Chapter 42 The suspect disappeared? Dig three feet into the ground and get her out!

Although Lin Nan was speechless for a while, his movements were neat and tidy.

Take the wire and turn it hard.

Half of the wire is wrapped around the finger.

The other part is poked into the lock cylinder.

Kacha Kacha~

Less than ten seconds.

The door is locked!

“Police! Don’t move!” Xiong Zhuangshi didn’t say a word, opened the door and shouted and rushed in, followed by Li Yanran.

“Fortunately! It’s an old-fashioned door!” Lin Nan straightened the wire, put it in his pocket, and murmured to himself as he walked in, “Otherwise, I really wouldn’t be able to open it so quickly. .”

Look up.

Xiong Zhuangshi and Li Yanran walked out of a bedroom door. “No one in the master bedroom!”

“There’s no one in the side bedroom either!”

“Liu Feng and Zheng Hu, have the suspects appeared?” Xiong Zhuang used wireless headphones to contact Liu Feng and Zheng Hu to inquire about the situation.

Liu Feng: “No abnormality, everything is normal.”

Zheng Hu: “The same! Since you went upstairs, there has been no abnormality.”

“It’s vigilant, it’s already gone!” Lin Nan said with a frown. “Ask Team Zhang about the real-time monitoring situation!”

After Lin Nan finished speaking, he began to carefully observe the situation in this room.

But the more he observed, the more he felt that there was something wrong with the room.

In this room, there is no second person or other person’s life trajectory.

It seems that there is only one person’s life trajectory from beginning to end.

This is completely different from Lin Nan’s previous speculation.

It was even more unexpected for him.

His purpose was not to just catch the first-generation painted skin ghost hermit crab, but to find the woman who pretended to be Sun Mengmeng through her, that is, the second-generation painted skin ghost hermit crab.

Did you guess wrong before?

Could it be that there is no connection between the murderer of the case of painting the skin ghost hermit crab 33 years ago and the murderer of the disappearance of the 903 pedestrian street three years ago?

Or is the connection not that deep?

Lin Nan is deeply tricky!

All kinds of clues keep popping up in my mind, and all kinds of speculations are made.

According to the previous judgment and speculation, there should be a deep connection between the two, and it is most likely that they are mother and daughter.

If it is a mother-daughter relationship, even if the daughter lives in hiding for more than 20 years, there will eventually be all kinds of clues left behind.

There are no traces in the house in front of you!

This… what the hell is going on here?

at the same time.

Xiong Zhuangshi reported all the situation here to Captain Zhang Hai, who was in command of the sub-bureau.

Captain Zhang Hai: “What? Someone ran away? Impossible, we have been watching the real-time monitoring of the four gates, and she has never appeared.”

“She must not have run far away. She may be hiding in the community. Please communicate with the people in the Hua’an community and ask about her news.”

“Pay attention to concealment, don’t be too aggressive, just say that you are seeking consultation, do not mention arrest, and prevent criminal suspects from jumping over the wall.”

“She is a criminal suspect who committed bloody crimes again and again 33 years ago. She is ruthless and her methods are extraordinary.”

“Attention! We must ensure the safety of the people’s lives.”

“Got it!” Xiong Zhuangshi said angrily: “Team Zhang, you say, is it possible that she has disguised as another identity and left?”

Captain Zhang Hai jumped his feet angrily, his mouth like a machine gun, and he continued to output frantically.

“Stop talking nonsense, you are the commander and I am the commander. You can do whatever you want. Where are there so many questions, do I think I can’t think of it?”

“Even before the operation started today, I had already coordinated with other departments, and seconded 12 colleagues from various departments to guard 12 gates in 3 communities.”

“You need to show your ID card when you go in and out, and press your fingerprints.”

“She has no chance to leave the community at all.”

“Understood? Why don’t you act quickly?”

“Dig three feet in the ground, and also dig her out for me.”

“Understood! Understood!” Xiong Zhuangzhuang’s brain was buzzing.

The three went downstairs to meet Liu Feng and Zheng Hu. After Xiong Zhuangshi explained the situation, he turned his head and smiled at Lin Nan.

“Xiao Lin, it’s time for you to contribute again!”

“Quickly activate your aunt’s network in Hua’an Community.”

“Find her traces!”

Both Liu Feng and Zheng Hu were confused.

Aunt network?

What the hell is the old bear talking about?

Lin Nan: “…”

good guy!

This guy, Xiong Zhuangshi, really brought my role to the extreme.

Lin Nan glanced at him angrily, and sent a few messages to the temporary arrest group.

“It has already been launched. Aunt Liu said that these six aunts have the best relationship with Li Chunhua, and the address has been posted in the group.”

“She is most likely to hide in these six houses.”

“As expected of a friend of middle-aged and elderly women in Beining.” Xiong Zhuangshi gave a thumbs up and gave a like.

“Square dance social star!”

“Efficient enough!”

“Okay! Group below.”

“Lao Liu and Lao Zheng, you two go to the three households in Buildings 8, 9, and 11 to check the situation.”

“Xiao Lin, Xiao Yanran, you two, I will go to Building 2, Building 3, and Building 5 to see.”

“Be fast and stay connected anytime!”

With the division of labor, a group of five people, divided into two groups, began to act quickly. *

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