Chapter 37 Three-pronged approach, check the target, the first target appears!

the next day.

“Ah! I’m so sleepy!” Lin Nan sat in the co-pilot with some sleepy eyes, breathing heavily. “Brother Xiong, why are you so anxious?”

“Why did you go to investigate early in the morning?”

“Didn’t you say you want to scare the snakes!” Xiong Zhuangshi drove the car and explained: “In the morning, the aunts will go out to buy vegetables. There are more people, so the painted skin ghost hermit crab can be disturbed in the shortest time.”

“Also, everyone hopes to catch them as soon as possible.”

“Okay! Which community are we going to?” Lin Nan waved his hand.

“One group will go to Tai’an Community!” Xiong Zhuangshi said, “The second group will go to Kangrui Community, while the third group will go to Hua’an Community.”

“All in groups of three.”

“Among them, Lin Youwei in the first group, Han Lin in the second group, and Tan Xiaotong and Tan Xiaoxiao in the forensic team. The four of them stayed behind the criminal investigation team to monitor the situation in the three communities in real time.”

“Real-time monitoring?” Lin Nan leaned back and said in a comfortable position, “I should have been assigned to stay with the criminal investigation team to watch the monitoring.”

“If there is an abnormality, I must be the first to find it.”

“This is not the best use of goods, people make the best use of their talents!” Xiong Zhuangshi laughed. “You can be regarded as a famous friend of middle-aged and elderly women in Beining City. There must be an aunt you know well in Hua’an Community?”

“As long as we bring you, we will have acquaintances, and the work will not go smoothly?”

“Let’s talk about it! Even if you startle the snake, the snake needs some reaction time.”

“It’s impossible to run away on the same day. In the next few days, there are times when you are watching the surveillance.”

“Bah! I didn’t expect Brother Xiong to look honest and honest.

, actually so cunning! ” Lin Nan complained: “It really brings my usefulness to the extreme!” ”

“I’m running to the scene again and watching the surveillance again. Aren’t you afraid that I will die from overwork?”

“Hahahaha…” Xiong Zhuangshi smiled naively: “Those who are capable work harder, those who are capable work harder!”

In the early morning, a police car drove into the residential area. This situation is not usually conspicuous.

Combined with the three police officers in police uniforms, this is even more conspicuous.

After Lin Nan and the other three arrived at Hua’an Community, the first step was to go to the property and obtain the owner information of the entire community.

Subsequently, they analyzed the situation of all the owners of the entire community based on the owner’s information.

The most suspicious batch is designated as the key target.

As for what is the most suspicious, Lin Nan and the others discussed it in the conference room yesterday.

The main features are as follows.

Female, aged 50-60, lives alone, no outsiders have ever entered her home, neighbors may have heard strange noises.

Of course, in the property information, the first three items can be found at most, and the last two items can only be solved by Lin Nan and others.

After all, they are just properties, and it is impossible to pay so much attention to the living conditions of the owners.

After screening a large number of lists, Lin Nan took Xiong Zhuangshi and Li Yanran to Unit 3, Building 1, and found a square dance aunt who lived in Hua’an Community.

As soon as they met, Lin Nan called Auntie Liu with a smile on his face.

Later, under the enthusiastic guidance of Aunt Liu.

Lin Nan et al finally locked three goals.

These three goals all meet the main characteristics of the previous ones.

After getting this information, Lin Nan declined the invitation to eat at Aunt Liu’s house and took Xiong Zhuangshi and Li Yanran to the place where the three targets lived.

The first target, the three people showed their identities smoothly, entered their home, took out the portrait of the suspect in the 903 pedestrian street disappearance case, and after some inquiries, they did not get any clues.

But when the three arrived at the door of the second target’s house, they encountered some small troubles, and no one responded no matter how much they knocked on the door.

I don’t know if there is no one inside, or if there is the righteous master inside, but pretending to be not at home.

Faced with this difficult situation, the three could only go downstairs to discuss countermeasures.

“No one’s home?” Xiong Zhuangshi frowned and said, “This is trouble! There is no search warrant! Even if there is someone inside, but pretending that no one is there, we can’t do anything about her for the time being.”

“It’s okay! Foxes always show their tails!” Lin Nan said indifferently: “Send the information back, check the information of this family, and use this family as a key monitoring target.”

“If it’s really her, then she won’t be able to hide for long!”

“What should I do now?” Li Yanran asked, “Would you like to stay here?”

“No! I’ll ask Aunt Liu to help me pay more attention.” Lin Nan waved his hand and said, “Aunt Liu will send me a message when the time comes.”

“Go to the last house first!”

“None of the disclosures can come.”

“Good guy!” Xiong Zhuangshi said with some envy: “Xiao Lin, your aunt’s network is really powerful!”

“The aunts in the whole Beining district have become your eyeliners.”

“how did you do it?”

“Maybe!” Lin Nan touched his chin and replied hesitantly, “It’s because I’m better at square dancing!”

Xiong Zhuangshi: “…”

Is it still time for me to learn square dancing? *

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