and said loudly:

“Do not plead guilty? Refuse to cooperate? Find a lawyer?”


“The major case of three lives, the evidence is conclusive, the iron evidence is like a mountain.”

“Don’t talk about looking for a lawyer, you can’t save you even if you find the Tathagata Buddha.”

“Scumbags, wait for the legal sanctions!”

“let’s go!”

After the female detective finished speaking, she called another male detective and left the interrogation room together, leaving little yellow-haired Liu Ming alone to complain in the interrogation room.

And in another room where the interrogation room can be seen through one-sided glass.

A group of criminal policemen also watched the entire interrogation process.

: “This Liu Ming is really hard-mouthed, the evidence is conclusive, the evidence is overwhelming, and he still refuses to admit it.”

: “Forget it! He likes to admit it or not. With the current evidence chain, it’s enough to crucify him. It’s useless if he doesn’t admit it. The law will teach him to be a human being.”

: “Yeah! However, when comparing Xiaolin’s psychological profile description with the actual situation of the criminal suspect, the deviation is a bit big! Liu Ming is a full 1.78 meters tall, has no history of mental illness, and is not thin. , it’s just a male of the same gender, hahaha…”

: “That’s right, but that’s it! Psychological side-painting is all about talent. Sometimes there is still a big gap between reality and ideals. Kobayashi still needs to study more! Combining theory and practical experience can reduce the time for psychological side-painting. deviation.”

Captain Zhang Hai of the Criminal Police Team patted Lin Nan on the shoulder and said comfortably:

“Xiao Lin, don’t take it to heart. The few of them are just joking, drawing this thing from the psychological side, and they are more talented. Sometimes, there is still a difference between theoretical knowledge and actual situation.”

“You’re still young, just practice more.”

When Lin Nan heard this, he smiled. He didn’t take it to heart. He could still hear the sarcasm or joke.

Few people who dare to wear this police uniform do it for money, but more importantly because of their beliefs in their hearts and for the safety of the people.

Always in danger, every colleague wearing a police uniform is a companion who is enough to meet life and death.

Few people will deliberately sneer because of these small things.

But it was because the scene of the crime was too tragic before, and everyone was in a low mood. Now that the dust has settled, colleagues play good-natured jokes with each other to soothe the mood.

Of course, Lin Nan has been thinking about other things.

At this moment.

There are still many questions and doubts in his mind.

Murder motive!

Xiao Huang Mao Liu Ming has no motive for murder!

To be precise, there is no motive for murder.

No injustice!

Why did he use such cruel means to make such a horrific massacre?

This is so out of line! *

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