Chapter 33 Four Doubts! A continuation of 33 years ago! A new generation of evil flowers!

“Xiao Lin, is there any evidence?” Xiong Zhuangshi asked solemnly.

“I don’t mean that, I can only say that the Sun Mengmeng in the video is not the original Lin Mengmeng.” Lin Nan said calmly: “The 903 pedestrian street disappearance case may be somewhat related to the case 33 years ago. I’ll explain this later.”

“Okay!” Xiong Zhuangshi nodded and said, “Then first, tell me why you think the missing Sun Mengmeng in the video is not the original Sun Mengmeng?”

“First, eyes, curious eyes.” Lin Nan began to explain the reason. “In all the videos, Sun Mengmeng’s performance is full of curious eyes and actions about the situation of the entire pedestrian street and the situation in each store.”

“Sun Mengmeng disappeared when she was in the third grade of high school, and she also attended that school for the first two years.”

“If it were you, who had studied in that school for 2 years, would you be so unfamiliar with the surrounding pedestrian streets, would you be so curious?”

“Definitely not!” Li Yanran raised her hand and said, “Just like our little girl, she will definitely visit the surrounding commercial streets a few days before the new school. After staying there for two years, how could she still be full of curiosity?”

“This alone is not enough to explain the problem.” Xiong Zhuangshi retorted: “The time is just starting school.”

“When the school just started, the merchants on the pedestrian street may have new products.”

“Sun Mengmeng entered the store and found a product she had never seen before. It can also be explained by looking at it with curiosity.”

“The following is the second doubt.” Lin Nan nodded, did not deny it, but continued to add:

“Sun Mengmeng’s medical information shows that she has been allergic to pollen since she was a child, and she has been in the hospital because of this.”

“But in the video, she once entered a flower shop.”

“People who know that they have symptoms of pollen allergy, whether they are dealing with real flowers or fake flowers, will instinctively stay away.”

“But Sun Mengmeng in the video did not.”

“Yes, this is indeed very suspicious!” Xiong Zhuangshi nodded solemnly, expressing his agreement.

“Objection! This is not necessarily true.” But Li Yanran put forward a different view. “As girls, we like things like flowers the most. What if Sun Mengmeng didn’t know that she was allergic to pollen? Maybe she would go in and take a look!”

“Your explanation is invalid.” Lin Nan retorted with a light cough: “That flower shop has been open for many years. If she wants to see it, why didn’t she go in after the first two years?”

“If she went in the past two years, she had already been allergic to pollen, how could she go in again?”

“Ah! That’s right!” Li Yanran thought for a while. “Then I have no objection!”

“There is a third point, which is more complicated to explain.” Lin Nan continued: “Sun Mengmeng’s height is not right, he should have done a disguise, and the ratio of arms to body is a little out of balance.”

“The height is wrong? How…how did you find out from the surveillance?” Xiong Zhuangshi asked suspiciously: “Three years ago, her mother couldn’t get it right, how did you find out?”

“In the eyes of mothers, if there is not much difference in the height of the child, they will not notice it in a short period of time.” Lin Nan explained.

“It’s you, I’m a few centimeters worse today than yesterday, will you notice?”

“Of course not!” Xiong Zhuangshi shook his head. “But how did you figure it out? You’re a little unscientific!”

“You don’t think it’s credible, but your brains have never been enough.” Lin Nan curled his lips: “Some people can see the truth by studying mathematics, and some people can only find change.”

“Ha? Are you looking down on getting change?” Li Yanran said: “Finding change is also very good, okay? I heard that there are many people abroad who can’t even find change!”

“Okay! Don’t interrupt! All in all, according to my judgment, Sun Mengmeng in the video is shorter than before!” Lin Nan said angrily. “According to the proportions of her arms in the video, her real height should normally be around 153 or 154.”

“And Sun Mengmeng’s height is 156.”

“I just don’t know what she did, and she covered up the two centimeters.”

“The fourth suspicious point is that there is an abnormality in the case information. During that time, her memory was not very good, and she always mixed up some things.” Lin Nan continued: “For a pretender, poor memory is the biggest thing. subterfuge.”

“If it’s true what you said.” Xiong Zhuangshi said with a solemn expression: “Then these doubts are added together, and it can be determined that the guess is very likely to be true.”

“Sun Mengmeng in the video has long been replaced.”

“But how did she disappear? Where is the original Sun Mengmeng?”

“What does she have to do with the painted skin ghost hermit crab 33 years ago?”

“Relationship?” Lin Nan’s eyes flashed with wisdom. “There are too many overlapping points!”

“Brother Xiong, you should still remember the old man talking about the first case 33 years ago!”

“The victim was also the only daughter of a single mother who also owned a small shop.”

“33 years, if calculated according to age, the painted skin ghost hermit crab should be in his 50s now.”

“If she also had children, she should have grown up so much!”

Xiong Zhuangshi had a look of shock on his face.

“You…you mean this is the daughter of the Painted Skin Ghost Hermit Crab?”*

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